Chapter 28: Allen's Demise

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Well this is going to be interesting... and sad...

Lenalee's POV

After the battle and seeing the Fallen One I couldn't find Allen anywhere, so I decided to go ask Lavi for his help.

As the two of us searched Timcanpy came rushing out of the trees with several Akumas flying close behind.

"Timcanpy!" I yelled slamming my feet down on the Akuma. Once they were all gone Timcanpy led us to where Allen had been.

Dry blood was the only thing that remained of Allen. The trees around us making me feel like I was the only one alive in a graveyard.

"Allen!!!!!" I screamed and started crying into my hands.

"Lenalee..." I looked up to see Timcanpy showing us what happened to Allen. His arm had been ripped off and then destroyed with his Innocence. It was then that I realized Tyki had killed him... (more details in video).

"Allen is... dead..." I muttered and Lavi helped me up.

"Lavi, you and Lenalee need to get back here." He sighed as Bookman's voice came through his golem.

"Alright we're heading back." As we arrived back at the ship Wong, a scientist from the Asian Branch was talking with everyone.

"Lenalee, you must say goodbye to Allen Walker here in China. He is at the Asian Branch in our care." I looked at him hopeful.

"Is he alive?!" He frowned.

"That we don't know..." I backed away from him and frowned. "Allen Walker ceased being an Exorcist once his Innocence was destroyed. He can not be considered one anymore." I wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

"Allen..." He was my best friend in the Order. Ever since the day he came to the Order my entire life changed. He had given me a reason to keep living my life even though I hated the Order for one taking me away from my brother and then taking my brother's life away from him.

"Lenalee, we need to get going..." Lavi said quietly and he helped me back on to the ship.

"I'm sorry Lenalee... I wish I could have saved him..." Crystal said quietly as I passed her.

"Then why didn't you?!" I yelled even though I knew I shouldn't have. "Why didn't you go save Allen!!?" I growled at her and she flinched a little.

"I'm sorry I..." She ran down below deck and immediately I felt horrible.

"Why did you yell at her when she didn't do anything wrong?!" Lavi yelled.

"I... I'm sorry..." I stumbled over my words as Bookman grabbed Lavi pulling him away.

I knew he was right, Crystal didn't do anything wrong... I couldn't help it... I wanted to blame someone, but it was my fault... if I hadn't left him, then he wouldn't be...

I dropped to my knees and screamed.

It was all my fault that Allen was gone...

"Allen... I'm so sorry I left you... I'm so sorry..."

The Noah of Pain (2nd book to His Weakness)Where stories live. Discover now