Book 5 ~ Chapter 3

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As dawn breaks, the palace is bathed in the soft, golden glow of the rising sun, reflecting off the intricate red and gold rooftops and casting long shadows across the meticulously kept gardens. The air is crisp and cool, filled with the scent of morning dew and blooming flowers from the palace gardens. The first light of dawn filters through the ornate windows of the guest quarters, casting a warm, golden glow.

"Morning, everyone. Ready to kick some criminal butt today?" Korra yawned, as she walked in to the main living room.

"As ready as I can be, I could use some coffee though," Mako said, as he rubbed his eyes walking out of the shared room with Lei.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm starving! Do you think they have those spicy Fire Nation pastries for breakfast?" Bolin asking excitedly, awake and ready for the day ahead.

"Bolin, food is always on your mind. But I wouldn't mind some coffee to wake up," Asami said, as she smoothed out her hair.

"Bolin's right, we should all get something to eat before we start the day. Follow me, I'll take us to the dining hall," Lei smiled, her hair neatly styled up.

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They made their way to the door, stepping out into the gardens then to the hallway that leads to the main palace areas

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They made their way to the door, stepping out into the gardens then to the hallway that leads to the main palace areas. The sounds of the palace waking up —guards changing shifts, servants bustling about— create a sense of calm purpose. As they approach the grand staircase leading to the main hall, they are greeted by a servant who bows respectfully and gestures towards the dining area.

"Good Morning, your highness, and Team Avatar. Breakfast has been prepared for you in the dining hall," the servant said.

The servants lead them to a beautifully decorated dining hall where a sumptuous breakfast awaits, complete with an array of Fire Nation delicacies. The dining hall was an opulent space, adorned with intricate red and gold decor that reflects the Fire Nation's regal heritage. Large windows let in the soft morning light, illuminating the room and casting a warm glow over the elegantly set table.

The table was a long, polished piece of dark wood, covered with a pristine white cloth. Fine china and beautifully crafted silverware are arranged with precision, alongside delicate porcelain tea cups and pots. The centerpiece is a stunning arrangement of fresh fire lilies, their vibrant red petals a nod to the nation's emblem. The breakfast spread is a sumptuous array of traditional Fire Nation dishes, each meticulously prepared and presented.

"Look at all this food, I'm in heaven!" Bolin says with wide eyes, taking a seat next to Opal. He grabbed a piece of Spicy Fire Flakes Pastry, which seemed to be his favorite.

As they enjoy their breakfast, the atmosphere is one of camaraderie and anticipation for the day ahead.

"These pastries are amazing! Spicy, but so good!" Bolin says, with a mouth full of pastries.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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