death by a thousand cuts

76 5 187

TW: blood

4th year

"Are you ready?" He asks, giggling with the bottle of whipped cream in his hand and shaking it.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I sigh, but smile at the immature boy next to me. "I can't believe I agreed to do this."

We were about to prank Ominis, and this wasn't just any normal prank. It was about to be the greatest prank we had ever pulled on him. And trust me, there were a lot.

"It's cause you love me!" Sebastian exclaimed, spraying some whipped cream at my face.

I jumped backward, only catching some on the tip of my nose.

"If I loved you, would I be doing this?" I took the nozzle to the cream and shoved it down the collar of his shirt, spraying a quarter of the bottle. He screamed, the shrillness of it echoing across the Undercroft.

"Hey! Aura! What was that for?" He said indignantly.

"For assuming my love for you. I have much better taste." I rolled my eyes, making him spray half the bottle on top of my head.

"Now you look like a milkshake." He giggled.

"Sebastian Sallow, did you just call me a snack?"

We both howled with laughter as the whipped cream fell off my head, leaving a big splat on the floor.

I shook my whipped cream bottle and sprayed it all over my hand, smashing it onto his face.

He blinked and licked the whipped cream from off his mouth, laughing.

"Let me guess," he said, shaking the cream out of the tips of his hair. "That was for saying you're a snack?"

I gasped dramatically. "You just did it again! For Merlin's sake, Sebastian, I'm not that hot."

He cackled and walked over to a small table, picking up a sheet of paper, ripping it to make a tiny strip, and taping the ends together to create a circle.

"What are you doing..?" I asked, watching curiously.

He took his time walking back over to me, wearing a wide grin on his face.

"Well, if I'm confessing my love for you, I might as well seal the deal," he says, picking up my hand and slipping the ring-shaped piece of paper up my finger.

I hold it up, turning my hand back and forth. "Wow, Sebastian. How much did this cost?" I asked sarcastically, hitting his arm.

"It was free!" He says, running to avoid any more punches to his arm.

I walk over to the now abandoned piece of paper he left on the desk and I hold it up, copying his movements and ripping a piece, taping it together.

"Look! I have one for you, too!"

He holds out his hand, and I put it on, watching him admire it.

"Now we both have paper rings," he says, smiling.

"Time to plan the wedding!" I said, and our laughter echoed across the damp stone walls of the Undercroft as we sat in the feeling of camaraderie we shared.

I woke up in a cold sweat as I quickly sat up from my creaky hospital bed, breathing heavily.

Merlin. One full night without seeing him and I was already having dreams about missing him. How pathetic was that?

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