tell me pretty lies

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start playing "in the rain" <33

i know this is from a kids' show but tbh I'm obsessed with it...and it's the perfect soundtrack for it.

I wake to the sound of rain beating down on the windows. I open my eyes and smile, staring out the window for a moment. Listening to rain is so calming to me, and whenever it rains I always watch outside more time than necessary. Hogwarts rarely gets rain, and even then the Professors choose when to let the rain in. It's been over a year since I've woken up to this sound and I stay in this moment as long as I can, not allowing myself to think about anything else.

4th year

"Aura! Stop! You're going to get soaked!" The boy ran towards me in his green robes, letting the rain fall onto his curly brown hair.

"So? How long has it been since we've had rain?" I screamed back, twirling around, watching the raindrops roll off me. He stops in front of me, watching the rain and looking back at me.

"It has been a while..." he admitted.

"Then come on! Enjoy this! Have fun!" I giggled, halting my twirl and letting my wet hair come back and hit me in the face. He stands still for a moment, contemplating, so I pout at him, crossing my arms. He stares at me for a moment before sighing and giving in.

He takes off his robe and gently lays it on a bench, stretching out his arms like a bird with his face up to the sky, letting the rain run over every freckle on his face and fall off his chin to the ground in a little splash. I laugh and run towards him before my feet come out from under me and I trip in a puddle, my face inches to the ground before he catches me.

He stands me back up and keeps his hands on my shoulders for a moment as the rain makes his hair stick to his forehead. Oh, Merlin. I can see every raindrop on his lips and the water gathering on his long eyelashes. No wonder so many girls find him hot.

He grins and laughs, picking me back up and setting me down on his shoulders.

"Hey!" I shout indignantly, huffing and crossing my arms. He chuckles, making his shoulders shake, and I almost fall off. I grip his shoulders tight and he looks up at me, a big smile on his face.

"Look who's all high and mighty now," he says, blinking slowly, his eyes shining.

I laugh and it starts to rain harder, soaking through my clothes and making me shiver. Sebastian slowly sets me down and I wrap my arms around his waist, trying to get warm. He laughs again, and I can feel the deep rumble in his chest as I hug him. It makes me smile against his soaked uniform.

"Come on, Aura. Stop being a baby. Let's dance," he drawls.

"In the rain?" I ask, still holding myself close to him.

"Well, where else would you want to do it?"

I shrug and give in, following his movements as best as I can.

"Ow," he whispers as I step on his feet.

I smile. "I'm not great at dancing," I said, feeling embarrassed.

"It's okay. You'll look like a pro if you're dancing with me," he chuckles.

"Good. Who else would I do it with, anyway?"

Eventually, I stopped stepping on his feet and I fell into sync with his dancing. He picks up my arm and twirls me around, dipping into the crook of his elbow.

Revelio- Sebastian Sallowحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن