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"Please, just listen to me and I'll explain later! Garreth and Poppy are coming!" I hissed, hiding behind a pillar with my best friend, Sebastian Sallow. 

My ex, Garreth Weasley, was walking towards us with his new girlfriend, Poppy Sweeting. She and I used to be friends for a little. She stopped talking to me a couple of weeks ago, only saying simple "hellos" in the hallway now. But whatever we had was all shattered when those two started dating.

"I don't get why you were with that weasel in the first pla-" He got interrupted when I grabbed his neck and swiftly kissed him, catching sight of Garreth passing by. He gave us a weird look but they kept on walking, and we broke apart quickly.

"What was that for??" He asked, annoyed.

"Remember? Garreth?" I sighed, waving my hand in front of his face. 

"Oh. Forget it," he muttered, still flustered by the kiss. I laughed.

 We started walking back to the Slytherin common room, where we met our other best friend, Ominis Gaunt. Both of us tried to enter the room simultaneously, causing us to stumble. We both started cracking up when a shadow appeared over us. It was Ominis, smirking at us.

"What have you troublemakers gotten up to this time?" He asked, chuckling.

"Nothing!!" we both answered together, making us laugh harder.

I had been best friends with Sebastian and Ominis since the train ride to Hogwarts in our first year when every other compartment was full. All 3 of us being placed into Slytherin house just solidified our friendship. I loved those two dorks so much I don't know what I'd do without them. 

They would help me through every hard thing I went through, whether it was girl drama or boy issues, they would listen. Sometimes not willingly, but they would always be happy to give me advice after I would bribe them. I've tried to be friends with girls, but I don't have a friendship with a girl that's quite like what I have with these two. 

We sat on the couch in the common room together, but I got tired of sitting, so I moved to lie down, putting my legs on Ominis's lap. 

"Hey!" He said indignantly.

We laughed as Sebastian moved to do the same thing, our legs right next to each other on top of Ominis's dress pants. 

He sighed. "What if I had wanted to get up?" 

"Too bad. You're trapped here now!" I sang.

He sighed again, putting his head in his hands as Sebastian winked at me. This poor guy was going to have a long night.

This is my first attempt at a fanfic-please let me know if you guys like it! I'll try to update frequently, I promise :)

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