the quidditch game

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Today was the first Quidditch game of the year, Gryffindor vs Slytherin. Sebastian was the Slytherin seeker, so I was excited to cheer him on. Most of the team's bfs/gfs got their partner's jersey number painted on their face, and it doesn't have any significance other than just showing possession, but everyone still does it anyways. I looked over at Poppy and saw Garreth's number, 22, painted on her face. She caught my eye, giving me a pitiful look. I rolled my eyes and looked away, emotions rising up in me.

Garreth and I always had an easygoing relationship, starting in Potions class when he asked me to take a Fwooper Feather from Professor Sharp's office. We got along fairly well, and one day he asked me out for Butterbeer. We started dating, and it lasted for a couple of months, even with Sebastian begging me to dump him because he was bad news. I didn't believe him until I learned from Ominis that he was cheating on me with Poppy when he overheard him boasting about it in the corridor. I never really got an explanation, and we broke up so suddenly it seems weird to see Poppy in my shoes. It doesn't explain the looks of pity, though. Sebastian must've noticed the uncomfortable look on my face, cause he walked over to Ominis and me with a big grin on his face.

"Sebastian, what's up? The game is about to start!" I asked, cocking my head.

"I have an idea," he whispers into my ear, inches away from my face. "If you'll agree to it." He pulls out a small container of paint and a tiny paintbrush. I caught on immediately and smiled.

"You'd do that for me?" I asked, confused as to why he was doing this.

"Of course. We're going to make that little brat regret ever cheating on my best friend." He takes the paintbrush and lightly traces the number 7 across my cheek.

"There. Now you're mine." He winks and runs back over to his team, right before the game starts.

I froze for a moment before laughing at the sheer cheesiness of it.

Ominis nudges me, making me laugh. "Are you sure there wasn't anything going on between you two?"

"I'm sure," I said, meaning it. "He's just being a good friend."

He didn't push the matter more, and we watched as Gryffindor's points kept stacking up, as Garreth kept directing Bludgers at Sebastian. 

"GO SEB!! GO!!!" I screamed, watching him dive towards the ground as his gaze was focused on the golden flying sphere in front of him. He followed its movements precisely, reaching his hand out to grab it when a Bludger came in and hit his broom, spinning him out of control away from the Snitch.

Garreth smirked, tossing the Beater bat around in his hands. I screamed louder, yelling at poor Sebastian. 

He righted himself up on his broom and started to hover in the air, searching the field, before I saw the look on his face change. He smirked and started to accelerate, flying towards the right end of the field while the Slytherin beaters kept Garreth distracted. Copying his movements from before, he found the Snitch's pattern of movement and reached his arm out again, his fingers stretching to touch the small, cold ball before closing his gloved hand around it.

He did it. He got the Snitch. I screamed my head off, happy to have a Slytherin win for the first game. We walked out of the stands and I saw Sebastian walking towards the changing rooms, so  I ran over and tackled him into a hug.

"You did amazing!!" I said, breathless.

He smiled and opened his mouth to speak before he closed it again. "Uh oh. Looks like we've got company." I turned around to see Garreth leaning on his broom, Poppy nowhere in sight.

"Good job today, Sebastian," Garreth said monotonously. "Now if you don't mind, could I speak to Aurelia alone for a moment?"

Sebastian lets go of me, whispering in my ear before he walks away. "If he tries ANYTHING with you, tell me and I'll make sure that he won't be able to walk right after this." I couldn't help but smile and nod as he walked away.

"So, you and Sebastian, eh? Never thought you'd stoop so low to date that troubled kid." My fists clenched.

"Yeah, and last time I checked, I didn't think basic Hufflepuffs were your type, either. Things change," I replied in the most sarcastic tone possible.

"Look, Aura, I'm sorry-"

"Save it." I snapped, rolling my eyes. "I don't want to hear it right now."

He shut his mouth and walked away, before walking back towards Seb and Ominis to tell them what happened. They both tried to talk at the same time, asking me what he said. Sebastian obviously informed Ominis.

"Shh. Garreth's still close. I don't want him to hear."

We walked in silence until we stepped back into the castle, and I shared the story on the way back to the common room, with Ominis speaking first.

"I know I wasn't the one trying to end your relationship," he said, eyeing Sebastian. "But that guy is bad news. I'm glad you got out of it."

"Thanks, Ominis." We were about to walk back into our common room when Sebastian spoke up.

"Ominis, you go in. Aurelia and I will be right there." He nods and goes into the common room, his wand glowing red to show him where he's going.

"What's up, Sebastian?" I asked, concerned. He looked nervous.

He eyed the hallway around us, not speaking. 

"Well, spit it out!" I said, impatient.

"How about we fake date to make Garreth jealous he cheated on you? He deserves it, plus he already thinks we're dating, anyway." He says quickly, before shutting his mouth and saying anything else.

I nod in agreement. "Sounds like a good idea, Seb. Let's do it." He exhaled and we were silent as we walked back into the common room, not knowing how much that conversation changed my life forever.

The second part is done!! Should I do multiple perspectives or focus more on Sebastian and Aurelia?

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