Fire Breathing Dragon

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I just make it out of the cafeteria when I hear a familiar laugh and see a swish of blonde hair come around the corner.


"Well, hello there, Grayson!" Mia. Mia and her little follower puppy, Kayla. "What's up, Babe?" That launches me over the edge.

"Babe?" I say, disgusted. "Mia. We broke up over three months ago, get that through your head!"

"Well that was quite rude." She responds.
"I was perfectly respectful when I told you this the first time, but it seems you have forgotten. Let me repeat myself. We. Are. Not. Dating. Got it? We were over months ago. Now please, for the love of God, leave me alone," I respond. I realize this was kind of insulting to say to her, but considering this is the fourth time I've had to tell her this, I think I was nice enough.

"Babe! We were so perfect together! How can you even say that? I-" Mia gets cut off before she can even finish, but not by me. In fact, I am probably just as surprised as her. A hand clasps around my upper arm, and I look to my side;


"Hey Gray! Ready to walk to sixth period with me?" I probably look stunned but quickly wipe the look off my face as I realize this is a rescue attempt.

"Oh, hey Princess! Sure, I was just saying goodbye to a friend." Her face contorts, and I know for a fact that me calling her 'princess', ticked her off. I look back at Mia, who looks baffled, and continue. "Gotta go, Mia. See you around." And before she can say anything else, I grab Luxe's hand and begin walking away.

Luxe follows closely as we turn a corner. As soon as we get out of view of Mia, she pulls me to face her.

"Seriously? You just had to call me 'Princess', huh?" I stand there for a second, deciding whether to laugh or be confused. Out of all the things that she could talk about that happened less than a minute ago, she picks this?

"Well of course I had to, it was too perfect of an opportunity not to use such an adorable nickname!" She looks enraged, which was probably a bad idea to antagonize her considering she seems like the girl who would have no problem punching someone. "But I do have one question," I say.

"And what might that be?"

"Well maybe we can start with the fact that you showed up and pretended to be dating me?" She looks almost amused at this. I know a smart comment is about to come out of her mouth.

"Oh! That... right. Was it a big deal? Am I really that bad of a person? So bad that you can't stand me saving your butt from a crazy, obsessed, maniac of an ex?" I contemplate this for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

"No- I mean- that's not what I... you seem like a wonderful person- I... you know you give off crazy dramatic vibes." I say sarcastically.

She puts a hand over her heart and pretends to be hurt. "Gray-Gray! What a horrible thing to say!" She replies to me in an amused tone. "But seriously, I totally saved you from her. I should be getting a thank you," she continues.

I mutter something similar to 'thank you' and she seems to take it as a pass because she doesn't comment on it. "Okay, but for real, what was that?"

"You mean besides my super amazing awesomeness when it came to saving you from a fire breathing dragon? God, my first day here and even I know that she's one to stay away from. Like, really? You, Mr. popular baseball player who could have literally any girl in this whole school, pick her?" I let Luxe finish her little rant before cutting in.

"Well thank you for noticing I am popular, play baseball, and could 'have literally any girl in this whole school,' but, no. I, for the second time, mean when you came up to me and pretended to be my girlfriend." She looks at me for a moment, and then it seems to hit her.

"Oh shoot, that was pretty stupid, huh?" She starts giggling and then continues, "How are we going to deal with that mess..." She's full on laughing now, and I probably look completely lost.

I begin speaking over her laughter. "Uh, yea... I have no clue how we plan to deal with that... but we should talk about that another time, or we will be late to class. Can I get your number.?" She stops laughing after that.

"This isn't for some cruel prank?" she asks, skeptically.

"Uh... no," I respond, "Why would you think that?" I ask her.

"No reason," she says quickly. "Here give me your phone." I hold out my phone to her and she begins typing her number in. "There."

"Thanks! I'll be sure to save your contact name as 'Princess'." Before she can say anything, I begin going up the stairs to the second floor to get to my next class.

Thank you for reading!! 🥰

What is your favorite hobby?
I personally just read or write lol.

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