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"So," Theo begins, "How many people have you met today?" I think about this for a moment. I passed a tall blonde girl in the hall, a few other kids who didn't stick out, and of course, Theo and Cassandra.

"No one but you and Cassandra." I say to Theo. Right as I finish my sentence, another guy comes towards our table. That's when I realize there is a seat open next to Theo. I look up and observe the person walking towards the table's direction. He's tall. Maybe a little taller than Theo, not by much though. He has a duffel bag slung over his shoulder and is wearing a NorthShore Baseball cap. He has messy brunette hair, like Theo's, just a shade darker. The difference between these two – who could probably be brothers – is that this guy has deep blue ocean eyes instead of chocolate brown ones.

I catch myself staring and quickly look down at my salad in front of me. He sits down next to Theo and begins speaking almost immediately.

"Dude, that practice was brutal. I have no clue why they even bother having baseball practice during the school day. I barely made it to lunch on time." That explains the baseball cap, he plays for NorthShore.

"I know, that's kind of stupid for it to be scheduled during the day. Just make the team stay after school for like five hours," Theo responds.

"Yea, I wouldn't like that either. I guess the sport takes commitment though." The guy responds. I barely know a single person at this table, and yet I feel like I may fit in.

"Oh! Grayson, this is Luxely. You haven't gotten the chance to meet her yet. Although, only Theo and I have met her today so... Lee! Introduce yourself again." Cassandra practically says this in a single breath, and without a chance to process the nickname she has given me, she's poking me with her elbow.

"Uhm, I'm Luxely? I'm not sure what else you want me to say..." I let out a short nervous laugh after this. I take a bite of my salad before anyone else can make me introduce myself again. Then it clicks, Grayson. That's his name! It oddly makes sense looking at him now.

"Okay, whatever. Lee, this is Barret, my boyfriend!" She says this giving Barret a kiss on the cheek. After she settles back in her seat, Barret waves to me and smiles. He has darker skin, even darker eyes, and the brightest smile I think I've ever seen.

"That's Samuel." Cassandra barely finishes introducing his name before Samuel cuts in, himself.

"Sam. Please call me Sam. My dad calls me Samuel and it makes me feel about ninety-two." I laugh at this comment and make a mental note. Sam. He has Hazelly eyes and neatly styled blonde hair. I can almost immediately read him. He came from a prep school; he still seems to be in the mindset of khaki pants. There isn't anything wrong with khakis, it's just more of a... formal choice.

She points to a redhead sitting at the table with a smile. "This is Lillie, call her whatever. She literally couldn't care less." Lillie smiles at me before introducing herself in her own way.

"I'm Lillie. As she said, call me anything. I do nothing but act crazy and energetic, basically the best traits any human being could possibly possess." She grabs her phone out of her back pocket, beginning to scroll on something, obviously done with this conversation.

"Shes kinda a crackhead to be honest," Cassandra whispers to me. "And, of course, I'm Cassandra, call me Cassie though if you want!" Cassandra continues happily, "And that grouch is Grayson. Don't expect much of a warm welcome from him, he's pretty blunt.

"Well don't write me off that easily, Cassie-bear." Grayson responds, teasingly. "I'm Grayson, welcome to NorthShore." Cassie has a surprised look on her face. Which grows even more when I respond.

"Well, Gray-Gray, it's nice to meet you." Gray looks at me puzzled, matching the faces of the rest of the table, until everyone bursts out laughing. Everyone but Grayson, that is.
"Well, Luxe, my pleasure." I probably look astonished after hearing that nickname. It seems normal, considering it's the beginning of my name, but no one has ever called me by that before. He begins laughing before adding, "You seem like a girl who would hate to be called 'princess'". At that very random comment, my jaw probably drops.

"You're right! I absolutely do. I didn't realize though, until it came out of your mouth. Also where did that even come from?!" I exclaim as everyone goes silent. I catch the idea that Gray-Gray here probably isn't used to someone actually firing back at his comments.

"Dunno. It was fun to get you riled up though!" He says with a sickenly sweet smile. "Well, princess, I have to get going, but please, don't be afraid to come up to me whenever." He says this like it is a nice, maybe friendly offer, but it is anything but. He is trying to get under my skin. I can tell this guy is a human being, but I have no clue what that stupid little interaction between us was.

He stands up and walks out of the cafeteria without even looking back. Everyone slowly turns their heads towards me, but I just shrug. Because I honestly have no clue what just happened.

Chapter 2 complete!!

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