A Close Call

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Adam and Lute were just talking about random things, when the topic of swimming somehow came up.

"Oh, I don't have a clue on how to swim. I never really had the chance to learn." Lute stated scratching behind her neck with her feet propped up on the table. They were in Adams apartment, and he had a small island in the kitchen with bar stools.

"Really?" He asked, surprised Lute had never been swimming before.

"Yeah, i'm always way to busy. I was going to at some point, so I have a bikini, but then Sera called for an important meeting." Lute explained, and thats when Adam had started to talk about how they should go to this cliff where there is water below. Cliff jumping, if you will. Lute was skeptical, but Adam said he would jump with her so if something happened, he would be there. Eventually, Lute agreed, and two days later, they were on top of the cliff. Lute wore a grey bikini set, while Adam just went in a plain t-shirt and shorts. Weird, but it happened.

"Alright, I am going to be right back to see if it's high or low tide." Adam announced as he left, and she just stood on the cliff, arms crossed, looking down at the water. Unfortunately for her, there was an exorsist there as well, who pushed her off the cliff because she was jealous of her relationship with Adam. She yelped before landing into the water below. She tried to swim, but after doggy paddling for a minute, ended up just sinking. the exorsist snickered before flying away.


Around two minutes later, Adam returned. He started to call for her, but could not find her.

"Lute? Lute where are you?" he shouted, trying to find her. It seemed like it was just the two there, until Adam spotted the exorsist that pushed her snickering in a bush, trying to be slick. Adam immediately knew she had something to do with it, so he confronted them.

"I know you know where she is, where is she!?" He demanded, growing worried.

"Oh, I think I saw her jump off the cliff!" They responded, and that is when Adam grew increasingly more concerned. He knew Lute wouldn't do that. He did not even care about screaming or lecturing the exorcist, he just jumped into the water with no hesitation. He landed in the water with a splash, and immediately started scanning the area for Lute. Unluckily for him, it did end up being high tide, making the water fourteen feet deep. He swam for what seemed like an eternity, before finding her unconscious on the sandy sea floor. He swam to her quickly, before putting an arm around her delicate waist and swimming up to the surface. Eventually, he made it to the surface of the water, but the nearest land was at least a hundred feet away. He couldn't fly because his wings were wet, and it was really inconvenient.  

"Lute, Lute can you hear me?" He asked, concerned while shaking her. He put a finger under her nose to see if she was breathing, and she wasn't. He started to panic and swam as quickly as he could to the closest land, mumbling prayers as he made sure Lutes head was above the water. After a dreaded journey, he made it and he gently put Lute on the sand. He shook her a few times, then checked for a pulse. It was there, but very weak and faint. His eyes widened, and he wasted no time to start CPR. He had left his phone on the cliff, and his wings were still soaked. He was thankful Lute had forced him to do CPR lessons when she first became his assistant. 

"Oh for fucks sake, Lute, get your ass up." He mumbled, losing more and more hope in her waking up. He tried chest compressions again, and to his delight, she began to cough up water.

"Oh my— shit, Lute. Are you alright?" He asked in a hushed voice, really grateful she was okay. When she didn't respond, he checked if she was breathing again, which she was. She was just still unconscious. He sat her up, and pulled her into his lap with her head against his chest. She began to cough up more water, and he rubbed her back hoping to help her. She let out a shaky breath, and buried her head into his chest even more if possible. He smiled and slowly laid down on his side, now spooning Lute as he put a hand under her head. He closed his eyes, content with Lute being alive, and soon fell asleep.


Lute woke up at night, and was shocked to see where she was. She thought she had drowned. She then realized she was being held, and she turned around to be met with Adam. She blushed a light golden shade, and just buried her face in his chest and hugged him before falling asleep again. 


Adam was first to wake up to see Lute cuddling him. He grinned before shaking Lute awake. He watched in awe as she yawned and fluttered her eyes to look at him.

"G-good morning, sir." She stuttered, trying to ignore the fact the was half naked.

"Morning! How are you? Are you okay?" He questioned, sitting up with Lute still clinging to him. 

"Yeah." She responded bluntly, still tired. Adam chuckled before lifting Lute bridled style. He was able to fly now, his wings being dry now. She looked up at him and gave a soft smile, and they landed at the top of the cliff where Adam grabbed everything and Lute held it, while Adam continued to hold Lute. Eventually, they made it back to Lutes apartment where the entered via the balcony. He set Lute down to open the glass door, where they entered and Lute put everything on the kitchen counter and going to her room to chan ge and put on actual clothes. After a few moments, she came out in her uniform.

"Why the uniform?" Adam asked, confused since they were not at work.

"Because you are still my boss, sir." She responded.

"I am tired, i'm going to bed." She stated.

"Already? We just woke up!" Adam exclaimed.

"Yeah, you want to come?" She asked, turning around to face him.

"I— uhm— sure?" He accepted as she grabbed his hand and flopped in the bed, making room for him to also lay down. As soon as he did, she covered them with a blanket and pushed herself against him once again. He smiled as she nuzzled her head in his chest once again, and he wrapped her arms around her before they both fell asleep happy and content.

Don't worry, Adam beat the exorsists ass once he figured out who it was.

Guitarspear Oneshots 🎸 🔪 (Adam x Lute)Where stories live. Discover now