Sleep Deprived Lute

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Quick info-

Based off of the ship Guitarspear (Adam x Lute) in Hazbin Hotel

I do not own Hazbin Hotel

I suggest you watch it

Don't give me death threats for not updating (has happened before)

Very little actually happens in the show, but there might be spoilers like episode eight when there is canon events

There will be some TWs, like swearing, death, blood, smoking, probably alcohol I have not decided yet, and more.


On the outside, everything seemed to be okay with Lute. Nobody really sensed anything happening, except for her boss Adam. Adam has spent enough time working with her to see even the slightest difference in her personality or appearance. It all started when Adam started to see how she was not always in her perfect poster, but rather a little more slumped. Then, Adam saw how she started to develop bags under her eyes,  then how her response time kept getting slower and slower. Adam really had no plans to confront her, but he started to get genially worried. He ended up talking to her the next day when he arrived to work. Lute always stayed later and was always there earlier. 

He walked into what he called an office, instead it was more of a meeting room. The same area where him and Lute met with Charlie. It was roughly 9:00 am, and like expected, Lute was already sitting at the table with a stack of papers next to her. She seemed super focused until Adam walked in and finally spoke up.

"Lute, I am going to cut straight to the point. Are you okay? Getting enough sleep? Your posture and overall personality has been off." Adam stated while just looking straight into her eyes, since she perked up when she heard the door close behind Adam.

"Oh yes, sir. I am alright! Sorry for the inconvenience." She responded with a smile, but Adam wasn't buying it at all. 

"Lute, don't lie to me. When was the last time you slept?" Adam interrogated her, trying to figure out what the hell was wrong. This was not the normal Lute he saw a week ago.

"Last night, after you left I finished a paper then also left." The answer Lute gave seemed pretty valid, except the fact that Adam knew she never went home last night. He lives super close to her, incase of an emergency, and so he was able to just look out his window to see if she ever came home. In which, after 2:30 am, he went to sleep without ever seeing her return home.

"I know you never went home Lute, cut the shit. When was the last time you slept." He had started to raise his voice, getting more and more worked up about Lutes lies.

"Four days, sir. That's all." She averted her glance, looking more towards the floor than Adam at this point.

"Lute, you have the day off. Go sleep. That is really bad for your physical and mental health!" Adam started to scold her as he walked around the table to where she was sitting, and took the stack of papers. It is safe to say that Lute was shocked to see how Adam all the sudden became really smart, or at least act like it. 

"No! You can't deprive me of my job! It's against the law!" She started to yell as she flew up to try and snatch the papers, failing as Adam moved away. Lute started to narrow her eyebrows as she launched herself at him, trying everything in her power to get the papers. The only reason she failed at that was because of her fatigue. 

"Go. Now. I am your boss, Lute. This is an order, now a choice." He started to get really pissed at Lutes stubbornness. Lute did a low growl before swiftly tackling Adam, trying to grab the papers as Adam kept them out of her reach. Just then, Sera walked in and just glanced at the two.

"What in the great pearly gates are you two doing!?" She exclaimed, dumbfounded by the scene that just played out in front of her very own eyes. 

"Lute has not slept in four days so I am trying to make her go home to sleep but she won't!" Adam was first to shout, trying to make this seem a lot less awkward.

"What does that have to do with this..position?" She asked, not even know what to call the situation. 

"I took the papers then this lunatic attacked me!" He shouted yet again, while pointing with his thumb at Lute.

"Just give me the fucking papers, bitch!" Lute yelled at Adam, still fighting to get the papers. Sera sighed before giving them a disapproving glare. they were acting like little siblings.

"That's it. Lute, go home." Sera ordered as she looked Lute straight in the eyes.

"But ma'am—" Lute started before getting cut off by Sera saying a very stern go. Lute started to mumble curses as she stormed out of the room, soon to be seen out the window flying in the direction of her house.

"Go with her and make sure she sleeps. You both have the day off." Sera said, still a little anger evident in her voice. Adam just murmured a quick 'Yes, ma'am' before going to follow Lute to her little apartment room. Lute of course being super aware of her surroundings, sensed Adam flying behind her. She just sighed before landing on the balcony, opening the glass door that led to her room and letting Adam inside. She just flopped down on the bed letting out a deep sigh. Adam walked over and put the blanket over her, giving her a quick pat on the head.

"Night, Dangertits" He whispered as she was already falling asleep at a rapid pace. Once Adam could be sure she was asleep, he texted Sera that Lute was asleep then went to the apartment next door, which happened to be his, and went to sleep as well. He swears Lute is going to be killed by either her own stubbornness or stupidity when it comes to her actual health.


Yall I wrote this because I have not slept well in four days :cry: imma go sleep byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3

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