he got my heartbeat skipping down 16th avenue

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Lexie's POV:
I walked into the locker room smiling like an idiot. I had butterflies in my stomach. God that man. And then I saw Leilani, her arms crossed and leaning against the locker.
"A) you're late, and B) explain what the fuck just happened because I know I did not just see Leo West get out of your car." Leilani said. Despite the fact she was 5'7, she was a scary woman if you pissed her off.
"I lost track of time, sorry." I said. "And he's changed, Lani. He's cuter, and more mature, and basically just turned into my dream guy out of nowhere. Also he's in all of my classes for today."
Leilani stood there, looking pissed for a second, and then she jumped up and down squealing and telling me how happy she is for me, and that we better end up together or else. I shushed her and then jumped up and down with her. This is why we're friends. I love her like a sister and I would die for her without thinking twice. I hugged her.
"Lani I love you, but I need to change because there's no way in hell I'm running lines today. It's freaking like 108 today." Leilani laughed and went out to the court.
I changed really quick. I wore a black Storm Coast Volleyball t-shirt with gray letters on it, with gray spandex and white knee pads, ankle braces, and white arm sleeves. This was one of my most favorite outfits. I put my hair into a messy braid and ran out onto the court.
The team was warming up, and then I saw Leo, talking to another one of his friends that is also managing the team. Then he turned and saw me. He looked me up and down and smiled, then returned to his conversation. I just brushed it off as him being busy, and warmed up with Lani.
Coach Klein walked out and he told us to bring it in. We called for water and then went back to our little huddle.
"Welcome to the Varsity team, ladies. Our assistant coach is on maternity leave and won't be able to join us this season, so instead we have two amazing managers. This is Leo." He gestured to Leo and he waved, then winked at me. I think I melted just a bit. "And this is Mark." He gestured to Mark and he smiled at everyone.
"Our first drill today will be part team bonding and part playing. Everyone find a partner." Leilani and I immediately went to partner up with each other. But then I saw that the only freshman on the team didn't have a partner. There were 13 people on the team, so no one else could partner up with her.
"Leilani go partner up with that freshman over there. She's new." She
nodded and went to introduce herself to the freshman.
I walked up to Coach to tell him that I don't have a partner and why.
"That was a very nice thing to do Lexie. You can partner up with one of the managers." He turned to Leo. "You warm?" He asked him.
"Yeah Coach."
"Okay then partner up with Lexie."
Leo smiled that adorable smile and walked over to me. He turned to everyone else.
"You guys ready to get your asses beat?" He asked in a funny way. Then he put his arm around me. I must have been smiling too much because Lani laughed at me. Then everyone laughed at Leo's comment.
I looked up into those mesmerizing eyes. God I love those eyes...
"You ready?" I asked.
"Hell yeah." He said in that voice that I absolutely loved.
I was already sweating and I hadn't even played a second of volleyball. It must have been at least 110 degrees in that gym. I think that practice should be canceled in this weather since there's no AC.
Leo must have noticed because he scrunched up his eyebrows and asked me if I was okay.
"Yeah, I'll be fine it's just really hot in here."
He nodded and the team before us stepped off of the court. We were going up against Lani and the freshman, and I smiled at Lani. She smiled back at me, but more mischievously and I rolled my eyes.
Leo served, lightly because his in game serve would probably give someone a concussion if it hit them in the head.
Leilani passed hit to the freshman, who's name I found out was Stefanie. Then Stefanie set it to Leilani, who hit it over, and I dug it with ease, and Leo set me. I hit it deep corner and got a kill.
"Nice Lexie," Leo said.
"Thanks." I said, out of breath. God it was hot in here.
The other team stepped on. This was Charlie and Dakota. Charlie served it at Leo, and he passed it to me. I ran up to the net to set it, and Leo hit it lightly, for our sakes. Charlie dug it and Dakota set it to Charlie, who surprisingly hit it really fast and on the line. I dove to get it and got it up. Leo set it high so I had time to get up, do my approach, and absolutely kill it. Yet Dakota managed to dig it. She passed it tight to Charlie and she tried to dump it backwards, but Leo dug it and basically shanked it. I sprinted after it, and managed to get it up with one hand, then dolphin diving. I nearly flew into the bleachers, but stopped my self just in time. Leo tipped it to the farthest corner, and we got the point. God freaking damn that was tiring.
"Great job Lexie that was badass!" Leo said, then he took a better look at me. "Are you sure you're okay? You're like really pale."
"I'll be fine in a sec."
But I wasn't. I felt lightheaded and everything looked too bright.
The everything went dark, and right before I hit the ground, I felt a strong pair of arms catch me, then I lost all feeling.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 14 ⏰

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