will you call, when youre back at school?

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Lexie's POV:
Leilani and I met at our usual spot, the lunch tables closest to the beach. There was just something so relaxing about the beach that just helped me get through the school day.
"Hey you how was English?" Rant beginning in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
"It was so ass like what the fuck I actually didn't learn shit."
I laughed. Her rants were the most hilarious thing to hear.
"Anyways, how was math babe?"
"Charlie's in my class. So is Leo. And I sit next to him."
"Oh shit like the Leo from volleyball?"
"Yeah that Leo."
"Ouchie that sucks ass."
"Yeah. I literally cannot wait for practice after school."
The bell rang for us to go to our next class. Ew.
"I got chemistry, what do you have?" I said.
"I got SCTV. I'm about to have a shit ton of fun. HEY THAT RHYMES!"
"Haha, see ya later silly goose."
"See you babe."
I walked to my chemistry class, it was the building across from my math class. As I approached my class, I saw Leo entering my class. What the fuck is happening today. I entered, and I saw that none of my or Leo's friends were in the class. Why, just why?
Leo was walking up to me.
"You mind if we sit together, you're like the only person that I know in this class."
I died internally. School was going to suck this year.
"Sure. We're sitting in the back, though."
"Cool, thanks."
"No problem." This was actually a problem of gargantuan size. But I didn't want to be rude.
We sat in the back, and the teacher, Mr. Lloyd, began blabbering on about his introduction to the class, and the material that we would be learning. I didn't care though. I was somewhere else, daydreaming about volleyball, and... Leo?
I mean, he had gotten exponentially cuter over the summer. And something about him had changed. He was no longer the person that I thought would peak in high school. He was more mature, confident, and smart. Everything I was looking for in a man. But it's not like I could really date him, right? Like, he probably has a girlfriend, and I don't fully trust him not to do something that would totally make me lose faith in every man on this planet.]
I snapped out of my daydream. I looked into Leo's beautifully green eyes. I could have gotten lost in those eyes.
"Pay attention."
Leo smirked to himself and turned to face the teacher. I tried not to turn a lovely shade of red. Mr. Lloyd went to every table group and handed them a syllabus. He came to our table and left a stack of syllabi in between Leo and I. I reached for a syllabus, and I felt Leo's hand on top of mine. I looked up at him. I parted my lips a little when I saw him looking at me. Was not expecting that.
"It's ok. Your hand's really soft."
I looked back down, and took a syllabus and took another peek at his face. He looked... hurt? No, that probably wasn't it. I literally could not tell. I looked back at my, for some weird reason, thick syllabus. I read through the terms, and one line especially caught my eye.
"By signing this syllabus... the person that you are currently sitting next to will be your lab partner for the rest of the school year, unless an issue arises." The syllabus read.
"Did you see this?" I showed it to him.
"Yeah, is there a problem?" he asked. He seemed okay with it.
"No, just asking."
He returned to reading over the syllabus. He signed his name, and I saw that it was just some sort of squiggle.
I signed mine. My signature was my two initials, A and C, written in cursive, with a heart at the end.
"Thats cute." I turned to see Leo looking at my paper, then into my eyes. I had hazel-green eyes, and they were okay, I guess. I always wanted blue eyes.
"I guess, thanks."
"Sure. You excited for practice after school?"
"Yeah, you're coming, right?"
"Yeah, I am."
"Nice. What class you got next?"
"I have an open, what do you have?"
I also had an open period. I was going to get a smoothie during my open and get back for practice. Should I invite him?
"I was planning to go get Juice It Up before practice, do you want to come with me?"
His eyes lit up, and it might have been the cutest thing I've ever seen.
"Sure, who's car are we taking?"
"Alright. Can we walk to the parking lot together, I don't know which car is yours."
"Yeah, sure."
He smiled at me, and I smiled back at him. I may or may not have just slightly melted.

Before we knew it, the bell rang, and Leo and I walked to the car. I got a text from Leilani, asking where I was. I told her I would tell her at practice.

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