𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔

439 14 1

𝐀/𝐍: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐨 𝐈 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬.

Jan 2

"Lucius found Umbridge. She is currently a guest in my dungeons."

"The centaurs let her go?" Hari asked surprised. "They really hate her."

"He told them she was needed for a ritual to repair damage she had inflicted on you. Apparently, the planets favor you."

Hari frowned. "I hate prophetic shit. Can we deal with her after our trip to my home?"

Tom wrapped himself around Hari from behind. "Yes. I am eager to see your home," he murmured in her ear.

Hari moaned and leaned back against him a moment then touched her signet ring and hissed the activation code.

The sharp tug of porting across the ocean was worse than usual. She groaned and took several deep breaths when they arrived in her bedroom.

Tom didn't like how easily upset her stomach was here lately. She had managed to put off seeing the healer with some convincing arguments, but his resolve was growing. If she wasn't well soon, she would see Emily whether she wanted to or not.

Hari straightened and turned in his embrace. "Hey, no scowling today."

He bent and brushed a gentle kiss over her mouth. "No scowling. No hexing."

Hari slid from his embrace and grabbed his hand. "So...this is my room." She pulled him out to the balcony. "I sit out here every morning and watch the sun rise and the wild deer and other creatures wander by."

He took in the large back yard that turned into deep forest. The sun just over the tree tops. "It is a beautiful view. I would sit out here as well."

She tucked her arm in his and led him out into the hall. "All the way down the hall and on the opposite side is Seth's room when his mother is being completely unreasonable."

Tom's lips thinned but he said nothing. He would trust Hari not to betray him.

"There's two more bedrooms and a sitting room." She indicated the doors before drawing him toward the stairs. "Nessie sometimes stays in the one next to me and when the guys play Halo way too late they all crowd into them."

She looked up at his unhappy face. "My room is off limits. The only time even Seth was in there was the night we went clubbing and Nessie came with us. No one but Nessie and Alice comes into my room not even to talk."

Tom nodded and let it go. She was his because she wanted to be. He would trust her as she trusted him.

Half way down was a small landing which led out to a deck. "When friends are over we grill and eat out here a lot."

"Grill," Tom moved over to the muggle contraption and lifted the lid. He fiddled with the knobs jerking back slightly when flames burst into life. He glared at Hari when she snickered at him. He turned the grill off and stalked toward her.

Hari backed away then turned and darted down the stairs. Tom allowed her joy to infect him. With a grin he chased her down the stairs. He caught her in the hall and kissed her thoroughly until she melted against him humming with pleasure.

He reached for the button on her slacks.

Hari moaned as her slacks slid to the floor. She kicked off her shoes and eagerly wrapped her legs around his waist when he lifted her up.

A pleased hiss escaped them both as he slid his large cock into her tight heat. He held her up with one hand on her butt cheek while the other unfastened the buttons of her shirt. As soon as her breasts were freed, he bent to lick and nip at them causing her to clench on his cock deliciously.

"Tom...ah...yes...I love...having you in me." She moaned as he worked his cock in and out of her pussy.

Tom thrust into her with wild abandon. Sex had never felt like this with anyone else. It satisfied not just his body, but his soul.

He came with a shout just seconds after she came; her whole body shuddering and tightening around him.

After a few minutes to regain their breath, they dressed and freshened up. With a content smile, Hari showed him the library where he spent a solid hour browsing her shelves and making notes of volumes she needed to add and actually pulling a few to duplicate with her permission. She showed him the dueling room and potions lab. They went out back to see the pool and the outdoor bar area before entering the side door to see her study then the kitchen and living room.

He looked out the floor to ceiling glass windows. She was surrounded by the woods. Her solitude complete. "How much land do you own?"

"Fifty acres."

"You added wards to fifty acres?!"


"What possessed you to even try something like that by yourself?" He snapped in concern. Didn't she know how dangerous that was? She could have drained her core; been helpless for a week or more as she recovered. She could have ruptured it so it never recovered effectively rendering her a squib.

"No one ever said it took more than one person. How was I to know it wasn't usually done?" She replied defensively.

Tom stared at her. Her upbringing made living in the magical world full of pitfalls for her. Of course sometimes part of doing magic was believing you could. She didn't know what the limits were supposed to be. She just did it. "I forget you have been kept ignorant of many things on purpose. Learn to ask. You could have ruptured your core if you'd pushed too hard."

She blanched and ducked her head shuddering at the thought of losing her magic.

Tom wrapped his arms around her until she quit shaking. He looked past her around the living room and kitchen taking in the small personal effects, the knickknacks, the wind chimes, the little bits and pieces that made this house Hari's home and smiled affectionately at her. "You have a lovely home, my Hari." He murmured shifting from the heavy topic to something light.

Hari grinned, delighted that he liked it.

They strolled through the cool forest in the afternoon and after applying warming charms skinny dipped and made love in the pool with the waterfall.

Jan 3

They had watched the sunrise from her balcony. Her on his lap; both of them wrapped in a blanket and warming charms. Snow had fallen overnight dropping six inches of pure white over the land. It was peaceful, beautiful. Hari had cuddled against him radiating contentment.

Tom now sat at the counter his chin propped on his hand watching Hari cook breakfast for him. It was a little surreal. He had always detested his muggle roots. Watching her cook for him, taking in the care she took to make sure everything came out perfectly...for him, it was so womanly it made him appreciate muggle ways a little bit.

Soon he was enjoying a breakfast of bacon and sausage, fried eggs, hashed browned potatoes and toast with coffee and orange juice.

He noted she stayed away from the sausage and eggs even though he knew she liked them.

"So, would you like to go see the Cullens?"

"The vegan vampires that got the healer over here for you?"

"They all have very good control. Jasper is the shakiest if you bleed around him he might attack, but other than that it's very safe."

"Jasper...he killed one of the attacking vampires. You were bleeding heavily. Did he..."

"Drink from me? No. He had iron control and left to run the perimeter. He didn't come near me again until the blood was all cleaned up."

"I would definitely like to meet them."

"They have different abilities," Hari told him to distract him from being in a muggle car as they drove over to the Cullens in the lightly falling snow. "Carlisle has exceptional control over his blood lust. He's a doctor...a surgeon at the local hospital."

"A surgeon? A vampire?" Shock colored his voice.

"Yep. Bella is even better. She had control of her blood lust from the day she was turned. From what I gather that is unheard of. She can also nullify other vampire gifts. Jasper is an awesome battle strategist. He is an empath and can manipulate emotions. Emmett is super strong even for a vampire. Rosalie is a whiz at all things mechanical and science related. She has several college degrees. Edward can read thoughts although he can't get past my occlumency shields so I doubt he can get past yours. Esme is just extremely maternal."

She was silent a moment as she navigated the snow slicked road. "Renesmee...Nessie is hybrid. Bella was human when she married Edward and got pregnant. Nessie has vampire strength and speed, etc. but she is alive, her heart beats, blood pumps and she eats and drinks human food not blood. She is a touch telepath. Right through the shields. So she'll understand if you don't want her to touch you. And then there is Alice. Alice sees the future. The only thing that blocks her sight is the Wolf shifters. She can sort of see around Jacob now since he Imprinted on Nessie, but...she does see things. She saw us getting together although I was already at your house when she saw it. It's unpredictable. She has a little control on it but not much. They just pop into her head when they want to."

Tom drew in a breath. As a distraction from the muggle vehicle it was a good one. He stared out the window at the thick white flakes and sorted through the huge chunk of information she just dumped on him. These people would be able to possibly manipulate his emotions and see into his head and his future.

"They are honorable people, Tom. They won't use their gifts against you unless you threaten them."

"They saved your life. I won't threaten them unless they become a threat to you."

Hari reached over and grasped his hand and squeezed it affectionately.

"Steering wheel," he snapped.

Hari grasped the wheel and fought back the laugh.

"I can hear you laughing in your mind." He huffed.

Hari's laughter filled the vehicle.

She pulled up in front of a huge wood and glass house. The Cullens were all gathered on the front lawn despite the snow falling around them watching them pull in. "Alice," she murmured.

Tom sighed and gratefully climbed out of the vehicle.

A pixie like young woman rushed over to Hari squealing, "He's here! You brought him! We're all so excited to meet your Tom finally!"

Your Tom. Tom arched an eyebrow at her.

Hari gave him a saucy grin. "You call me, your Hari."

"So I do." He reached out and reeled her in to his side. "You must be Alice." He held out his hand.

Alice gripped it then hugged him, startling him. "I am. Oh, you are more handsome than my visions showed." She stepped back into the embrace of a wary looking vampire.

"Tom, this is Jasper. Alice's soulmate." Hari pointed out the rest. "Nessie, my best friend. Carlisle the head of the Cullens and his wife, Esme. Edward and Bella, Nessie's parents. Emmett and Rosalie. Everyone, Tom Riddle."

"It is nice to finally meet you, Mr. Riddle." Carlisle smiled warmly. "Please come in."

They all settled in the living room. Tom and Hari casting drying charms on everyone before they sat down. Hari tucked her feet under her and leaned against Tom at ease around the Cullens.

Esme and Rosalie passed out wine to everyone except Hari. Hari they handed ginger ale.

Hari frowned at the glass. She looked up at Alice. "What have you seen?"

Alice shook her head. "I saw you getting sick if you drank the wine and not with the ginger ale."

Hari narrowed her eyes at her.

"Your life is for you to live, Hari. Sometimes me telling something I see changes it for the worst. Trust me on this."


Tom though stared at her for several more minutes. Long enough to make the other vampires shift uneasily. Finally, he said, "Is whatever wrong with her a threat to her life?"

Hari gasped and looked at him in shock. That had never crossed her mind. Of course, Tom would be afraid of her dying.

"No," Alice shook her head. "Hari will be just fine. It's just something better for the two of you to discover when the time is right and that isn't now."

Nessie fidgeted in her chair. "Sirius invited us to England!" She blurted out.

Attention diverted to her.

"He did? Missing Esme's cooking already, is he? You better watch out Carlisle, my godfather is a charmer. He'll have you all moving to England before you know it."

Carlisle laughed and Esme looked very pleased. "We have been in Forks for quite some time. A move will be needed in the near future. Perhaps we will look at moving to England." He glanced at Tom. "Perhaps near Wiltshire."

Tom stiffened.

"I told you, Tom. Gifts. Non-threatening gifts."

Tom forced himself to relax. His home location wasn't a secret to those allied with him and these people were allied with Hari who was his. She would love having her new found friends around her. "Wiltshire has some lovely estates. Many of which are warded against Muggles noticing them. You could move openly around the grounds and within the magical community as a whole although some would be nervous at first as they are around all vampires."

"When is the invite for?" Hari asked.

"Next month. He said come whenever though and gave us the address to his home."

"He says he's renovated Gri..." Hari choked as the Fidelius hit her. She glanced at him. "Sorry. Fidelius." He nodded. "Renovated the dank, dark place. It was really creepy looking. His family was twisted and more into Black Magic than Dark Arts I think. They mounted their deceased house elf heads on the wall. Disturbing in the extreme. Anyway. He has it completely remodeled in lighter colors. Tossed out all the really Dark artifacts."

"And you want to visit." Tom murmured indulgently.

"I mentioned that the Dark Lord might allow me to visit since it is warded against Dumbledore and the Order now. I said I would ask."

Tom pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Perhaps the Dark Lord can be convinced to bend the truce for a week."

Hari flushed at the innuendo and the explicit images he sent through their link. It deepened when Edward choked as he turned his face away, a grin splitting his usually serious expression. Jasper snorted and laughed.

An hour later they headed home. Tom had his wand out ready to fling protective spells around them if the Hummer slid on the snowy roads. Hari had spelled snow chains on before they left the Cullens. Snow was now a foot deep and falling steadily. He noted that she was using magic to clear the road somewhat in front of them.

He didn't relax and put his wand away until they were safely parked in front of her house. "You know there is this thing called apparation." He muttered climbing from the muggle death trap.

Hari laughed and grabbed up snow. Balling it up she flung it at him. Tom stared at the splattered snow on his jacket. He eyed her stonily then bent and scooped up snow himself.

Hari yelped and ran.

Soon they were covered in snow and breathless. He was laying atop her in the deepening snow. Hari looked up at him flushed with cold and happiness. "I am glad there are things called drying and warming charms."

Tom chuckled and kissed her before helping her to her feet. They were both soaked to the bone. No one would believe that the Dark Lord had just spent half an hour having a snowball fight.

Entering the house, Hari darkened the windows and stripped from her wet clothes while lighting the fireplace with a silent spell.

Tom stripped out of his cold wet clothes as well. A few spells later their abandoned clothes were dry and draped over the sofa forgotten as the two lovers twined together on the soft carpet in front of the fire.

It was late when they finally stirred. Gathering their clothes they made their way to her room where Tom lit her fireplace before crawling into bed with her.

He woke suddenly in the middle of the night to a noise in the house. He reached for his wand and was on his feet between Hari and the door before coherent thought started.

"It's just Seth," Hari mumbled. "Come back to bed."

"You're certain." Tom relaxed slightly, but didn't move.

"Yes. Only he and the Cullens can enter the house once I'm asleep. I felt his signature pass the wards. His mom must have lost her temper again for him to come over so late."

Tom moved back to sit on the bed. "His mother harms him?"

Hari snorted. "Not possible physically. Emotionally...Sue isn't a horrible person exactly, but she is jealous and petty. She hates that Seth is my friend. She thinks I'm taking advantage of her son. Said so point blank in the local café one day. The sheriff came out and asked questions and checked out Seth's room and all that. Seth finally had to have Jacob, his pack Alpha, go tell Sue that nothing inappropriate was coming through the pack link and to drop it."

They could hear soft footsteps moving down the hall and the door at the far end opened and shut quietly.

Tom sighed and put his wand under the pillow and slid back under the covers pulling Hari against him. She settled against his warm, hard body with a moan. Her hands ghosted over his pecs and down his side to stroke over his tight rear.

"Sleep, Hari."

She sighed and wiggled over to press her back against him. She grinned when his cock poked her bum.

Jan 4

Tom woke alone. He scowled remembering the young shifter's arrival last night. His Hari was no doubt downstairs talking to the wolf instead of having morning sex with him.

He checked the balcony that was magically free of snow. Stepping outside he saw a world of white. There had to be four feet of snow on the ground if not more. He moved back into the house and shut the doors before treading lightly down the stairs.

He heard them talking before he reached the hallway.

"Leah is better now that we're in Jake's pack into of Sam's, but it's still hard for her to be around him. Mom doesn't get that. Leah came home hurting and bitter and snapping left and right. Mom went off about respect and how to behave and to grow up and move on. It was a fierce fight. Mom told her that if she couldn't show her respect, she could get out."

"She's twenty-two. She should move out anyway, Seth. Your mom wants to treat her like she's a kid still and she will keep doing it as long as your sister lives under her roof."

"I know that. Leah knows that. Forks is a small town. The res has less opportunities than Forks does. Leah doesn't have the money to move out."

"I'm not a halfway house, Seth. I love you like a brother, but your sister likes me just a smidge more than your mom does. I won't have that level of animosity in my home. I'm willing to help her find a place to live and a good job, but I won't let her move in here."

Seth suddenly stiffened and growled. His attention jerking to the hidden stairway. "Who else is here?"


Seth jerked his gaze from the hallway to Reese. "You brought him here?"

"Yes. We got here on the 2nd."

Tom descended the last step and crossed the hall to enter the main living area. A younger version of the man he saw at the club glared at him from the kitchen counter where he was eating pancakes and bacon. Hari was on the other side of the counter not eating pancakes and bacon.

She moved to his side and slid her arms around him. "Tom, this is Seth Clearwater. My second best friend here in Forks. Seth, this is my Tom."

Tom felt something tense inside him ease at the affectionate, possessive way she claimed him in front of this boy. "Good morning, Seth."

Seth glared. He knew this man had overheard the personal crisis he was going through and was embarrassed about it. Still, this was the man Reese loved. "Good morning." He shoved a hand through his hair and stood. "I should go."

"You should sit and eat and let us figure out a solution." She snapped.

She urged Tom to a stool then with a glare at Seth, who caved and settled back on his stool, she moved into the kitchen and quickly made pancakes for Tom. She pulled bacon that was being kept warm from the oven and set a plate in front of him with a bowl of diced fruit and syrup for the pancakes. She placed a cup of tea beside his plate then resumed nibbling her own pancake.

"Okay, Leah won't leave the area so that limits our options. She has a job but it doesn't pay well enough for her to move out. Would she accept money from me to get her own place?"

"No she has too much pride."

"I take it when the Cullens go to England that Jacob who is the pack's alpha will be going as well?" Tom asked out of the blue.

"I'm assuming so. He wouldn't do well separated from Nessie over that large a distance for very long."

"Then have Seth here and his sister go as well. It isn't a solution, but it is breathing space for tempers to cool and a solution to be found."

"Mom isn't going to let me go." Seth whined dejectedly.

Hari moved to snuggle against Tom. She wasn't hungry anyway so she banished the mangled remains of her breakfast. "Why not? She doesn't dislike the Cullens. You aren't going with me. I'm here. You'll be in England. Jacob will be there as well. He's both of yours' alpha. If Carlisle and Esme ask, she might agree. You'll be someone Nessie's age for her to hang out with."

Seth perked up a bit. "Maybe. When are they going?"

"Not until February."

"A month." He sighed. "It'll have to do."

Hari's phone rang. "How much you want to bet it's Alice or one of them calling on her say so." She said as she moved to answer the phone. "Hello?"

"Tell Seth he is very hard to see around, but our English vacation has gone very blurry indicating that they are going with us and the dates seemed to have changed. Carlisle will wait a few days then go ask his mother."

Hari laughed. "Alice says you are hard to see around, but their English vacation has gotten very blurry which indicates you two are going and the dates have changed. Carlisle is going to wait a few days then go ask your mum. Thanks, Alice."

"You're welcome."

She hung up.

Hari took the plate from Seth and set it in the sink. "Go run off all that upset."

Seth headed out the door. He shifted as he jumped off her porch landing in the snow as a wolf.

"Bloody hell," Tom murmured staring at the huge wolf that took the teen's place. The snow was extremely deep but it barely reach the middle of his chest.

The wolf turned and grinned wolfishly at him before bounding through the snow and into the forest.

"And he is a small one. The others have probably six to nine inches at the shoulder on him."

Jan 6th

Patrice Sellers looked at the crowd forming outside the building and wanted to both cheer and whimper. With this many parents enrolling their children the schools were guaranteed to be a success. They might even have to build another one. On the other hand, it was going to be a long, difficult day. "Open the doors," she ordered squaring her shoulders.

Marcus Louvre opened the door and stepped outside. Casting a Sonorous he started talking. "Attention everyone."

He paused until silence descended. "Everyone wants this to go smoothly as possible today so there will be no shoving or insulting going on. You will enter in a mature and orderly fashion. There are four stations. Each station has five desks. The first station will go over your paper work and create a file for each child. Then you will go to the second station and get a list of what classes your child will be attending and a basic outline of what they will be learning in each class and get your school supplies. The school supplies are paid for. The third station will make an appointment for each child to see the school medi-witch or wizard and get a complete physical. Any potions or treatments needed by the students will be paid for. If you have questions at the end of the procedures, station four will make an appointment to have those addressed. We understand that many of you are full-time working parents. If you need us to come in the evenings or very early in the mornings to settle your concerns, we will do that. We are here for you and for your children. We are striving to make things easier and better for everyone. Thank you."

He canceled the Sonorous and stepped back in propping the doors open. He waved the family at the front of the line in.

A harried looking young mother with a small child hesitantly entered the building. Patrice smiled at her and waved them both into seats. She opened a folder and held out her hand. "Enrollment forms."

The woman handed over two forms. One listing her information, where they lived and what she did for a living. It also stated if she was married or not and if there were other children at home. The second form listed her child's information – name, age, health issues, whether she could read or write or not, etc.

"Mystic Narson," Patrice murmured with a gentle smile and wrote the name in blue ink on the folder. "Age 5." She smiled at the little girl. "Excited to come to school and learn and play with other children?"

The girl nodded shyly.

Patrice read over the forms. "Everything seems to be in order here, Ms. Narson. Mystic will be in class from eight am until four pm. We will provide lunch and two snacks during the day. I see here that you have to be at work at seven thirty?"

"Yes, Miss. I'm still working out what to do with Mystic between seven thirty and eight but I'm determined that my girl will have a better education than I got."

Patrice made a note. "That is something we didn't think about." She sighed. "This is the reason we're having a short term so we can work out these issues. Let me speak with administrator. I'll see if we can't have someone here by seven o'clock for those whose work shifts start early. I'll let you know by next Monday."

The harried witch gave a relieved sob. "Thank you, Miss."

Patrice pat her hand. "Lady Potter and Lord Black along with the others are determined to educate all the children they can. I can't see it being a problem, but I can't promise it until I talk to management. You go on Station 2 and don't worry about it."

She watched the young mother hurry off and sighed. "Taffy," she called for one of the school's house elves. Take this note to Administrator Armand, please."

The house elf took the note and disappeared. Patrice filed the folder in the first years' drawer and waved the next family in.

By the end of the day they had registered one hundred children. Thirty five through seven year olds; forty-four eight through ten years old; twenty-one eleven through seventeen. The eleven through seventeen year olds would have two weeks of testing to see where they were academically and then they would be taken to Ollivander's and receive a wand if they didn't have one already. These first ones would have it rough because they would be pushed to learn what the lower years were learning as well as the skills and magic to have better working opportunities.

One hundred children in just one of the schools. The seven combined managed to enroll five hundred and eighty-six children in total.

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