𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒

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𝐀/𝐍: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐨 𝐈 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬.

Dec 21

Tom woke to find Hari watching him sleep. Her fingers trailed gently over his chest in random movements.

"I know we're busy between now and the New Year, but after the holidays would you like to see my home?"

Tom stopped breathing for a moment. "You are inviting me to your home? A home that no one is aware of the location? You realize that once there I will be able to locate it?"

"Yes. A relationship right? Trust? I'm not very trusting if I always come here and don't even let you know where I live."

Tom's smile was luminescent. "I would love to see your home."

Hari smiled back at him. "It isn't anything like yours. Except for a dueling room and a potions lab it's pretty muggle-ish. No house elves."

"I'll survive." He drawled teasingly.

"Hmmm, at least my friends know I'm a witch so if they show up you don't have to pretend not to be magical." She glared at him sternly suddenly. "No harming Seth."

Tom scowled at the mention of the young, handsy Shifter.

"Tom. He saved my life, you know. He killed one of those vampires. His interest in potions and magic gave him the knowledge to know what to give me to help me heal." She bent to kiss him. "I'm sorry about the nightclub. It really didn't mean anything. He was temporarily aged to get into the club. He really is very young. I know you were raised in a different era when men treated women differently. Believe me, Seth isn't interested in me like you think. I'd actually like to amuse myself by bringing him to Hogwarts and have him wander around to see if he'd Imprint on a witch."

Tom huffed in amusement despite himself. "Alright. I won't hex your friend." He tangled his fingers in her hair and drew her down for a kiss.

Hari moaned and melted against him. She luxuriated in his skillful kissing for a moment then shifted to press kisses along his jaw and down his neck. She stroked her fingers over his broad, muscular chest as she scattered kisses along the smooth skin. She licked and nipped his flat nipples making him jerk and moan softly.

A few minutes later, she trailed down his abdomen stroking over lightly defined muscles to his belly button. She traced it with her tongue grinning when he groaned and his cock twitched in appreciation.

Speaking of...she turned her head and licked the beads of pre-cum from the velvety soft head of his cock.


His voice, thick and raspy with arousal, shot straight to her womb making it clench with need. She sucked on the head of his cock gently then moved to slide her mouth down his shaft engulfing him. She bobbed up and down several times letting her teeth graze the large vein on the underside of his prick.

"I want to fuck that tight pussy," he groaned when she pressed her tongue to the sensitive underside just below the head.

She raised her head and looked at him. "Hard?"

"Yes." He hissed knowing she liked it at times when he slammed in and ground into her.

Hari scrambled around onto her knees and elbows.

Tom quickly moved to kneel behind her. He grasped her hips and lined his cock up with her opening. With a grunt of satisfaction he plunged into her.

Hari moaned and shuddered as he claimed her. He jerked her back and settled as deep in her as he could before rotating his hips grinding his cock into her then he began to thrust shallow and hard. Her inner wall would be bruised feeling later. Deliciously so. Every time she shifted she would be reminded of his magnificent cock filling her, pleasuring her.

Tom watched in amazement as she shuddered and moaned and rocked back on his cock. One of her hands clenched over and over in the sheets as pleasure twisted and coiled within her.

"Yes," she moaned arching back onto his cock. "Fuck...yes...Tom...ah!" She shuddered and her muscles milked his prick.

He drew in ragged breaths as he bent over her, covering her slim form. One hand on the mattress by her head; the other reached around to rub her clit.

She cried out and pressed up into his chest and back on his cock.

"That's it. That's it. Cum for me, my Hari. Cum on my cock. Squeeze it. Milk it. Salazar, you're so sweet, so tight! I love being in you."

"Tom...yes... Tom!" She shrieked as she came hard. Her head dropped forward as her body shook through the intense orgasm.

Tom groaned and pushed deep as he spilled his seed into her. He collapsed forward taking her to the mattress with him. He shifted sideways taking his weight off her and pulling her flush against him.

Hours later they were strolling down the wide stairway arm and arm speaking softly when a strangled noise below caught their attention. They looked down to see Severus Snape along with several other Death Eaters that had come to celebrate Yule staring up at them.

Snape looked shocked, horrified. Potter...an older looking Potter was on the Dark Lord's arm and looking very happy to be there. A red and black snake coiled around her left arm. A long haired little dog scampered at her feet as Nagini slithered beside the Dark Lord who looked more content than Snape could ever recall seeing him.

Hari smiled sunnily at him. "Professor, Happy Yule."

Amusement at Snape's shock sparked along their connection making Tom have to fight back his own chuckle.

"Happy... I find you in the Dark Lord's home and all you say is Happy Yule?" Snape snarled. Potter really was with the Dark Lord! He had heard the whispers but thought they were mistaken. She was the one that had summoned him back to bed? The one with a cougar patronus? She told everyone she had fled England yet here she was. He couldn't believe the audacity of the girl. Not to mention she didn't look sixteen. Or scrawny. And where were her glasses?

Hari blinked. "Um...don't tell Dumbledore." She added as they continued down the stairs.

"Don't...tell..." Snape glared at her. "That is all you have to say for yourself? Do you have any idea how many hours were put into searching for you?!"

"Too many since I quite plainly told you all to kiss my arse and fight your own war."

Tom snorted. His lips twitched in amusement. "Happy Yule, Severus."

Snape's glaring gaze snapped to his lord's. The ire smoothed away with effort. "Happy Yule, my lord." He ground out.

Tom held his gaze a moment then shifted to the others. "Happy Yule everyone."

"Happy Yule, my lord....Lady Potter."

Hari grinned when Antonin Dolohov edged away from her. Her nose wrinkling ingenuously. "Happy Yule to you all."

They parted as the Dark Lord and Lady Potter reached them and strode through their midst toward the salon where the rest of the Inner Circle gathered for the lighting of the Yule Log.

Snape fell in with the others in a daze. Potter really was with the Dark Lord! When and how had this happened? How did they go from fated enemies to lovers? He shuddered at the thought and tried to scrub it from his mind.

"What is she doing here?" Bellatrix' strident voice cut through his thoughts.

"I love you too, Bellatrix." Hari replied sweetly not in the least bit afraid of the deranged Death Eater. The beautiful red and black magical snake that Tom had given her for a Yule gift coiled around her left arm hissing at everyone warningly.

The Dark Lord ignored Bellatrix and her low-cut, form hugging dress and moved to the large fireplace where the thick Yule Log lay waiting to be lit. Two small offering pits had appeared one on the left and one on the right of the hearth. A roast lay in one. Several ears of corn and wheat sheaves lay in the other.


Everyone stared. Potter was going to say the blessings? Light the fires?

"Potter is going to light the offerings? " Bellatrix screeched. "She's a Light blood..."

"Enough, Bellatrix." Tom snapped forcefully. He touched Hari's back gently.

Hari glanced up at him and bit her lip. Dropping her wand to her hand, she moved to stand before the fireplace facing the left offering she intoned, "To the Crone that awaits to guide us all at the end of life's cycle; to Magic that makes us Special we give thanks for another year full of blessings." Silently, she called forth fire and the roast began burning brightly.

Hari turned to the right offering. "To the Maiden that brings new life and sustenance. To Magic that supports our babes and imbues them with Its own essence. We give thanks for the year to come. For crops that will feed us and children that will ensure we are not forgotten." The grain offering began burning.

Tom stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her briefly. He turned them to face his Inner Circle. "We are gathered to celebrate all the blessings we have been given and the blessings yet to come. I give thanks for those faithful who did not desert me in my madness; for those who have forgiven me the atrocious acts I committed before regaining myself. You have not been just followers. You have been steadfast allies...some steadfast friends as well. We have stood together during the dark, bleak times. We will continue to stand together as we step into the bright future where we reap the rewards for our perseverance."

He turned and with a silent Incendio lit the Yule log. It began burning strong and hot.

Keeping his arm around Hari, he led the group to the dining room. He prodded Hari to the head of the table. The table had been expanded so Hari could sit comfortably at his right side. The symbolism was not lost on any of those gathered.

Potter resided at the head of the table as an equal to the Dark Lord. As they all settled around the table, the house elves brought in the first course while several Death Eaters fought to keep the hate off their faces.

As the meal progressed, Hari remained quiet just listening to the various conversations. She had always just thought of these people as Death Eaters. Enemies. She never really thought about them having personal lives, family. As she listened they became people to her. She listened to them discuss their spouses and children and troubles with said children.

She was glad that Barty Crouch, Jr. and one of the Lestrange brothers was between her and Snape. She didn't want to deal with his venomous tongue today.

Lucius and the other Lestrange brother was on Tom's right. Bellatrix after them. Bellatrix and Snape were glaring at her. The rest trying their best to ignore her presence except for Lucius and Barty.

She noted that Dolohov was as far from her as possible.

Tom noticed her gaze lingering on Dolohov and chuckled. "You are not imagining it. He is keeping his distance." He said softly.

Hari laughed. "Maybe he'll think twice before putting his hands on some random witch in the future."

"What could Potter do to make Dolohov leery?" Rodolphus asked in a contemptuous tone.

Tom looked at him coldly. "She cast Herbivicus tartantulus very pointedly at his groin. The thorns were sharp and hooked. Matilda had to physically remove them one at a time. It took over an hour to free him from the vine."

All the men were pale and ill.

Hari just smiled sweetly. "I don't like men grabbing me..." she cast a sultry look at Tom, "without permission."

He smiled warmly at her.

Conversation ebbed and flowed around the table then Tom said, "Do you still intend to go to St. Johns next week?"

Hari nodded. "I miss them and it will be an excellent opportunity to try and remove some more of his blinders. Besides, neither of us are ready for people to know that I've joined you yet."

"Luxemburg would be more entertaining with you there."

"Of course it would." Hari replied impishly.

"Arrogant as ever." Snape snarled. "Tell me, Potter, are you certain the glamour over your Dark Mark will hold? It would be disastrous if it fell in front of your dogfather."

Hari froze then slowly shifted her gaze from Tom to Snape. Everyone inhaled at the red streaks in her eyes. "My arrogance issss nowhere near the level of yourssss sssso you really have no reasssson to mention it, Sssseverusss and I will only sssay thisss one time. I am not Marked. I do not bow and grovel at anyonesssss feet. You ssshould asssk Rosstler how I resssponded to her insssinuating I did and be thankful it isss Yule."

Tom inhaled and trembled as red bled into Hari's eyes and her voice went all sibilant and hissy in her fury. His erection bloomed fast and hard. It throbbed painfully as she hissed and spit.

Snape was both infuriated at being dressed down by her and white and shaking with ingrained fear of both the red eyes and the hissing tone of voice. The Dark Lord usually handed crucios out like candy when he got that way.

Snape held her gaze longer than Tom thought he would then the man broke and averted his gaze just the slightest bit. "Pardon the assumption that the glamour on your left forearm was covering the Dark Mark." He murmured the innuendo silkily.

Hari glared at him. She held her arm out so all could see and dropped the glamour. The thick, shiny oval scar appeared. "Basilisk fang second year when I did the staffs' job and rescued a student. Fawkes cried in it saving my life. The scar is here to stay though. Would you like to see what is under my other glamour to clear up any lingering doubts?"

Snape bristled at her insinuation that they hadn't done their jobs. "Yes."

Tom's hand clenched on his fork. "You are pushing my limits, Severus."

Snape paled slightly. "My apologies, my lord. Would it not be better to settle any doubts now?"

Hari held her right hand out and released that glamour as well. I shall not tell lies appeared on the back of her hand. "Umbridge, fifth year. Blood quill. Another time that the Hogwarts staff failed their charges."

Snape eyed her hand and arm with disappointment. He would have loved to see her groveling at the Dark Lord's feet. "And the Mark isn't..."

"She is not Marked." Tom hissed furiously. "Do not insinuate she is again."

Snape bowed his head before the Dark Lord's fury.

Hari glared at Snape for a couple more minutes before turning and visibly gathering herself, shoving her anger down. She drew in a deep breath and exhaled then she gently forked a piece of roast and began eating again while the snake on her arm coiled around and around hissing softly.

After a few minutes where everyone got their hearts to beat normally again and Tom fought down his anger, Hari looked over at Barty. "Except for when you portkeyed me to a graveyard, you were one of my favorite Defense professors."

Barty grinned. "Teaching was actually fun."

"Hmmm, yes. You did seem to enjoy teaching students lessons. I seem to recall a bouncing ferret." She murmured still feeling a little out of sorts.

Barty groaned when Lucius glared at him. "I thought you said you liked me, Potter."

She laughed gently. "Lucius knows you were only playing a part."

"I know he had better never turn my son into an animal again." Lucius responded snottily.

"You are instigating." Tom huffed at her.

Hari grinned as she shifted restlessly in her chair. "At least I'm not practicing my cruciatus." Her gaze rested on Snape a moment before flicking to Lucius. "Will Draco be at the party tonight?"

"Yes, Lady Potter. Most of our children will be there."

"Have you warned him I'll be there?"

"I wasn't sure if you would be making an appearance or not."

"I wasn't planning on it while Dumbledore was still at Hogwarts. He is a nosey man. Always dipping into your mind, but with him gone I decided to attend."

"That's right you were abysmal at occlumency, weren't you?" Bellatrix giggled.

Hari's eyes flashed. "I don't think I was ever given a real lesson. 'Clear your mind,' wasn't very informative." She said cattily. "I am hoping to get a real teacher this coming year."

Snape glowered at her.

Tom looked between them and sighed. "Enough. This is Yule. We are supposed to be on the same side. Act like it."

It wasn't much longer before the meal was over and everyone adjourned to the salon with the Yule log. Glasses of honeyed mead, fire whiskey and brandy were handed out.

Hari sipped at her drink. Her stomach rebelled fiercely. She moaned and set the drink aside. "Tipper," she called out nauseously. "Could you get me some ginger ale?"

"Yes, Miss Hari."

The elf was back in a flash with a glass of ice cold ginger ale.

Hari sipped it cautiously and sighed when her stomach was happier with it than with the brandy. She leaned back in her chair and watched the various groups shifting about the room.

This was his Inner Circle. The ones he trusted the most; was the closest to. She watched him talking with MacNair and Goyle, Sr. He was as relaxed as he ever got around other people.

"So you traded sexual favors for safety." Snape sneered as he settled in a chair near her.

"You are going to make me hex you yet." Hari huffed unwilling to play the frightened little Gryffindor any longer.


"I did not trade sexual favors for safety. I have a secured home far from here. Tom has no clue where I live. He wrote me via Gringotts. I wrote back. Before we knew it we were conversing regularly. He invited me to visit. I did. We connected. We trade sexual favors on a regular basis now because we both enjoy it very much. Any more questions about my sex life, Snape?"

Snape glared at her hatefully.

Lucius decided to try and diffuse the situation brewing between his close friend and the Dark Lord's lover. He crossed the room and settled in a chair in their little grouping. "Severus, Lady Potter."

Snape nodded at him sharply.

Hari gave him an amused look. "Lucius. Do you think Delaine Pfeiffer will be voted in as headmaster?"

"I believe he has more than a fair chance. He isn't connected to us in any way and he has a reputation for being fair minded and unbiased. He has excellent educational credentials as well." He shifted slightly. "Umbridge has gone missing apparently. I have yet to locate her."

Hari shrugged. "I'm not sure the centaurs ever let her go. She may still be in the Forbidden Forest or even dead. It really is no big deal."

"What are you two on about?" Snape growled.

"Umbridge and her blasted Blood Quill." She growled back. "Tom says we need her in order to remove the scar."

Hari sipped her drink. Suddenly she stood. "Pardon me," she murmured and strode quickly from the room as her stomach roiled.

Once out of the room she ran for the nearest bathroom. She barely made it before she started throwing up. She groaned and laid her head down on her arm. She hated being sick.

She threw up and threw up. She drew in shallow breaths trying to calm her stomach.

The door opened and Tom was there kneeling at her side with a cold cloth on her neck and forehead while he held her hair out of the way.

"I hate being sick," Hari moaned as she threw up again.

Finally, her stomach settled slightly and she leaned back on her heels resting her head against Tom's shoulder. "Sorry."

Tom frowned. "You have no reason to be sorry. You can't control getting sick." He wiped her face and gave her a glass of water to rinse her mouth with. "Come on, let's get you in bed. I'll call Emily."

"No. It's Yule. Don't bother her. I'm sure it was something I ate or maybe the brandy. It didn't sit well earlier."

"Add the hateful glares and the sniping."


"Alright. Let's get you into bed and you can nap until time to get ready for the party. I'll get a stomach soother from Severus."

He helped her to her feet and they slowly walked to the stairs.

"Wait here." Tom strode quickly into the salon and returned quickly with Snape. Snape strode down the hall to the potions lab while Tom returned to her side.

He let her try walking until the first landing. Her small whimpers cut through him. He picked her up in his arms and carried her to their room. He laid her on the bed and went to the dresser to get her pajamas.

He got her favorite cotton ones out and helped her change before tucking her under the covers. She curled up in a miserable ball. She was pale and sweaty. Tom sat beside her and rubbed her belly gently while running a cool cloth over her face. She was nearly asleep when Snape appeared in the doorway.

Snape stared at the domestic scene. Potter in pajamas under the covers. The Dark Lord rubbing her belly with his face knitted in worry. "My lord, the potion."

Tom rose and came to get the potion. "Thank you, Severus. I'll be down in a few minutes."

Snape bowed and left.

Tom moved back to Hari's side and coaxed her into swallowing the stomach soother. He rubbed her belly until she fell asleep. He called Tinker to watch over her then returned to his guests.

When Hari woke later to get ready for the party she felt fine.

Tom was relieved to see color back in her face.

She dressed to compliment his outfit. She was unaware of how regal they looked as they slowly descended the stairs to meet their guests for the Yule Ball.

The ball room was full of posh looking wizards and gaily dressed witches. Champagne , wine and fine liquor flowed freely. Long buffet tables lined a wall two deep. An orchestra played sophisticated music from a raised stage at the far end of the room.

"Are you going to get chuffed if I dance with others while you're chatting up your guests?"

Tom glowered at her briefly. "Not if they keep their hands where they belong during a dance."

Hari hugged his arm and leaned into him affectionately. "Yes, sir."

Tom stopped and cupped her face with his free hand. He bent and kissed her gently making it clear to all in attendance that she was his.

Hari moaned against his mouth. She knew he was staking his claim, but couldn't bring herself to care. In fact, she thrilled that the Dark Lord would actually kiss her in front of his followers and their children.

Tom drew back and rubbed his thumb across her cheek. "I do intend to dance with you myself."

Hari smiled happily at him.

They made the rounds stopping to speak with small groups of people. Most were at least coldly polite to Hari. Some though actually seemed to be attempting to be friendly.

When Tom started toward the Carrows and Rowle Hari stiffened. Those three were more Voldemort's followers than Tom's. They had thrived on the torture and revels. They weren't very happy with the new direction he was going in.

"I think I'll go say hi to Draco and the others." Hari murmured.

Tom looked down at her. Seeing the dislike on her face, he nodded. "I realize I may have to get rid of those three and a few others."


"Go shock the junior minions," he murmured borrowing her phrase.

She grinned up at him and rose to brush a kiss across his mouth before sauntering off to where the teens were gathered.

Most of the teens were ones she expected, but a few were surprises although none were as big as shocks as she was to them she was certain. Lavender Brown , the Patil sisters and Callidora Hooch were shocks. Four more younger Gryffindors sat nervously in the group. She counted nine Ravenclaws and seven Hufflepuffs including Justin Finch-Fletchley, Leanne Agler and Wayne Hopkins from her year.

Of course some the older ones would have been big shocks if she hadn't seen them in visions. The ones a few years older than her like Angelina Johnson, Alison Norstrum, Zacharias Smith were thankfully off mingling with the adults.

"Happy Yule," she murmured as she slid into an empty seat in their grouping.

They all gaped at her except Draco who had been forewarned by his father more to make sure he didn't say something to set her off than for any other reason.

"Happy Yule, Potter." He muttered cautiously.

Hari glanced around the stunned group noting those that were curious or neutral and those that were hateful. "Oh, come now. If Tom and I can put aside our past and be friends surely you can too."

"Friends? I hear you are his current bed warmer." Pansy Parkinson replied snidely.

Hari grinned and hummed in contentment. "Pansy dear, I don't warm his bed I set it on fire."

They all stared, mouths open in complete shock. They thought she would get angry and deny that she was fucking the Dark Lord.

Hari sighed and leaned back. "This conversation gets old. I have to have it with every new group of followers I meet." She held up one hand, fingers spread and began ticking off points with the other. "I do not have the Dark Mark. I am an ally. A partner not a follower. I have a home on another continent. It is well warded and no one not even Tom knows where it is nor does my godfathers. I have a portkey so I can come and go as I please. It pleases me to spend days at a time here. Yes, we have fantastic sex. We also discuss goals, legislation and what we want magical Britain to be like in the future and how to achieve it. Any other questions?"

"We're just to take your word for it?"

Hari shrugged. With a cold smile she muttered, "You could ask him."

They blanched.

"So Lavender, when are you going to tell Ronald where you spend Yule?"

Lavender glared at her. "Don't you dare tell him, Potter!"

"I won't. Mostly because it would mean communicating with the jealous, greedy, hateful, lying bastard, but it would also indicate where I spent mine."

"How dare you call my boyfriend..."

:Shut up: Hari hissed and Lavender's mouth snapped shut. Surprise and a bit of fear showed in Lavender's eyes. "Better. I spent years having to listen to Molly Weasley and Granger's shrill, shrewish shrieking. I refuse to endure it any longer. Understood?"

Lavender nodded.

Hari ended the spell. She looked around and gave a genuine smile. "Mandy Pfeiffer, I hear your father may be the next headmaster."

"Yes, Lady Potter. He received notice of an interview with the Board of Governors just this morning."

"Hari is fine. I just pull out 'Lady Potter' with the stuck up snobs. When Tom told me who he was considering placing in Hogwarts I told him you were a well-liked and unbiased person so I assumed your father was. Hogwarts is special to Tom and I, Mandy. We want someone there who will bring her back to top form again. We both think your father is the person to do so."

Mandy flushed. "Thank you...Hari."

Hari waved her off. "So are any of you going to dance any time soon? Tom is busy chatting up his older and less than pleasant followers."

Draco stood gracefully. "I will dance with you, Pot...Hari. As long as the Dark Lord isn't going to hex me."

Hari grinned mischievously. "As long as your hands stay where they should, he has promised to behave."

Draco paled slightly then nodded and bravely held out his arm.

Hari wrapped her hand around his arm and let him lead her to the dance floor.

They watched the flow of dancers a moment then Draco turned and put one hand on her waist and took her hand. In one smooth step he had them in the flow and whirling around the floor.

He was tense and silent for the first circuit then, "Why are you older looking?"

"I bought a house and fifty acres. I live alone. It cuts down on well-meaning interference and official questioning."

Draco's gaze swept over her slender, curvy form and her beautiful face. "So this isn't a glamour? This is how you actually look in your twenties?"

"Like it?"

"Don't flirt with me, Potter. I like my bits attached."

Hari gave an amused huff. "Sorry. Yes. This is me at a healthy twenty-two years old."

Draco was silent a moment frowning as he parsed her statement. "You weren't very healthy before were you?"


"I overheard mother and father talking. Father says you're an animagus."

"Does he? Did he tell your mother what form I have?"

Draco leaned forward. His lips almost brushed her ear as he murmured, "A cougar."

Hari nodded. "So I am."

Draco leaned back to a proper distance quickly. He did not want the Dark Lord getting the wrong idea. His father had said her animagus form was stunning – sleek, beautiful, predatory. He wanted to see it.

"Are you an animagus?"

Draco nodded smugly.

Hari eyed him. "Most would automatically think a snake of some kind, but I don't think that's you."

"Do not say a ferret." Draco snarled.

Hari laughed. The sound was full of honest enjoyment. It spread through the room full of happiness and delight making several heads turn including Tom's. He watched them dancing intently several minutes until he was assured that young Malfoy was behaving.

Hari shook her head. "No...not what I was thinking. Let's see...handsome, proud, territorial, struts about...a peacock perhaps."

Draco glared at her until she burst out laughing again. It was infectious and soon his light baritone laughter joined hers surprising all who witnessed a Malfoy and a Potter dancing and laughing together.

"Okay...seriously...ummm....I do see you as something fiercely defensive of family and territory, but not something necessarily an alpha predator. Perhaps a fox."

"Close," Draco admitted surprised that she pegged him so well. "A coyote."

The song ended and they came to a stop as Hari's eyes widened slightly. "Really. I bet you are a gorgeous one."

"Flirting, Potter."

"Am not. I can admire beauty without flirting."

Draco sighed. "Yes, you can. I admit you are beautiful, but you do nothing for me and I have no desire to flirt with you."

"That is a good thing, young Malfoy." The Dark Lord said from behind his shoulder.

Draco jumped slightly and glared when Hari smirked at him. Draco turned and bowed. "My lord."

"Thank you for entertaining Hari for me." Tom held his hand out and Hari grinned as she took it allowing him to draw her to his side.

"Thanks for the dance, Draco. I'll invite you over one day when I'm here and we'll go running together."

Draco flicked a glance at the Dark Lord.

"She does as she wishes," Tom allowed. "You are more than welcome to come over."

"Thank you, my lord." Draco bowed slightly before turning and striding off.

Tom's gaze raked over her worriedly. "Are you up to another dance?"

"I'm fine, Tom. I'm telling you it was the brandy and the sniping. Snape always upsets my stomach. The sourpuss."

Tom allowed the worry to fade away and swept her onto the dance floor. They danced through three songs. One that allowed him to hold her snugged against him leaving her no doubt as to his interest.

Eventually, though they tired and stepped off the dance floor.

"Would it ruin your reputation if I kissed you passionately?" Hari murmured.

Tom nearly moaned at the barely repressed desire in her voice. "I've resisted only because I was concerned about your reputation." He admitted.

Hari reached up and slid her hand around the back of his neck. "Kiss me."

Tom bent and melded his mouth to hers in a fierce kiss that left no doubt that he wanted her badly.

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