𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓

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𝐀/𝐍: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐨 𝐈 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬.

Dec 23


I miss you and Remus. I can't come to England and won't reveal my new home. I would like to meet you two and spend the week in St. Johns, US Virgin Islands. Apparently, I have a house there. It is Moony proof so no excuse. Some of my new friends may join us at some point.



We'll be there in the morning. Moony took convincing, but he is coming if I have to stun him.


Dec 24

Sirius strode over to his anxious looking goddaughter and swept her up in a tight, bone cracking hug. "Pup," he murmured softly. "Merlin, I've missed you."

"He isn't the only one."

Sirius handed her over to Remus who hugged her just as hard.

He set her back and studied her. "Look at you. Grown. Beautiful. James and Lily would be proud of you, cub."

"Would they?" Hari asked softly with a glance in Sirius' direction.


Sirius nodded. "I've been doing a lot of thinking, Hari. Remus is right. They would be proud of you. It'll take a while for me to let go of a lifetime of thoughts and habits and beliefs, but I've made a start. I want to enjoy the beach and just loafing with you this week, but I...we...we would like to read these books you have been reading and discuss these beliefs you've developed."

"We'd also like to meet the young man whose scent is all over you." Remus growled slightly. Tonight was the full moon and his heightened senses told him a lot about his goddaughter. She smelled of forest and wolf and male musk and sex. He sniffed. Something teased his nose. Something faint and a bit disturbing in an undefined way.

Tom and she had been...energetic this morning knowing it would be a week before they saw each other again. Hari flushed and stepped back from him. They hadn't thought about that aspect of her spending time with her godfathers especially with the full moon tonight. "Well you won't meet him this week. Sorry. He's busy and stop sniffing me, Moony. You will meet some new friends." She settled into the plush chair in the sitting room and waited for them to sit down. The house elf brought tea and biscuits. "I am aware that you will probably ferret out my location from them. They are open and haven't much experience at keeping secrets. I just ask that you don't put them in a bad spot by asking them directly or probing too hard. They'll feel bad if they tell and they'll feel bad for being rude to you."

"Okay, pup. We won't put your friends in a bad spot, but don't expect us to not try and figure it out."

"I'd like to see my accommodations for the night."

Hari rose to her feet. "Sure, come on."

She led them out to a big bungalow. She saw them look around and frown. Then she activated the wards. The windows shuttered and strong wards slid over the walls, floor and ceiling. All sound from outside disappeared then magical windows shimmered into existence reflecting the beach on one side and the lush forest behind them.

Sirius and Remus drew their wands and tested the wards thoroughly. In the end, they looked at her impressed. "These are top-notch wards."

Hari grinned. "I'll tell the team I hired you were impressed." She deactivated them. She took in Remus' tired face. "Are you up for lounging on the beach?"

Remus gave her a tired smile. "I think I can handle lying on a blanket in the hot sun. I might even get wet."

Twenty minutes later, they were sprawled out on huge blankets under three large beach umbrellas. Ice cold drinks in hand and finger food scattered about as they caught up on what they had been doing since they last saw each other.

"You wouldn't believe Grimmauld Place now. The wall with my mother's portrait has been torn out. We went through each room thoroughly removing all Dark objects, removing dark, dank furniture and paneling. The color scheme is creams, blues, light browns and greens. Red and gold were used very sparingly."

Hari laughed and rolled onto her back. She flung an arm over her eyes to block the sun. "I'd love to see it. Maybe I'll ask for permission to come visit for a few days."

"Permission, Pup?"

"We have a truce. I stay out of England except rare trips to Gringotts and he doesn't try to kill me."

"And you think he'll let you come to Grimmauld for a few days?"

Hari shrugged. "Maybe, if I don't leave the house. You have broken ties with Dumbledore." She cut a sly look at her godfather. "So, you are a free man now. Why wasn't a gorgeous witch brought along?"

"He wasn't sure how you'd react." Remus outed him.

Hari tilted her head to stare at Sirius.

"It's our week. I hadn't seen you since we fought."

Hari reached out and shoved him in the side. "Invite your gal to a week in St. John's, Padfoot."

He grinned. "I'll ask her to come Thursday. I do want to spend time with you."

"Seth and a few friends are coming Wednesday."

"Seth...is that who I smelled?" Remus probed.

Hari flushed and averted her gaze. "No," she murmured softly.


"I don't want to fight this week." Hari huffed and rose to her feet. She ran across the hot sand and dove into the cool, clear water.

Sirius and Remus watched her swimming in the ocean and sighed.

"She's dating a Dark wizard, isn't she?" Sirius whined.

"I believe so." Remus glanced at his friend. "Are you going to harangue her?"

"No. I really have been thinking." He rubbed his face and ran his hands through his hair. "I'm a Dark wizard. I may not practice what my family preached. I may believe more Light philosophy than Dark or at least what I'm beginning to realize was my family's unique take on Dark Arts, but if you look at my magic it does align with the Dark aspects of magic. I refuse to lose her, Remus. I love her like she was my daughter. I just want to understand her."

"Then go tell her that."

Sirius rose after a moment and jogged to the water and dove in.

Remus watched the quiet conversation then grinned when Hari leaped into Sirius' arms knocking them both under the waves.

They came up spluttering and laughing.

Hari felt the worry lighten. Sirius was beginning to lose the bigotry. She still had serious doubts that he would ever accept Tom once he knew who he was. It was progress though. If she could get him to see that the ideas Tom was promoting were good things. That Tom was improving their world not destroying it.

You are having fun, my Hari?

Yes. And Sirius is trying to let go of his blind bigotry.

I am glad.

How are talks going?

Fine. Boring. How is your stomach?

Fine. Not queasy at all. Moony smelled you all over me. He knows I had sex with a man this morning. It was embarrassing. He's like an uncle. She added the last petulantly when Tom sent pleased male feelings at her. He liked knowing she was marked as his. Hari shivered as Tom sent mental fingers over her waist then they drifted lower. Behave.

Ah, but you have shown me how...enjoyable misbehaving is.

His laughter washed over her warm and loving.


It was after supper and the sun was starting to set.

"We should go, Padfoot." Remus murmured as the edgy feeling increased. He had taken the wolfsbane an hour ago.

"Want company?"

"Hari. No. Moony doesn't take well to humans."

"He does well with Animagus though, right?"

"You're an Animagus!" Sirius jumped to his feet in excitement. "Are you a doe like your mum? A stag like James? Maybe a...a playful puppy or an inquisitive raccoon?"

Hari laughed and stood. She drew her magic around her and flowed into her Animagus form.

The two men stared at the large predator. The form said better than anything what exactly Hari had grown up to be. "Bloody Hell!"

Hari shifted back after a moment. "Well?" She asked nervously.

"Definitely not sweet and cuddly." Remus remarked, laughter in his voice at Sirius' shocked expression.

Hari arched an eyebrow at her godfather.

"I think you'll do well with Moony tonight."

Hari flung her arms around him.

Dec 25

Sirius leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs, he twined his fingers and laid his hands on his leg. "So...Olde Traditions."

"Okay. Let's start with Imbolc. A sacred day for both Light and Dark. A celebration of life and rebirth. Celebrating the welling up of magic in the crops and babies. Renewal of life, energy, strength. Ritualized purification baths and celebratory bonfires."

"You're right. Not all the Olde traditions were Dark traditions even though they've all been pushed aside. Have you participated in Imbolc?"

"No, but this February I will. I have been assured that this is a feast celebrating life. I was told that those that wish to often smear a drop of their own blood on the wishes for the new year that get tossed into the bonfire."

"I wouldn't oppose bringing Imbolc back into open acceptance. It was a nice, gentle reassurance of the continuance of life. I hear they are talking of letting the schools teach of it."

"Beltane in May. A ritual for health, fertility, prosperity. This one I do have a bit of an issue with. More because of my muggle upbringing I'm told." Hari murmured flushing. And because it infuriated her to think of Tom having sex with others. His followers had better not expect to be buggered by him this May. She had a feeling that it was going to be a point of contention between her and Tom.

"Ritualistic sex. You have to truly trust those you celebrate Beltane with. My family celebrated Beltane in its darkest, most primal manner." Sirius told her, his countenance darkening in remembrance. "Potion laced wine and meads. A community cup with a drop of everyone's blood in it linking the participants – a sharing of your magic; vulnerable to attack from any one of the participants. Potions that increased your libido and banished your reservations. A mass orgy amongst family members and close friends and allies."

Hari shifted. "I've refused to participate when I was asked if I would this year. I am not having sex with a bunch of people. I'm not even comfortable having sex with the man I'm involved with in front of others. He did tell me of blessing the fields. I will participate in that part. Riddle has agreed not to see it as a break in the truce. I will walk the fields of my vassals and pour healing, growing magic into the soil so their crops will prosper and sustain life."

"And your man understands? He isn't pressuring you?"

"He does understand. He realizes that I will intelligently study Light and Dark traditions and opinions and pick what makes sense to me. He says I'm Dark Gray."

"Good. I'm glad you have someone that makes you happy."

Hari bit her lip and smiled shyly. "He does, Siri. He makes me happier than I've ever been."

"I see that. You glow when talking about him. Do we get to meet him?"


"Beltane will meet huge opposition. Light families are not going to be okay with ritualized orgies. At best, the Dark might get the Light to compromise with the blessing of the fields."

"Mabon in September. Welcoming the Dark. Recognizing that life is a cycle and that Death is a part of Life. Night is as necessary as Day. Winter lets the Earth rest in preparation for the coming Summer. I actually feel more connected to this sacred day than any of the others."

Sirius stared at her. "You sacrificed a living creature to the Dark Goddess?"


"You can't tell me that the Dark does not sacrifice at Mabon." Sirius growled.

Hari bowed her head a moment. This one Tom was uncomfortable with. Tom with his fear of dying; of leaving this world before he accomplished his goals, made his mark. Tom with his fear of disappearing into the dark and being forgotten. He didn't understand how she could embrace it so willingly, so completely. "The extremists do."

"They all do!" Sirius shouted glaring at her.

Hari stared back. Meeting his gaze openly and without guile. It felt like he was weighing her soul. She wasn't used to her godfather being so serious and stern.

"I have celebrated Mabon. I did not sacrifice a living creature. I faced fears and put my faith in something larger than me. I embraced the knowledge that Death isn't the worst thing that could happen. Death is just another phase to my existence. It is what I do in the phase I am in now that matters not how long I stay in it. I stand before the Dark Goddess without fear. She has held me many times in that tiny cupboard on Privet Drive assuring me that I needn't fear the dark or the peace death brought; promising that she wouldn't make me face the unknown alone. I don't fear Death. I accept that it is part of the natural cycle of life and that frees me from a lot of other fears and desperate acts."

"What did you sacrifice?" Sirius asked harshly.

"Nothing! I killed nothing."

The Dark Goddess requires a sacrifice."

"She requires an offering."

"And what did you offer then?"

"A very small chalice of blood. My blood. Consumed by fire until it was entirely gone while I meditated and thought about what I feared and why; what I wanted to accomplish in this life before I move on to say hello to mum and dad. I have walked side by side with Death my entire life, Sirius. The Dark Goddess has cradled me, comforted me many times in my childhood. I can still recall the tune She hummed in the dark after some of Vernon's worst beatings. Death isn't a stranger that will strike me down cruelly one day. Death is a friend that will take me by the hand when the time is right and walk me down the path to where Mum and Dad wait to welcome me home."

Sirius stared at her horrified at her childhood.

Hari paused then took a deep breath. "The more I read and study. The more I talk with Dark witches and wizards the more I think that what your family practiced was Black Magic not the Dark Arts."

"There isn't a difference Hari." He growled harshly.

"Yes, there is. A huge one, Sirius. That opinion is the epitome of the damage that the Light has done in Britain. They are damaging Magic herself. Day and Night. Summer and Winter. Life and Death. We need the Dark and Light in Balance for Magic to keep Nature in Order. Magic is neutral neither Good or Evil. By refusing the Dark; refusing to acknowledge Magic in the Old Ways we are losing our connection to Her. It is one of the reasons we are weaker and less in number. It's subject to the intent of the user. Black Magic is about Death and Torture. It's about reveling in an Innocent's pain and fear and death. It's about taking someone's will and power and imprisoning it and making it yours to use and control."

Sirius stared a long moment then drew in a shuddering breath. "I want to read what you've been reading."

Hari nodded. I can do that."

"The Light will never accept Mabon."

"They don't need to. They just need to agree to let the Dark observe it without persecution."

"It will be the most difficult to get accepted."

"We know."

We. Sirius drew in a deep breath "Samhain in November"

"Samhain. The time when the border between the living and dead thins."

"Necromancy," Sirius spat. "Bringing the dead back even for a night is..." he broke off with a shudder.

"Or a time to meditate. A time to seek the presence of my mum and dad. To feel even a ghostly echo of their love, of arms around me that I never got to actually feel. To hear Mum say she loves me..." Hari broke off and looked away as tears streaked her cheeks.

"Hari," Sirius murmured, his anger and distaste dissolving before her grief, her loss.

"I sat alone in my home with candles lit around me and focused on the picture I have of them holding me as a baby. I sat for hours until I heard her voice...felt a hand cup my cheek. Then I was in a meadow and there was a bench. She...she's beautiful...Lily. I don't know if my mind made it up or if it was real, but..." Hari sobbed brokenly.

Sirius left the chair and knelt in front of her, holding her close as she wept on his shoulder. He rubbed gentle circles on her back. "I'm sure it was real. The barrier is thin on Samhain. Lily would have jumped at the chance to speak to you."

Hari clung to him. "She said she loved me...no...no...matter...what."

Sirius smiled sadly. He had no doubt that James and Lily knew exactly what their little girl was up to and who she was up to it with. Lily would love her regardless. He wondered though about James. Hari hadn't mentioned her father. "That was your mum. Unconditional love."

Hari finally sat back and swiped at her eyes. She could feel Tom in the back of her mind upset that he couldn't be there to ease her grief. She heard his softly utter apology for being the one to take them from her. She sent back a weepy wave of affection and forgiveness.

"Yule in December." Sirius murmured gently as he wiped the tears from her cheeks. "Light and Dark used to celebrate it. I know many Light families that still do discreetly. It is another tradition they are allowing to be taught about in the schools."

"A time of feasting and giving. Giving thanks to Magic itself in a burnt offering of meat and grain not a life. A Yule log that burns for days to symbolize perseverance of life through the cold, dark winter. A gathering of family, friends and allies to denote that we will be there for each other through the difficult season. A time to acknowledge Magic and how it supports us, helps us to survive."

Sirius rubbed his eyes as he moved back to sit in the chair and study the witch his goddaughter had turned into. "And what Light things have you retained, Pup?"

"I can still cast a fully corporeal patronus." She grinned cheekily at him then sobered. "I've come to understand that Light and Dark used to be just a difference in how one accessed their magic. How they communed with Magic. Now Light has become synonymous with Muggle loving which...I like certain muggles and I enjoy certain muggle things. I don't think the wizarding world should become a copy of the muggle world. I will resist that. I don't believe they will accept us like a lot of the Light think. I don't think we should kill them all off if you're wondering."

"Do you think we should kill any of them off?"

Hari sighed and shrugged. "I honestly don't know, Godfather. I know they are a serious threat. I know that if they find out enmasse about us, they will panic and hunt us down and exterminate us because they will fear us. The part of me that wants to keep our world and our children safe says yes. Yes, subtly attack and wipe out the threat. The rest of me is horrified that I would think of mass murder even in the abstract. It makes me ill to realize that I can, at times, think calmly about killing over four billion people. That isn't the Light and Dark struggling within me though. That is my natural compassion struggling against the hatred and bigotry and strong desire to survive that the Dursleys and Dumbledore instilled in me as a small child."

Sirius stared in shock. He swallowed hard. Then he stared some more. Finally, he muttered. "I think I just realized how much damage your childhood caused to your psyche."

Hari laughed softly.

Sirius shivered at the cold tinge to the laughter.

Hari shook her head sadly. "My childhood shattered my psyche, Sirius. I can be loving and compassionate to a person who I care about while simultaneously plotting murder. I was six when I started trying to figure out how to kill the Dursleys and twelve when I added Dumbledore to the mix. I could kill them and not lose a wink of sleep. Survival. That's what they taught me was important. And family oddly enough. The Dursleys are huge on family. If you are family, you count. If they don't count you as family, you don't."

"You're family though."

"No. I was the freak that was foisted on them. They didn't see me as human much less family. They treated me like you treated Kreacher at first."

Sirius flinched. "That's why you insisted I change my behavior."

"Yes. You kept giving me flashbacks to Vernon in a rage." Hari drew in a deep breath and exhaled. "I do believe that we should accept other magical beings as our equals. I believe that it's the individual not the Blood that counts. I don't believe in torturing someone or Blood rituals that involve unwilling participants or the death of someone."

Hari called for Dobby in the silence that followed. "Dobby, in my room is a set of books tied in a ribbon. Could you bring them to me, please?"

"Yes, Miss Hari."

He was back in a couple of minutes.

"Thank you, Dobby." Hari took the books and handed them to Sirius. "These are the books I started with. I brought Remus the books on blood magic in healing as well. They are the two on the bottom."

Sirius took them and placed them in his lap.

Hari stood. "I'm going to go for a swim."

Sirius nodded absently as he read the titles of the books. "I'll check on Moony and give him the two books on healing."

Hari headed for the door then she paused and looked over her shoulder. "I love you, Siri with my whole heart. I don't want to lose you, but I don't want to have to hide in order to have your love."

"I love you too, Pup and I don't want you to have to hide either. That's why I'm trying so hard to understand what you believe."

Hari gave him a tremulous smile before leaving the room.


Hari looked at her two godfathers over a late lunch. Remus still looked tired. "I need to tell you two something about my friends before they arrive."

Remus and Sirius traded looks.

"That sounded a bit ominous, cub."

"No. Not really. I just know how Gryffindors sometimes act before thinking."

The two flushed and glared at her.

She laughed then averted her gaze. "You know how weird stuff just sort of happens around me, right?"

"Right," Sirius drew the word out.

"Well, I move into this wonderful house in the middle of a deep forest a few miles from the nearest small town and wouldn't you know..."

She paused and shifted in her chair. "First we have Seth and his group. One would think they were all animagi except they have no magic."

"Animagi? They turned into animals without magic?" Remus frowned hard.

"Yes... They shift into massively huge wolves."

"Werewolves? Hari!"

"No! No. That is what I thought you'd think. I thought it too at first. It really is like the animagus transformation. One minute human then blink an eye and a wolf that can look me in the eye with all four feet on the ground."

And secondly..." Sirius ground out.

"Um...that would be the Cullens. They are why Seth's people's shifting ability became active. TheCullensareveganvampires."

"The Cullens are what?" Sirius asked, brows knit in confusion.

"You did not just say vegan vampires." Remus snarled at the same time.

Hari drew in a breath. "I did. They are lots different than vampires we are taught about at Hogwarts."

Sirius just stared at his goddaughter in shock. "You leave England to get away from a Dark Lord trying to kill you and buy a house with wolf shape-shifters and vegan vampires as neighbors?"

"Yes." Hari murmured in a small voice.

Sirius and Remus both rubbed their faces in exasperation. Hysterical laughter bubbled up from both men. Merlin! Only their goddaughter.

"They are good people. Nessie is my best friend. She was conceived when Bella, who was still human, married Edward. She has vampire abilities but doesn't need blood. Bella's been turned since then. The father or head of the clan, Carlisle Cullen is a surgeon of all things. His control is stunning. None of them drink human blood just animal. Jacob the Alpha of the Shifters imprinted on Nessie and so the two groups had to bury their natural enmity and have become friends despite the odds."

Remus leaned back and stared at her in complete disbelief. "How are they different than what we are taught, Hari? Besides the animal blood thing."

"They don't burn in the sun. They glitter brightly. Garlic doesn't bother them though they think it stinks to high heaven. They are like hard marble."

"So how do you hurt one? Kill them if necessary?"

"Swear you won't try except in self-defense."


"No. They are my friends. I won't tell you their weaknesses and have you jump up and hurt them when they arrive."

They swore not to attack without provocation.

"Jasper and Emmett were curious. The Shifters can rip them apart. They came into being centuries ago to protect their tribes from what they call the Cold Ones. A treaty was made. Cold Ones stay off the tribe's land and don't attack or turn humans and the Shifters don't hunt them down. So, anyway Jasper and Emmett were curious if a witch could hurt them. I tried cutting curses and hexes of different sorts. Magic hurts them. You have to put more power behind it than normal, but they are as vulnerable as anyone to magic if its strong enough."

The two wizards nodded grimly. "Alright. So how many are showing up, Hari?"

"Um, all the Cullens – that's nine and Jacob, Seth, Embry and Quill."

The wards rang out as people portkeyed into the house an hour later.

"They're here." Hari shouted excitedly and raced from the room.

Remus and Sirius followed at a slower pace. They heard Hari's excited voice and several female voices chattering back at her. Deep male voices had them trading glances and hurrying the remaining distance.

"Down! Put me down, Emmett!"

Hari shrieked then. "Seth Clearwater, down! Now! No. Don't you dare! I am not a toy!"

Another laughing shriek and, "Embry Call see if I let you have any chocolate cheesecake tonight!"

"Ah, come on Embry you know she would have given in."

"Not taking that chance, Seth."

Remus and Sirius stood staring in the doorway as a group of over six foot tall, muscle bound boys tossed their goddaughter about between them until the one that must be Embry put her on her feet. Hari dropped her wand to hand and flung a series of hexes at several laughing boys. They yelped and jumped in the air before glaring at her.

She turned her nose up and linked arms with a girl that looked her age. "Come Nessie, meet my godfathers."

Everyone turned to stare at Sirius and Remus. The two wizards nearly gaped at the room full of beautiful people – unworldly beauty.

A large, slightly threatening young man followed Hari and her friend over to them while the rest trailed behind.

"Sirius Black and Remus Lupin meet my best friend Renesmee Cullen and her Imprint Jacob Black."

"Lord Black, Mr. Lupin." Renesmee grinned at them. "It's nice to finally meet you. Reese....I mean Hari has told us a lot about you." She glanced at Hari. "Sorry."

Hari leaned into her. "It's alright. I already told them you were all pants at keeping secrets. They aren't going to grill you, but they are going to be alert for all the slips I already knew you'd make."

Hari turned and pointed out. "Seth Clearwater my other best friend. Embry Call and Quill Ateara. Then we have the Cullen bunch." She grinned impishly at them. "Carlisle and Esme; Emmett and Rosalie; Alice and Jasper; Edward and Bella. And so there is no hemming and hawing you all know what the others are."

Sirius and Remus cut a sharp glance at her.

"What I should tell you about them but not them about Moony?"

Remus sighed. "She's right."

"Right then. So beach house. Private beach. Awesome wards that extend about ten square miles into the forest behind us. No one can get in except us and no one outside the wards can see anyone inside the wards so no need to worry about anyone seeing you shift and move at a blur or shimmering in the sun."

"Beach!" Seth, Embry, Quill and Emmett shouted and headed out side.

Nessie dragged Jacob out after them. "C'mon Reese!"

"In a minute Ness."

Hari looked around at the remaining adults. "Sirius, Remus, I would suggest any impolite questions be directed to Carlisle and Esme. They have the calmest temperaments and are less likely to get offended."

Sirius and Remus nodded.

"Carlisle, Remus here is most likely the one to direct your potion related questions too. He is more familiar with them than Sirius."

"Also, Jacob is the hothead amongst the Shifters. He is going to snap at the wrong person one day and get a serious whomping. So expect him to snarl and take offense to just about anything."

"Then why invite him?"

"He's Nessie's Imprint. A week apart would cause him mental, emotional and physical pain at this point."

Jasper shifted then muttered. "I have the least amount of control. Do not bleed around me. I believe I will be able to control my impulses, but it really depends on how hungry I am."

Her godfathers paled.

Hari snorted. "You didn't eat me."

Jasper stared at her. "Yes, well you had just killed two of us and you are my friend."

Hari sighed as Remus and Sirius yelled, "What?" "What the hell is he talking about, Hari?"

"Some non-vegan vampires came after me. I killed two of them before the Cullens, Jacob and Seth arrived and dispatched the other two."

"And why would...Jasper?..."

Jasper nodded.

"Jasper have been tempted to...to..."

"Eat me? One of the attacking vampires had ripped my throat open." Hari muttered reluctantly.

Sirius swayed, his face going white. "Pup," he whispered, eyes wide as he scanned her neck.

"I used Parsel magic to slow the bleeding. They got me to the house and Seth poured potions down my throat then Carlisle called my solicitor who showed up with a healer. The next morning I was just fine."

"How about you show us our rooms?" Alice murmured.

"Yes. Good idea."

Hari led them through the house showing them bedrooms and then the kitchen. "Feel free to cook, Esme. You know the wolves will eat anything and my godfathers love to eat as well. I've a magic order form in the kitchen I'll show you later. You want something delivered just write it down and when you need it. My food supplier will make sure it arrives. He sends the bill directly to my vaults."

Esme grinned delightedly.

"You cook?" Remus asked curiously.

"I love to cook." Esme sighed. "I just don't usually have anyone to cook for except Nessie."

"She makes me come over once a week to eat." Hari huffed.

"When you are home." Jasper added.

Alice dug an elbow in his side with a look.

Jasper ducked his head.

Hari shook her head. Then she grinned. "My wards cover three miles of beach in each direction. I have some Frisbees and Fetch Balls."

"Fetch Balls?"

Carlisle coughed then smiled. "Emmett likes to tease the shifters. Quill and Seth think it great fun to 'play fetch' with him. They kept puncturing the balls. Reese conjured balls larger than tennis balls and harder to destroy."

Sirius looked interested.

Hari shook her head. "You might want to watch first, Padfoot."

They all headed outside. The Cullens paused before stepping out into the sun. The bright tropical sun hit their skin and they glittered like diamond dust.

Remus and Sirius sucked in surprised, awed breaths. "Merlin, they're gorgeous."

"Thank you." Rosalie tossed her hair back before striding out over the sand.

"Go play with your friends, Hari. We'll be fine." Carlisle pushed her toward the water.

Tom? Are you okay with me playing in the surf with them?

If I say no.

Then I'll make an excuse and not join them.

Tom sighed in her head. Go play, my Hari. I trust you. Besides, Black will hex them into oblivion if they get forward.

Hari snickered and ran to meet her friends while sending a sensual kiss toward Tom.

His low moan had her shivering.

Dec 26

Hari wandered out for breakfast half asleep. Her eyes widened at the massive amount of food on the table.

Esme looked happy. Carlisle sat at the table talking to Remus and Sirius about the magical world while the two men moaned as they ate Esme's cooking. Carlisle looked at Esme indulgently when she brought pancakes with chocolate chips cooked into them to the table.

The rest of the Cullens were lounging about the walls while the Shifters were at the table stuffing away even more than Sirius and Remus.

"Pup!" Sirius grinned at her when he saw her in the doorway. "Esme is an amazing cook! You have to tell me where you live so I can make her happy by letting her cook for me every day."

Carlisle chuckled when Esme ducked her head bashfully.

Hari laughed and moved to sit at the table. "Maybe you should just invite them to England."

Sirius perked up. "Excellent idea." He paused. "I decided not to invite Brianne. I had already told her I wanted to spend the week with you and after meeting your friends I didn't think they would be at ease with a stranger unrelated to you knowing about them."

"Thank you." Carlisle murmured.

Hari sighed. "Alright, but next vacation she comes. I have to meet the woman my godfather is interested in." She selected a chocolate chip pancake, added sliced strawberries and poured syrup over it all. She nabbed some bacon as well. She cautiously took a bite.

Breakfast had been iffy since Yule. She'd been hiding it from Tom so he wouldn't worry. She wasn't sure if stress had her stomach upset or if she had a mild stomach virus. Once she got past breakfast she was usually okay. If she had toast or a roll first then she was fine more often than not.

She seemed to be okay today so she pushed it aside. She wasn't sick enough to make a fuss over it. She'd get over it. She always did. No need to worry anyone.


"How do you all keep others from finding out about you?" Remus asked.

"We live on the edge of a national forest outside of town. While I'm in town a lot as a surgeon it's usually overcast and it rains a lot so we get very few sunny days."

"On the rare sunny day, we go 'camping' and stay away from town."

"Hari says that vampires in England are different." Nessie piped up.

"Yes. You won't see a vampire in England during the day unless they are in the deep shadows. They will burn in the sun." Sirius informed her. "It's unnerving seeing you all out in the sun. I keep waiting for flames. We had no clue there were different types of vampires until now."

"I was aware," Carlisle responded. "But I've been to England. I don't know why they are different." He added before Remus could ask.

Some playful shouts and loud growls and whines caught their attention. Alice laughed. "Emmett is playing with the Shifters. Jacob hates it. It's undignified."

Sirius and Remus traded glances then jumped up and ran for the back door. They hadn't seen the wolves yet.

They skidded to a halt just a few feet out the back door. Emmett and Hari were at opposite ends of the beach flinging soccer ball sized tennis balls down the beach while three giant wolves darted after them sand spraying up around them as they raced down the beach only to jump high in the air.

The wolves one gray with black spots, one a leaner gangly sandy color and one a dark chocolate brown were panting and whining happily as they caught the balls then tossed them to which ever person was closest so they could toss them again.

The sandy colored one saw the two wizards and loped over to them

Sirius swallowed hard as the wolf barely had to tilt his head up to look him in the eye. The beast was five and a half feet tall at the shoulder and he was the small one!

The next instant young Seth Clearwater stood before him naked. A pair of shorts shimmered into existence on him. "Reese isn't used to us naked yet. It's great having someone that can conjure clothes for us. She says you change into a huge black dog. Wanna play fetch with us? We'll be careful."

Remus guffawed. Sirius looked offended.

"I'm too old to play..." He broke off when Remus snorted.

"He was playing fetch in the park not three weeks ago." Remus told on him. "He isn't more than a grown kid half the time."

"That's what we thought about Reese then she fesses up to only being sixteen really." Seth grinned. "Come on if you want."

He shifted back and bound off back into the game.

Sirius held out for ten whole seconds then Hari grinned slyly at him and conjured several smaller balls. One looked like a huge stuffed rat. With a growl, he was a large black Grim racing after the rat that bobbed and squeaked between the startled wolves.

They had been told of the rat betrayer and left the conjured rat to the black dog whose head didn't even reach Seth's shoulders.

Then Quill knocked Padfoot over. The Grim gained his feet shaking sand out of his fur. He darted off and tripped Quill. Soon the wolves and the Grim were rough housing – tripping, shoving, mock growling and biting, everyone being very careful not to actually harm Hari's godfather.

Eventually, they all dropped to the sand panting in exhaustion and happiness.

Sirius found a lot of his worry for Hari fading. She had found good friends. Friends that would stand by her and could definitely defend her against anyone who wanted to harm her.


"This beach is a lot different than ours."

"Yeah, we have a small beach, but most of the coastline is cliffs."

"They are fun to jump off of."

Remus and Sirius traded glances. The vampires were pretty tight lipped about things having at least a hundred years of practice but these kids were pants at keeping secrets. National forests, overcast weather, cliff type coast lines. The movies they discussed. The music they listened to. Their goddaughter was somewhere on the North Pacific coast of America.

No wonder no one could find her. America and she was going by another name and looked like a sexy twenty something instead of a scrawny sixteen year old.


Lucius stared at the dirty, ragged witch huddled on the ground in front of him. It had taken some doing but he had managed to track down the odious toad like female. The centaurs had been willing to give her over to him only upon learning that she was going to be used in a ritual to repair damage she had done to Potter and that she would die from it.

Apparently, the planets favored Potter at the moment. She was going to bring prosperity and recognition to magical creatures in the future.

Binding the gibbering witch tightly, Lucius tossed a portkey on her that sent her directly to the Dark Lord's dungeons.

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