𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓

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𝐀/𝐍: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐨 𝐈 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬.

Aug 26

The Daily Prophet today declared the Wizengamot had found Lord Black innocent of all charges. An investigation into why he was never tried was in progress.

"Are you up to a flight back to England, Hedwig?" She asked stroking the snowy owl that was pointedly waiting for Hari to attach the letter to her leg.

Hedwig chirped and stuck her leg out clacking her beak at her.

Reese laughed and attached the letter. "Rest well when you arrive."

Hedwig hooted and flew off.

Aug 28


Congratulations on your freedom. Justice has been a long time coming. It says a lot that it did not come from Dumbledore. Think on that, Sirius. He knew you were innocent all along. As Chief Warlock, he could have called for a trial at any time. He definitely could have blocked the Kiss on sight order. Why did he want the only person left that loved me unconditionally dead?

I hope they give Pettigrew a personal dementor. I refused to kill him before because he was needed. I have to admit he would be one of the few that I could kill without guilt.

I'm sorry I haven't written back sooner. I wasn't sure how to respond to your request. I miss you a lot, but the only way for my home to stay secret is if I tell no one.

I won't take the risk of leaving the bank which is neutral ground and I am sorry that there are many things I can't divulge even to you at the moment, but I would love to see you and Moony.


Sirius stared down at the letter and then at the exhausted snowy owl. Hedwig had come from a great distance so his goddaughter truly wasn't in England or the continent. He needed to see her, hold her. Make sure she was really okay. Get some answers. Talk some sense into her. She may not want to work with Dumbledore and he really couldn't blame her for that, but Voldemort needed to be defeated and as much as he hated it she would be an asset in that fight. She was a powerful witch; powerful enough apparently to cause both the Light and Dark leaders to worry about her.

He sighed. He had lots of things to do now that he was free and could openly visit Diagon Alley. He needed new robes, a new wand...new everything. A personal visit to Gringotts to view his accounts that had been dealt with via owl post these past two years was called for to show the goblins he appreciated their efforts on his behalf and Hari's.

He glanced around the depressing room. A change of scenery. The dark, dreary house was going to be redone. He called for Kreacher, and considering how old the elf was, tested his luck by calling for Dobby.

The two elves appeared almost simultaneously.

Dobby looked at him suspiciously. "Dobby is not to be telling Mistress Hari's location... not even to beloved godfather."

Sirius blinked at the elf. "You know where..." He bit his lip. "I didn't call you for that, Dobby. I will respect her wishes."

The little elf relaxed. "What can Dobby be doing for Hari Potter's godfather?"

"I am totally renovating this mausoleum and wanted to hire help for Kreacher."

"You is wanting to hire Dobby?" Dobby squeaked excitedly.

"Well, my goddaughter says you are the best house elf around." Sirius smirked as the elf glowed with pleasure. "What do you say to 2 galleons a month?"

Dobby bounced on his feet while Kreacher looked on disgusted at a house elf getting paid. "Dobby thinks 2 galleons a month is more than enough!"

"Great!" Sirius clapped his hands together. "Do you know any other house elf that would like work?"

Excitement died out of the elf. "Dobby knows elf who needs new family not paid work."

Sirius stared at the elf a moment then sighed. "You're speaking of Winky."

Dobby nodded his head forlornly. "She is not liking freedom like Dobby. She is drinking all days long. Her magics is fading."

Sirius drew in a breath. If her magic was fading, she was dying. "Bring her here, Dobby."

Dobby disappeared and reappeared five minutes later with the most miserable house elf Sirius had ever seen.

Sirius hunkered down in front of the distraught elf. "Winky, how would you like to become a Black house elf and learn from Kreacher?"

Winky blinked at him owlishly. "Winky is bad elf," she whispered, distressed.

"No, Winky's master asked for things he shouldn't have and let you take the blame for his actions. I'm sure you're a good house elf."

"Yous really gives Winky a chance?"

"Yes, Winky."

Sirius held out his hand and waited patiently for the tiny elf to lay her own trembling hand atop his. "I, Sirius Orion Black, Head of the Ancient and Noble House of Black, do hereby take Winky as my house elf."

A glow surrounded them.

"I, Winky, do accept the position in the House of Black."

The glow brightened then disappeared. Winky now stood in a dark green tea towel with the Black crest embossed on the left.

Sirius stood up. "Okay. The entire house is to be renovated starting on the ground floor and working upward. Remove the furniture to storage, clean each room thoroughly. I want light colors...creams, blues and greens on the walls; mid-ranged colored carpets in cream, silver and soft browns. My bedroom is the exception. I want maroon walls with gold accents. I'll pick out new furniture this week. Gather any item that has a Dark aura in the 2nd floor sitting room and I'll decide what to do with them."

The elves nodded and disappeared.

Sirius apparated to an alley just the side of The Leaky Cauldron and giddy with the joyous feeling of being free ambled into the pub whistling a jaunty tune. He ignored the silence that descended when everyone realized who had walked in. He knew it would take time for them to switch mental responses after all he had been a 'mass murderer' for fifteen years.

He managed enough wandless magic to tap the brick wall behind the pub. He strolled slowly down the main thoroughfare taking in the sad changes in Diagon Alley. People hurried by, darting nervous glances around as they shopped. Many of the shops were dark, closed up either from previous attacks or from hopelessness now that Hari was gone.

He frowned slightly. He would have thought the Death Eater raids would have intensified with the public announcement that Hari Potter was no longer fighting against Voldemort, but instead calm had descended. Rather than reassure the lack of violence had ratcheted up the tension and fear. Everyone was waiting with bated breath to see what Voldemort would do now that The Chosen One no longer opposed him.

He strode into Twilfitt and Tattings and soon his willingness to drop thousands of galleons on a whole new wardrobe from pants to outer robes; boots to hats had them forgetting any nervousness in his presence.

Dressed a lot smarter and with delivery orders sorted out Sirius made his way to Ollivander's.

"Ah, Lord Black, I assume you are here for a new wand. A shame really that your first was snapped. It was a beautiful wand."

"Yes, I was fond of it. It was perfect for hexing and charming."

"Yes, well...nothing for it." Ollivander had his magical tape do its thing while he searched through countless boxes. He finally brought forward five.

Sirius lifted the first from its velvet bed and could tell almost as quickly as Ollivander, who snatched it back, that it wasn't for him.

The third one warmed in his grip. A welcoming thrum filled his body as a shower of red and gold, green and silver burst from its tip.

"Ah...yes...fifteen inch cypress and dragon heartstring...a perfect balance for your complicated personality."

"Complicated?" Sirius couldn't help but ask. He had always considered himself fairly uncomplicated...loyal to friends, ready to prank and an eye for the witches.

"Oh, yes...a fierce Gryffindor heart no doubt, but a Slytherin mind no matter how you wish to deny it. Cypress wands have a subtle power and are very good for Dark Arts. Dragon heartstring cores indicate fierce passion, ferocious enemies, staunch friends. Much like your goddaughter although your heart usually wins out and hers is so battered it lets the Slytherin mind rule more and more."

Sirius stared at the diminutive wand maker unsure what to say or how to respond. Finally, he rasped, "What do you know about Hari?"

"I see more than anyone is aware of Lord Black. How else do you think I manage to match the wand to the wizard? Dumbledore should have learned from the mistakes he made with Tom Riddle. He let that poor boy be abused until what goodness was struggling to survive in his heart was stomped out in that horrid orphanage. Dumbledore's arrogance helped created He Who Must Not Be Named. He then repeated that mistake with Hari Potter. In trying to teach her humility and self-sacrifice he nearly destroyed all the goodness within her as well. Only the sacrificial love of her parents buffered her enough to keep her from becoming a Dark Lady even worse than the Dark Lord. I believe your absolute love swayed her as well. I was in no way surprised when she left us to our well-deserved fate."

Sirius paled drastically as Ollivander spoke. "You can see a person's soul?" He whispered. "Hari nearly became Dark?"

"I do not admit that to many, Lord Black, but I feel you should be aware. She came to see me before she left and requested a different wand –Desert Ironwood with a thestral hair core. The holly and phoenix was not working well for her any longer since she decided to embrace both sides of her nature. The child is definitely Gray. She sees Magic in its entirety; accepts the necessary duality of Dark and Light in harmony. Do not be surprised if she does not respond in a Gryffindorish manner next you meet."

"Thank you," Sirius murmured through his shock. "Thank you for warning me."

Ollivander bowed and disappeared into the back of his shop in a clear dismissal.

Sirius was so disturbed that he bypassed Broomstix and headed home. He hurried to Remus' place since it was a full moon tonight.

He showed Remus Hari's letter and told him about her new wand.

Both men were very worried about their goddaughter.

Aug 29

Seth gaped at the balloons, curling ribbons, the random flashes of fireworks that filled Reese's house.

"Happy Sixteenth, Seth." She murmured as she handed him a festively wrapped box.

He grinned and ripped the paper from the present. Inside the box was the latest Halo game, an online subscription, three headsets and three controllers to add to the two she already had. "No way! Thanks, Reese!" He hugged her one-handedly.

She grinned back. "You're welcome. Call your friends and see if they'll come play. I figured they wouldn't trust a call directly from me yet. I have burgers, steaks, ribs, sides and cake."

Seth grabbed the cell phone she tossed at him and began dialing the pack members he thought most likely to say yes.

Soon Reese's living room was full of teenaged boys playing Halo online and eating medium rare meat and chopping on chips and popcorn while guzzling sodas.

Sept 1

Dumbledore activated the illegal international portkey and disappeared from his home. He reappeared in the middle of North America.

Finding an empty house, he warded one room well and pulled out his carefully hoarded hair and blood of Harika Potter.

Once again he cast the Finder ritual. Northwest.

He thought of the rugged Pacific coast of Northwest America and apparated. Once more he found a safe place and performed the ritual. North.

The hair glowed brightly. He was getting closer. It wouldn't be long before he found her.

He was also exhausted.

He used the last of his energy to create a portkey back to England in time for the Welcoming Feast.

Sept 3

Minister Fudge and Chief Warlock Knew Pettigrew Alive?

Our office received a package yesterday from Lady Harika Potter. Inside was an exposé of her third year when then believed mass murdered Sirius Black was on the loose. In it she details the events of that year. How she had to hide and eavesdrop to discover that Sirius Black was her godfather and exactly why everyone thought he was after her. She tells of how, when they finally were face to face, she found out that he hadn't been the secret keeper, wasn't a death eater, and was trying to keep her safe not kill her. Having captured the rat animagus in the Shrieking Shack in Hogsmeade, a spell revealed him to be Peter Pettigrew. Pettigrew admitted to his treachery and betrayal before managing to escape.

More unbelievable, but backed up with pensieve memories that Lady Potter included was how she and her fellow year mates told Albus Dumbledore the above information. Instead of overriding the Kiss on sight order and demanding a trial, Dumbledore sent two thirteen year olds back in time with a time-turner to rescue Sirius Black.

She gives us a memory of Minister Fudge refusing to believe two 'emotionally overwrought children' and insisting on maintaining the Kiss order.

Why would the Minister not want to ensure the lord of an Ancient and Noble House was guilty before having him Kissed? What was the Minister trying to hide? Is it possible he knew as well that Lord Black was innocent? How many other inmates of Azkaban have not been tried legally? Why the cover up? Why the refusal of justice?

First the yearlong denial that You Know Who was back and now the knowledge that Pettigrew was alive and that Black hadn't had a trial. What else has the Minister misled us about?

Full details of Lady Potter's ordeal Page 4

Transcript of conversation with Dumbledore and Minister Fudge Page 6

Sept 7

Renesmee laughed delightedly as wind whipped her hair around her face. She was seventeen and Carlisle believed she would stabilize now. To celebrate, Reese was talking her to Port Angeles to shop until they dropped.

"Alice will be pouting for a week missing the shop-fest."

Reese grinned. "She should have seen it." She laughed. "We'll just have to do it again when she gets back."

Renesmee let out a whoop of joy. Reese was so much fun to be around. "Clothes and music and books and..."

"...getting our hair done and facials..."

"...and a massage." Renesmee moaned in anticipation.

"And then we end it all with supper on the bay."

The day flew by with them shopping up a storm. The Cullens had practically as much money as Reese so neither girl thought about cost as they stormed the malls and quaint shops.

Renesmee thought it awesome that Reese could shrink their packages down to fit into their purses and pockets so they didn't have to lug the bags around.

Finally, exhausted, the two girls dropped into seats of a nice seafood restaurant by the pier. Reese talked of England and her friends and Tom.

"So you're talking to him through this journal? The man who killed your family?" Renesmee put her fork down and stared in shock at her friend.

Reese put up a silencing ward. "He is and he isn't."

Renesmee frowned. "That makes no sense, Reese."

Reese took a deep breath. "There's magic like what I've done today, household charms and healing magic, but there is also dark magic, Nessie. Very dark. Tom was raised in an abusive orphanage that left him...damaged and wanting revenge against the muggles who hurt him and the magical people who failed him. He was frightened of dying before he could get not only the revenge, but before he could enact the changes in our society that would keep others from being harmed. In a desperate act, he did the foulest of the Dark Arts...he split his soul putting a piece into a container so that even if his body was destroyed his soul would be tethered to the world and a new body could be obtained. The act affected his sanity and he made another and another becoming more and more paranoid with each split. The deranged, madman that killed my family was the result of those acts."

Renesmee stared at her in shocked disbelief. "He...he ripped his soul apart?" She asked a little shrilly.

Reese fiddled with her meal. She nodded solemnly.


"Unimaginable evil?"


"I agree. I won't tell you the things you have to do to perform such an act."

"Please don't ever tell me. I absolutely do not want to know!"

Reese gave her a small smile. "Anyway, he lost his sanity and his goals until all that was left was vengeful destruction and need for power. Now I come along and began destroying the containers holding his soul pieces. Dumbledore," she spat the name, "thought we were destroying the soul pieces at the same time. I believed we were freeing them to return to Tom. I never mentioned this because I feared he would do something to stop them since he wanted to destroy Voldemort not restore Tom."


"That's what Tom began calling himself. Turns out I was right. Tom now has all but the three smallest pieces back and he has regained his sanity and the knowledge of his original goals. They were good goals, Nessie."

"You truly don't see him as the same person?"

Reese shook her head. "I hated Voldemort with a passion. I...I like Tom."

Renesmee looked at her hard before leaning back in her chair. "You like...like him."

"No..." Reese snapped. "He's witty and scarily brilliant. He's a genius by anyone's standards and magically powerful. He intrigues me, challenges me and infuriates me, but I do not like him." She shoved her plate back when Nessie looked at her skeptically and stood, dispersing the ward with a subtle hand move as she tossed a handful of bills on the table. "It doesn't matter. He's in England and I'm not allowed back there."

Renesmee scrambled after her. "Reese, wait!"

Reese fled out into the dark. She paused for Renesmee to catch up then walked to the end of the pier. "He's tried to kill me my entire life!"

"You said yourself Tom isn't Voldemort."

Reese rubbed her stinging eyes. She hadn't meant to go there tonight. Her fledging emotions were too confused to be discussing with anyone. Tom scared her; intrigued her; drew her and sent her fleeing. "Can we talk about something else?"


"So how are things between you and Jake?"

Renesmee sighed. "Fine. They're fine. Let's go play in the waves."

Reese put aside all the worries about her traitorous feelings and ran after her friend laughing and kicking in the water's edge until they were both wet and breathless.

Renesmee screamed when someone grabbed her from behind. Reese whirled toward her as ugly male laughter followed Nessie's scream.

"Let go of me!" Nessie screamed knowing she couldn't go all 'vamp' on them without cause.

"Easy girlie, we just want to join in the fun."

"Let her go now." Reese snarled sending a wandless hex at the man.

The man cursed and flung Nessie to the ground.

Nessie scrambled over to Reese. She might be strong and fast, but she'd never been subjected to male violence before and it shook her.

"What'd you do?" Another man snarled glaring at Reese.

The man she hexed stood up. "That wasn't very friendly." He growled.

All five men rushed the two women who had the water at their back.

Reese pushed Nessie behind her, flicked her hidden wand into her hand and flung jelly-legs at the group in a fast series of spells. The men went down fast as their legs refused to support them. Reese started toward them sending a series of painful hexes making them cry out in pain.

"Reese," Nessie grabbed her.

"It's okay, Nessie. They aren't going to hurt me."

Nessie hovered as Reese pointed at each man and obliviated them planting memories of staggering out to the beach and collapsing before sending them to sleep.

She turned back to the younger girl and held out her arms when she saw her shaking. Nessie ran into her embrace with a small cry. "Shhh," Reese murmured, "it's okay. You're okay. Come on," she led her toward the parking lot. "Let's go home. Your Imprint is bound to be going crazy about now."

Nessie gave a watery chuckle. "We're bound to meet him on the way home."

And that proved true. Halfway to Forks a gigantic wolf appeared in the road looking ready to tear the Hummer to pieces.

Nessie was out of the Hummer almost before it stopped. The wolf morphed into Jacob and swept her into an embrace his burning gaze glaring at Reese through the windshield. "What did she do to you? Why are you still near her?"

"She did nothing to me, Jake. Stop it. She saved me."

"Saved you?"

Nessie let her memories flow over him.

Jacob stiffened as he saw another man's arms around his Imprint. The hot fury he was directing at Reese shifted into grudging gratitude. "Thank you."

Reese nodded slightly. She knew a lot of Jake's animosity was the heart stopping fear that someone would harm his Imprint, but he really needed to learn to rein it in before someone less restrained than her took offense and taught him he was not the Big Bad he thought he was.

𝐀 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐧 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz