Who Are You?

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  We started to kill zombies then we saw a black ferrari. We froze there like idiots the window quickly rolled down, there was a guy he looked familiar...he had Baby blue eyes and brownish creamish hair

?-"Get in!!!"

I sat in the front seat by the random dude and Abie, Rebekah, and Trevor were in the back. 

Everyone-"Who are you?"

?-"My name is Joseph Stamper but you guys can call me Joey."

Me-"Okay,..Joey were are you taking us?"

Joey-"Well me and my friends are at our house and well I thought I should help you guys out."

Me-"Thank you."

Joey smiled and said,..

Joey-"Your welcome,..anyways who are you guys."

Me-"My name is Tiffany Nova."

Rebek-"My name is Rebekah Landow."

Abie-"My name is Abie Broward."

Trevor-"And I am Trevor Cameron ."

Joey-"Nice,...are guys Cousins,...relatives?"

Me-"Where just Best Friends."

Joey-"So umm what the backpacks for?"

I looked back at Trev, Rebek, and Abie. I saw Abie gently nod her head.

Me-"Well,...we saw on the news about the apocalypse so we really didn't know what to do so well we got our baseball bat's and packed everything we would need for our journey then you came and saved us,...and again thanks."

Joey-"Your welcome so,.. in your backpacks you guys have flashlights,...clothes,...ect?"

Me-"Well we didn't really get that much clothes just what were wearing and running shoes so yeah."

Joey-"Nice,...so how old are you guys?"

Abie-"19 turning 20 in 2 weeks and 3 days."



Me-"19 but turning 20 in a while so yeah."


About 5 minutes later we were at a really big modern mansion. The Mansion had really tall fences. Anyways I went in and I really could not belive what I saw. Francesca Battelasti, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, One Direction, Nash&Hayes Grier, Christian Collins, Anthem Lights, Lorde,  Thalia oh and Dwayne Jonson and 5 other girls. Joey sat on a couch like nothing was happening. I was seriously suronded by celebrities.


Hey guys, sorry this chapter was short. I hope you like the book so far I would love to hear your comments, like what should happen. You guys are awesome. And please go checkout my BFF AbieHoward she's totally awesome and she has a really good book and one coming you guy's way. So sorry I could not upload and by love's♥♡♥
             ~ ★☆★☆ Yolopslol  

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