#2: A Fairy Advisor

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I awake suddenly and without warning asd I stagger, failure with my new body as I stagger, reaching out with my right hand and gripping a small tree, or at least, small to me, gripping hard.

Hearing a sound I freeze and look to my right, there I see it... proof of my new existence.

Clad over my body, I can see the large bunker like a pauldron and connected to my arm is a replica of the Talon of Horus.

## Elebaration ## I jump in slight surprise as I hear a computer-like female voice speak. ##The Gamer has undergone massive physical and mental changes. This includes the added starter pack which includes Horus's Starter kit.##

Slowly I stand up straight and let go of the tree, and in a small burst of pink like, Kyu manifests in front of me.

Off to the side my keen senses hear the sound of someone in, what I think the sound of power armor is, walking towards me from my back-right.

But that is not my focus, my focus is on Kyu, who is the size of a pixie! She yawns and then flies towards me, coming to a rest on the collar-armor plate that is raised, acting as a sort of protection for my neck.

"Kyu?" I asked, freezing because of my new voice, a result of my helm that I'm wearing....

At this point everything comes into proper frame of reference for me...

I then feel tha large object in my left hand, and the weight to fit armor yet it somehow carries itself... right... power armor. It carries its own weight,

## Data on user's Equipment, no images:

> Armor/Apparel: [Heir of Horus Powered Warplate]

>> Description: ["Reforged in the crucible of ambition and betrayal, and adorned with a dire wolf pelt bolted atop the torso bunker roof of the armor, Horus's infamous armor was not just a symbol of his dark ascension but also a technological marvel, the first prototype of Terminator armor ever produced by the Imperium. Its blackened plates were layered with experimental alloys, granting unmatched resilience and strength, while arcane mechanisms allowed Horus to shrug off blows that would shatter lesser warriors. The bronze embellishments weren't merely ornamental but conduits for ancient wards and blessings, further fortifying the Primarch against the tides of war. This fusion of sorcery and science marked a turning point in the Imperium's arsenal, forever linking Horus to the legacy of dreadnought warriors who would come to embody the grim resolve of a galaxy in turmoil. Its intention could best be described by a quote by Horus himself. "If I can not save the galaxy from your failure, Father. Then let the Galaxy Burn""]

>> Armor Stats:

>>> Armor Level: [1] - [0% progress to level up]

>>> Toughness: [5] {caps at 7, gets better with every armor level}. - [This means that taking DMG from a [4] and below weapon, technology or spell, results in reduced DMG being taken. [5] results in reciting a flat equal amount of damage as the enemy stat sheet dictates. [6] and up weapon/spell/technology strength results in bonus damage being received by the user ]

>>> Invulnerable save Likelihood: [3/10]

>>> Mobility: [4/10] {gets better with every armor level}

>> Armor mods:

>>> Armor Mod 1: [Helm of Horus]

>>> Effect: [+1 Invulnerability Save Likeness. Is said that once donned, this helm grants the user an exact replica of Horus's voice] ##

Reborn as a RTS Gamer, but Also a Son of Horus LupercalWhere stories live. Discover now