Chapter 6

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Please, let it not be what it seems like...

I stared at Kieran, my gaze frantically jumping between his eyes and then his hands, slowly unbuckling his pants. My entire body started to shake. It was no longer simply fear or hurt that I felt. It was utter despair. Such unconsolable crashing devastation that I couldn't think of anything beyond it.

Kieran's gaze was full of hatred, and I didn't know what I'd done to deserve it. My eyes hurt from crying, and all the tears my body could produce were long spent. So I just looked as Kieran shoved his breaches down his legs and freed his cock. He stroked it with one hand, his eyes never leaving mine, as if my misery fed his arousal.

Gathering all the remnants of fight left in me, I cleared my throat, tearing my gaze away from his growing erection. "What are you doing?" I wanted to sound angry, proud, maybe even amused. But my voice came out weak, and my question—fearful.

Kieran's lips twitched, turning into a barely visible smirk. Deep shadows outlined his sharp cheekbones and chiseled jaw, making his face look positively terrifying. My breathing picked up with the realization that I couldn't do anything to stop him. If he wished to rape me here and now, I wouldn't be able to oppose him. Would anyone even care about my screams? Would anyone come to investigate? Would Lioriel?

"Does the King know what you're doing?" I asked carefully, forcing my numb lips to form words.

"No," Kieran gritted out, curling his lip in disgust. "But do not fool yourself. He wouldn't give a fuck."

My chest constricted, squeezing so tight that my heart ached. Of course, Lioriel wouldn't care what happened to me. It was all pretense, a show for his supporters, nothing else.

Kieran moved to the bed then, and no matter how tired my body was, I instantly jerked back, muscles straining and ready to run. Kieran kneeled on the farther end, removing his boots and his pants. He watched me the whole time, scanning my face for every little twitch, every uneven breath. I probably gave him the whole show, panting uncontrollably and shaking like a leaf. My body went into survival mode, and I couldn't stop myself from reacting even if I had the mental capacity to try. Exhausted and utterly beaten, I couldn't fight. I didn't want to fight anymore. I just wanted this day to be over.

Kieran crawled to me on the bed and grabbed me by the ankles, jerking me down and closer to him. A breath wheezed out of me when I landed on my back, with my legs in the air, tightly grasped in his unyielding hands. He didn't play around like Lioriel. Apparently, he was all about action. Looking me straight in the eye, he spread my legs and positioned himself at my entrance.

No matter how tired my body was, a few tears formed. They rolled down my cheeks as I stared at my other tormentor, silently pleading for him to stop and knowing that he wouldn't.

"Why are you doing this?" I whispered, my voice trembling, barely audible.

Kieran brought his palm to his lips and licked his fingers before returning it to his cock and smothering some of his saliva on the tip. My brain barely registered this, watching Kieran's movements as if from a distance.

"Because we need an heir, and it doesn't matter if it's Lioriel's or mine," he replied simply, positioning himself at my entrance. I felt the tip of his cock spreading me as Kieran froze in that position and gave an annoyed look. "Don't flatter yourself. I hate this just as much as you do."

A bitter laugh built up in my throat, but it didn't have time to come out, as Kieran jerked his hips forward, delving into me. I was wet from the blood and Lioriel's come, so at least it didn't hurt because Kieran wasn't going to give me any time to adjust. From the very first trust, he set a racing tempo, pounding me deep and hard, as if he would, with a knife, his worst enemy. It didn't feel passionate, and true to his words, Kieran didn't look like he particularly enjoyed it. If it wasn't for a few little moans he let out, I could've thought I was forcing him into this.

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