Quirk: Lifesaver bubbles

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Lifesaver bubbles

The user is able to create green energy bubbles to heal the injured  as well as use the bubbles for protection. The bubbles are produced using the user's vitality or external energy sources like electromagnetic (solar), kinetic, electrical, and thermal energy (heat). These bubbles despite looking fragile are impenetrable for they get stronger the more they are attacked or struck. This is because the bubbles absorb the kinetic energy from the hits and become strengthened by it. Consequently, the ONLY way to open them is if the user wills them to open up, if the quirk is canceled, or if the bubbles energy runs out.

Not even All Might himself could force them open with his massive power. The user  can even take the extra energy (be it kinetic, electric, etc.) that is absorbed by the bubbles and use it  to re-energize themselves by replenishing their vitality.

In addition, the user has telekinetic control over the bubbles which allows them to guide the floating spheres across great distances to reach far away targets. This is perfect for rescue missions because not only can they heal patients by floating the smallest bubble to them but the user could also have the bubbles attach  to their patients to act like a GPS locator. Moreover, the bubble can be used to communicate with the patient like a private walkie talkie of sorts as conversations within the bubbles cannot be heard by outsiders or  the UV wavelength of the bubbles can be manipulated to darken them and give  patients  privacy  regardless of the location.

Alternatively, the user can guide the bubbles through small cracks and then either using the bubble's stored energy (from external sources) or their own vitality, they can make the bubbles grow and expand to force objects apart. These can be madeto be as small as 7.5 millimeters to as large as 90 meters though the user can only make 1 singular bubble of this size and could  only make more bubbles if  an external energy source is used.  Being able to manipulate the size of the bubbles is how they can help and save people that are trapped under  rubble or pinned between objects. The bubbles also act like a filtering barrier that doesn't permit   toxins, particulates, or fluids to freely enter. This  serves to further protect the user and the patients.

Nonetheless, the user can telekinetically control the bubbles to make them more porous if desired and even use them to encase materials or people (including themselves) and move them from place to place. The bubble can even remain after the uset loses consciousness but ONLY IF they have stored energy to maintain themselves  as  their lifespan will depend on how much of it had been previously absorbed. During this time, the bubbles can still protect the user from all kinds of debris and attacks. However, without  telekinetic control they become much more permissible allowing people to freely walk into them, but animals, insects, liquids, or poison gas cannot penetrate the bubbles. On the contrary, if the bubbles were made by the user's vitality alone and did not absorb any energy from external sources, they will instantly disappear the moment the user loses consciousness.

Drawbacks: exhaustion, nausea , muscle weakness, lightheadedness, dizziness, disorientation, sluggish movements, and fainting if overuse severe enough.

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