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Bada POV

I drove to howls apartment the next day, I wasn't thinking straight my mind was full with rage.

I locked my car and marched straight up to howls apartment, after multiple banging on the door he opened.


I didn't let him finish I sent a punch straight into his jaw knocking him into the floor. I grabbed him by his  shirt .

I spoke harshly.

"Shit Bada I don't know what you're talking about! "
He yelled in pain.

I landed another punch this time in hi mouth making it bleed.

"What did you do howl! What did you and that bitch chocolate do?! " I scream at him.

He bursted out into teard, what the hell...

"I just wanted you for myself ok?!? "
He cried.

I looked at him as if he had two heads.

"What are talking about? "
I asked confused.

"When I saw online that you and that aechan girl were getting close I got jealous because I like you ok?! "
He shout.

I pulled out my phone and started to record this whole thing.

"Me and chocol are cousins as I said when I saw the stuff with you and aechan online I got jealous and I vented to chocol but I didn't expect for her to feel the same, she's practically inlive with aechan she set this whole thing up she set heachi to ask aechan for her number then I told her about the class then she told Kristen I was there to make sure you and Kristen interacted a lot then yeni choi messaged Kristen telling her about the nic places in Korea and that's how Kristen asked you to go out with jam republic that night and that same night chocol went to see aechan"

He spilled everything.

"You're such a fucking idiot! Tell me how any of this benefited you?! She was just using you don't you see!? "
I shout at him.

Howl was someone I called a very close friend, yes I was upset at him but I also felt sorry chocol took advantage of his feelings that's messed up.

I walked out the apartment and went straight to my car. Once I was in I sent the recording to all the girls including aechan but it didn't go through she blocked me shit.

I sent it for Lili remembering she slept over at aechan's

I hope she hasn't left already.

Lili POV

As me and aechan clean up from breakfast I got a notification from Bada, it was a voice message and under it said listen with aechan.

"Channie! "
I called for her.

Quick footsteps were heard the then she appeared in front of me.

"Yes unnie? "

"Sit let's listen to this"
I said and played it.

"Me and chocol are cousins as I said when I saw the stuff with you and aechan online I got jealous and I vented to chocol but I didn't expect for her to feel the same, she's practically inlive with aechan she set this whole thing up she set heachi to ask aechan for her number then I told her about the class then she told Kristen I was there to make sure you and Kristen interacted a lot then yeni choi messaged Kristen telling her about the nic places in Korea and that's how Kristen asked you to go out with jam republic that night and that same night chocol went to see aechan"

I looked up at aechan shocked and a little amazed. Chocol made this whole thing so unbelievably good.

"No it's lie it can't be chocho would never"
Aechan said as tears slip out her eyes.

I got up and embraced her.

"Channie think about it for a moment  I mean chocol randomly coming up to you at the pool and yeni choi pushing Bada into the pool isn't that a little suspicious"
I said to her.

She looked down.

"What have I done? I ruined something that could've been beautiful over my dumb feelings"
She cried.

"No chan you didn't Bada was the one who sent this to me"
I said.

She quickly looked at me.

"Yes, since the night you and her had the confrontation she has been looking for a way to proved her innocence"
I said and smiled at her.

This caused her to break down more.

I left her for a moment and made a call.

"Get over here"

Aechan POV

What have I done? I don't deserve her! Stupid aechan.

A loud knock was heard Lili unnie didn't go to answer it so I got up instead.

When I opened the door my breathe was taken away, the woman whom I loved since this competition started was there standing up outside my door.

I jumped onto her crying my eyes and heart out my arms wrapped tightly around  her as she did the same, I could feel her tears on my neck as we both cried.

I pulled away and examined her face it was red her eyes tired and swollen I felt my heart clench how could I let this happen to her.

"I'm so sorry"
I said almost in a whisper.

I placed my hand on her cheeck as she moved her face closer to it.

"It's ok once I'm with you I'm ok"
She said looking into my eyes

I leaned forward and so did she, our lips touched and shared a sweet kiss all of our emotions all our hurt, happiness and passion went into it. I didn't realize that being far from her for so long would make my heart feel so weak. My mind had nothing but her on it all the moments we shared and all the laughs.

I broke the kiss and looked at her.

"I know it hasn't been that long since we've know eachother but I love you Bada and I'm sorry for you making feel as if I didn't"
I said as tears ran down my cheecks.

"I love you to my dancing princess, I know we said after the show but I can't wait"

Bada POV

I pulled out the promise ring I bought for her a while ago.

"This is just my appreciation to you aechan you make me feel like a better person you encourage me to do better and to be my true self, would you givie me the honor of being you girlfriend? "
I asked her

"A million yeses Bada Lee"

I smiled and pulled her into another kiss

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