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- Introduction to the crews-

"So today we'll be looking at the crews!" Lili said getting excited, First crew 1MILLON "Wow they're a strong crew" sakura comment "Yes especially with their leader Lia Sunbeanim she's talented in many genres" jane added " are you a fan?" Hana jokingly asked "Yes you could say that I've always watched the famous dancers go and dance with them and it's really impressive" Jane smiled at the camera

"Do you think you can beat them?"Staff asked

"Going into a competition you must have the mindset that you'll come first so Yes I'm confident we can suppress them" Lili answered professionally.

-Next Crew-

"Ladybounce wow fifteen years that's sweet" aechan comments " Yes I feel like this team is so going to strong aswell alot of years can mean alot of experience" sakura comment " or not" hana said mischievously "Yah unnie!" Jane laughed. "I'm only saying that because you can be in a group for 50 years and more but it all comes down to what you and your team can do so I'll want to see when they hit the dance floor" hana smiled after..


"Mannequeen, they remind me of ballroom dancers" Sakura comment " they're technique is interesting too" Lili point out. "Yes wacking that's cool I guess" aechan said "you guess" hana laughed "it's not really my style but since they're the only crew who does it looks interesting" aechan quickly said.

-After the rest crews the final one-

"Ok for this last crew aechan might want to hold onto somebody" the staff laughed.

Aechan quickly held onto sakura who was the closest, the finally crew showed up on the screen and she was frozen in place.

"No you guys aren't are playing with if you're playing with me ill cry"
Aechan said. "Bebe" sakura read out the group name " Wow they're leader is amazing" Lili applaud. "Yah isn't she the one who aehcan watches" Jane said turning to their maknae "Yes I've been a huge fan of her since she choreographed aespas song" aechan said in a daze. " They're strong dancers individually that is something I like about this group" hana smiled.



"How do you feel about bada being here?" The staff asked.

"Yah at first I thought it was a prank my manager was playing on me because he plays alot but I'm just somewhat excited to see one of my favorite dancers here"
Aechan answers never losing her smile.

"What would you tell bada if you saw her now" staff asked again.

"Yah firstly she better not be coming out from behind because I'll literally have a heart attack but I would just say.."
She trailed off and giggled.

She hid her face behind the cushion and spoke.

"I admire you and your work"
She said.

"Ok she'll see this soon"
Staff laughed.

"Yah noo cut the cameras I'm about to wrestle this man for this recording" aechan said before running.

- The Angels Hideout-

"Wow it's so cute!!" Sakura exclaimed. "Unnie I love this" jane said picking up the bands with their group name on it.

Their hideout had been there color light pink with alot of decorative items in there such as led light, heart stickers on the walls,a heart mirror and a pair of wings on the walls.

"So are my favorite girls nervous" Lili asked. "I'm not at all" sakura said smiling. "Good what about my maknaes" She said to us. "I think we're mostly excited than nervous"
Jane chuckle . "And my sub leader how are we doing" Lili finally asked." Yah I was wondering when you were gonna ask me if I'm ok" Hana said turning her head. The crew laughed loudly at the girl and their leader shook her head. "But yes once I'm with my girls I'm always ok" She smiled. "And how is our beautiful leader?" Aechan asked. "Amazing you guys give me strength and confidence" she smiled.

《Bebe in the fight zone》

We were feeling quite upset at the fact that the crews were looking down on us because our leader was popular.

"OH my God there's more just let it be done!" Kyma mumble.

They watch as the group angels reacted to them on the tv.

"You can't guys be playing with me if you are I'm gonna cry" the red head said.

"What kind of reaction is that" lusher asked curiously.

"How do you feel about bada being here?" The staff asked.

"Yah at first I thought it was a prank my manager was playing on me because he plays alot but I'm just somewhat excited to see one of my favorite dancers here"
Aechan answers never losing her smile.

"Wah her smile is so cute!" Tatter shout.

Their leader couldn't help but blush at the comments that came from the girl on the screen.

"Yah unnie are you blushing!?" Minah point out. "No its just hot" Bada tried to lie which resulted in the girls laughing.

"What would you tell bada if you saw her now" staff asked again.

"Yah firstly she better not be coming out from behind because I'll literally have a heart attack but I would just say.."
She trailed off and giggled.

The girls of bebe laughed at her silliness but was interested to hear what she had to say.

She hid her face behind the cushion and spoke.

"I admire you and your work"
She said.

"Aww unnie she admires you" lusher tease her leader

"How can one person be so cute"
Minah awed.

Bada couldn't lie as she watched the dancer on the screen she couldn't help the beating in her heart everytime the girl smiled or spoke.

"Ok she'll see this soon"
Staff laughed.

"Yah noo cut the cameras I'm about to wrestle this man for this recording" aechan said before running.

They laughed as the it finished.

"She's cute" bada smiled. "Yes we know unnie" tatter tease


"Ok girls you'll come out now all the other crews are down so quickly now"
A staff came.

{They got up and quickly made their way out their hideout}

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