Chapter 10

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Sephiroth was fascinated by the plushie. Kweh was soft and he couldn't help but softly run his fingers through the fuzzy fabric.

He didn't giggle, and even the smile on his face was slight, but Cloud was proud of himself to have been able to get it on there. The tears that the little had cried had obviously been from happiness, and it made the caregiver wonder how deprived he had been if only a small little plushie could bring so much emotion.

For now, the general seemed to be more than keeping himself busy, not having glanced up at Cloud even once ever since he had the plushie.

"Let's get you something to drink," Cloud said, going back to his bag and taking out a sippy cup he had bought as well, still thinking it stupid of himself to not have thought about buying a paci.

He opened the fridge and was not surprised to see the same glass containers of water they had at the mess, no juice, no milk, no sodas. Just plain water.

Filling the sippy cup, he returned to Sephiroth, who was still running his fingers through the plushie, still fascinated.

He rubbed Kweh against his cheek, tucking a finger in his mouth to suppress a happy gurgle. It was difficult to hold back the glee he felt at his new friend.

"Hi there," Cloud said, crouching in front of him, "you want something to drink."

"Drink?" Sephiroth asked, taking the finger out of his mouth and looking puzzled at Cloud. Did his caregiver want something to drink. With a wet finger, he pointed at his kitchen, "fridge, Cloud."

"I found it already," Cloud said with an amused smile, "are you thirsty?"

"Cloud thirsty?" Sephiroth asked.

"That wasn't my question. I asked if Sephiroth is thirsty," Cloud said, understanding that words might be difficult for someone with such a small headspace as the general.

"Why?" Sephiroth asked with a frown, clutching the stuffy close. Normally no one ever asked if he wanted anything. Only Angael and very rarely Genessis did ask him if he needed something. But no one ever did that in headspace.

In the labs, it was just with him and Hojo, and the man never did ask him if he needed anything. He only commanded Sephiroth to do things. He told him he should keep quiet, and just stand where he needed to stand, and Sephiroth always did his best to listen.

"Because I got you something to drink, if you want to," Cloud said, trying his best to keep his voice casual. He hadn't suspected the question to bring the look of suspicion towards him.

"Oh," Sephiroth said, looking warily at the cup that Cloud was holding out. Hesitantly, he took one of the handles, and wondered if it was some vile concoction he sometimes needed to drink.

At least it was a pretty cup. Getting distracted, he traced the running chocobo on the grassy field, turning the cup around to find a moogle on the other side, the liquid in the cup clear.

"Do you like it?" Cloud asked, smiling at the simple action. The question tore Sephiroth from his distraction.

"Mmh," the little said, not knowing if he should agree or not. It was a pretty cup though but would Cloud be angry at him to think so.

To avoid the question completely, Sephiroth quickly put the spout in his mouth and sucked down the liquid, not wanting to keep the caregiver waiting any longer. Cloud, so far, was easy going, but he guessed that he wouldn't like to stay there if Sephiroth stopped listening.

The cup was easy to use in his headspace, unlike normal glasses or cups or mugs he had to drink from, and he managed to drink without spilling a single drop.

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