Chapter 5

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"Not again," Sephiroth said to himself when he woke up, the bedding once again soaked when he hadn't managed to keep his bladder.

Normally, he always managed when he was in his big headspace, but ever since that recruit had come over, his body had been acting differently.

It had been four days ago, and three times he had woken up when he had wetted the bed, just like today. Sitting up, he rubbed his hand against his head. It must have happened while ago. The sheets were beyond cold against his skin, and he just felt the beginning of an itch appear.

Getting up from the bed, Sephiroth removed the blankets from the bed and was glad the mattress was a standard order with a plastic outside. It was so much easier to clean without fearing that the stench of urine would set in.

Taking the sheets with him in the shower, he rinsed them and hung them to dry before he washed himself. Feeling overly tired, he wondered how many nights would he keep on being awakened by the inability to hold his bladder when he was sleeping.

"Perhaps I should just wear the diaper?" Sephiroth said, frowning at the idea. It almost felt as if he was admitting defeat.

But if he was honest to himself, it wasn't just at night where his control slackened. Only a day ago, he had hurriedly needed to excuse himself from a meeting when he had started to pee, and only managed to hold on until he entered the door to his quarters when it had been impossible to hold any longer.

It had happened ever since he met Cloud, and Sephiroth knew that it could have been because the other man was a caregiver, and worse than just any old caregiver but a compatible one who had given him care.

His body was craving for more, and it was making it very obvious.

Getting out of the shower, he dried himself, frowning when he felt the rash starting to form from spending a time in his soaked bed clothes.

Giving a sigh, he went to his Materia and picked out a cure, healing himself again and leaving no trace of the redness behind.

No, this couldn't go on any longer, and there was only one way to make his body stop craving a caregiver.

And that was, to give it one.

"Cloud Strife," Sephiroth muttered, wondering what he needed to do to make the man help him out and keep his secret.

Cloud got up from his bed and joined the rest of his bunkmates to the mess, where they would be fed their breakfast, luckily they were allowed to choose bread or add sweeteners to the porridge if they pleased.

"You got enough there, Leon?" Cloud asked, looking at the man finishing his food.

"Yeah, I have Cloud, don't you worry," the man said, rolling his eyes at the question.

"Do you want some water, Mehdi?" Cloud asked, already pouring in water for his table mate.

"That's the thing with caregivers," Mehdi said, taking the glass and giving it a drink, "they can't help themselves."

"Oh, right," Cloud said, his face flushing when he realised he was doing it again. It had been ever since he had gone to the general that he couldn't seem to control his caregiver impulses.

It was as if the brief contact with a little had awaked something within him, and it was hard to reign it in, the need to make sure everyone around him was taken care off.

Some days, his thoughts turned to the unreachable man. He had seen him a few times, on his way to some meeting or one day they had even seen him train, his body a magnificent grace and strength and it had taken Cloud's breath away to see him cast his magic.

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