...i missed you..

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  Theodore Nott, hes a man who didnt know how to love. He didnt even know what love meant, until a certain year at Hogwarts, a dark haired mexican boy, an annoying one at that, had bothered him at the library in sixth year.

  Theodore wouldn't have admitted it back then, but, that boy made his heart beat as it had never ever done in his whole sixteen miserable years of life.

  Meeting that boy, who's name was Leo Markfire, completely changed his life.

  But what Theodore felt most.. was regret.

  Regret of not being able to love well, show how he truly felt or speak about it to said boy. He never knew how to love, having no mother and a terrible father took a toll in himself. He had tried to be better at showing his emotions but he felt as if it was never enough.

  But Leo.. oh sweet Leo had shown the broken boy exactly how to, even if both technically didnt know how to love, coming from broken homes. But Leo had tried his best to be better and he did great, as Theo had told him.

  Even with all the work he put on, Theo never thought he was good enough and isolated at times, which caused Leo to break.

  They would always work it out at the end though, talking it out and all.

   In seventh year, when war took over. Harry Potter and many more fighting against Voldemort, Leo was fighting with a death eater, even if he was a slytherin and a pureblood to which people expected he and and Theo to turn into one of the death eaters, they never did.

  Leo wasn't one to discriminate, being as he gets discriminated himself for being Latino at Hogwarts or many other places, he knew how it felt to get hated on by something you couldn't even change.

  The other thing was, he understood why the death eaters or many other wizards and witches didn't like muggles much. They 'corrupted' their traditions, changing them and disregarding them. Turning them into their own. Yule and Samhain for example, it was now more seen and said as Christmas and Halloween.

  He agreed that those changes shouldn't even be made, yes of course still celebrate it, just dont change peoples whole traditions.

  Also! The fact that many good classes were restricted and taken away from hogwarts that could've helped Muggles understand magic and traditions instead of being so clueless and dumping it all on the first years once they get right to hogwarts is crazy to him..

  Anyway, when Leo was fighting with the death eater, he was all bruised and scratched by various things. He felt weak and useless. He was powerful and smart, but this all took a toll on him. Wanting to be in his boyfriends arms and just get out of this war.

  He hated wars, I mean who doesn't?! The ones that creat them probably..

At some point he went and fought against Bellatrix LeStrange. That mad women, she's quite beautiful in a way but horrific in another, he must say, the Black family sure are beautiful... how if they did such incest??

  Leo threw spells over spells, his arm tingling and burning from the amount of magic he has used in less than four hours. He panted as he hid behind a tree and held he wound on his arm.

  Hearing from afar the cackling of Bellatrix made a shiver run his spine. He gulped softly before standing back up and went ahead to fight.

  Sadly, he was taken down in an instant.. by one and only, Theo's father

  Leo ground as he laid twitching in the soil of the forest. He coughed out blood as he hugged his waist. Teary frantic eyes glanced up at Theos father. A scowl on his face while the man smirked like a mad man.

"Ah.. well if it isn't the little fa-" The man didn't even get to finish the sentence before he was planted by a spell.

  Theodore ran to his boyfriend and picked him up the best he could. Leo held onto Theodore, both limping away.

  Leos foot got stuck on a root and tripped, causing Theodore to fall aswell but a bit farther.

"Ah! Fuck! Mierda mierda carajoo.. ay no me jodas.." Leo complained, he huffed and sat up but again, he was taken down once more, pinned on the ground, a strong hand around his neck and wand pointed infront of him.

  Leos eyes widened once more, he heard Theodores yells from the side, his eyes snapping over to look at his lover who was being held back by Bellatrix and Rodolphus.

  "My my really thought you two could runaway?" Lord Nott grinned madly, his grip on Leos neck getting tighter by each minute.

  Leo gasped softly and grasped onto Lord Nott's wrist and tried to yank it off, with no effort. He wheezed silently before giving a small smirk. "Some kinky- ugh.. shit you got going on here eh? Might I remind you- im your son boyfriend?"

  A slap echoed through the forest. Leo was slapped on the face by Tiberus. Leo wheezed once more as a small cry left his mouth, Theodore still trashing around the hold of the LeStrange couple.

"Shut it you insolent boy!! You disgust me.. and that boy, hes no son of MINE after he dated.. you." Lord Nott said with a tone of disgust.

  Leo glared at Theo's father and spat on his face. He glared, raising a leg and kicking the man off him. Thankfully it worked, Leo quickly got up, wand in hand, he pointed his wand at the LeStrange's.. but they were quicker..

Leo's body hit the floor after a spell, wordlessly, sent his way. His wand slipped his fingers, eyes opened still and mouth agaped as he laid on the tree trunk.

At that moment, Theodore felt as if his whole life had been take out of him, as if his sould was breaking into pieces. His heart ached, feeling hands gripping it and toying with it. His throat sealed close as tears brimmed his eyes.

  He couldn't do this anymore.. the first person..man, he loved is.. dead? He didn't even get to say i love you to him. He didnt get to show him how much he truly loved him, how great of a boyfriend Leo had been to him. He couldn't show his appreciation and gratefulness anymore.

  He was planning that after the war they would go out together and spend a day with eachother only. At leos favorite place, his hometown. Take him to visit his family he hasn't seen in ages. He wanted Leo to wear that big smile he always wears when he's absolutely excited..

  But he won't get to do that anymore.. and that ruined him. It ruined him so much he stayed frozen. Seeing how his so called father dragged his dead boyfriends body away.. The LeStrange laughing like maniacs as they apparated away.

That night.. Theodore Nott died internally..

[I feel like this was such a shitty chapter but I just wanted to give an insight on what happened and present my two little guys! Also, to help out the image of Theodore, I see him as Lorenzo Zurzolo. And for Leo, I actually don't know what face claim to give😭, but I do have info on how he looks like. He's like 6'3, he's a bit tan, sharp features, he has a roman like nose, his eyes are just like Lorenzo's, but dark brown. His hair is wavy and short. He has a bit of an accent when speaking English since he's latino too its barley noticeable. Thats the most I have from him though.]
~any suggestions would be gladly taken!~

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