Chapter 34: Chance Encounter

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"Fancy seeing you here~"


"C-Chaewon-sunbaenim...?" Sei stuttered out, looking shocked as he stared at the form of Chaewon, who was dressed in a simple white tshirt and pajamas lined with polkadots.

Chaewon giggled cutely at Sei's reaction, as she walked closer to him and took a seat by one of the pool benches. "Drop the formalities, Sei-ya. Manchae speaks well about you, so you can just call me noona or just Chaewon."

"Araseo..." Sei replied shyly. "You're performance earlier was amazing..."

"Gomawo~" Chaewon replied gratefully, a beautiful smile gracing her face. "Although, I think we won't be able to compare to your level of performance tonight."

"Ani..." Sei insisted. "We all did well."

"Hehe, gomawo." Chaewon replied as she reclined onto the chair. "I heard from Eunchae that your a big fan of me~"

"A-ah...." Sei started stuttering his words, a red hue adorning his cheeks. "Mmm, I've been following yours and Sakura-sunbae's journey since IZONE, everyone else as well."

At the mention of IZONE, a melancholic look had formed on Chaewon's face, a somber smile made it's way onto her lips as she stared deeply at the night sky.

"D-Do you miss those days, noona?" Sei carefully asked, making sure not to overstep or pry too much.

"I do.... alot." Chaewon replied, sitting up to face him. "But, things happen for a reason, or so they say, I just hope that the girls are always doing ok.... Wony, she's grown so much already, and Eunbi-unnie..."

A tear had threatened to fall from Chaewon's eyes as memories of her days in IZONE had filled her head. Sei quickly got up and offered her his handkerchief, prompting Chaewon to accept it from him and wipe her tears.

"Gomawo..." She sighed out. "Hah, it's been 2 years and you'd think I'd have gotten over it by now."

"Your human, just like the rest of us, noona." Sei told him sincerely. "You're allowed to cry, to make mistakes, being imperfect makes you perfect in every way, if that makes sense."

Chaewon let out a small giggle as she looked up and stared deeply into Sei's eyes. "You can be so cool sometimes, and then turn into a cute fluffball, y'know that?"

"I could say the same for you, Kim Dodok..." Sei teased, prompting Chaewon to widen her eyes at him.

"Yah!" Chaewon retorted cutely, causing Sei to laugh at her, infected by his laughter, Chaewon had also began to giggle lightly at his antics.

Sei took a seat on the pool chair beside her, staring at the stars. "It seems like a fever dream, being able talk and become friends with all the people I had only seen through a screen before..."

"It felt like that for me as well." Chaewom reminisced. "You'll slowly get used to it~"

"Anyways, it's getting late, noona." Sei told her as he got up. "Let's head back."

Chaewon stood up and looked up to him, Sei clearly towered over her by a big margin. A dust of pink had adorned her cheeks as he stared into his eyes. "I feel old when you call me noona, just Chaewon, araseo?"

"Eh, ok..." Sei replied shyly. "Chaewon-ah?"

"Perfect." a smile made its' way onto Chaewon's face as they walked side by side, heading back to their rooms. "Oh, give me your kakao, I'll share it with everybody later~"


Sei looked up to the night sky as he sat outside in the balcony of their hotel room, appreciating the evening breeze that flowed through the air. The conversation with Chaewon had still lingered in his mind, a part of him still in disbelief that he held a conversation with THE Kim Chaewon.

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