Chapter 2: Unveiling Truths

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Chapter 2: Unveiling the Truth


All three members then turn their attention to the last person.

"Ah..! Minatozaki Sei-imnida!"


"Ah..! Minatozaki Sei-imnida!" Sei suddenly exclaims as he finally realized it was his turn, goofily rubbing the back of his head, the members laughing at his sillyness "I'm 20 years old, and I come from Japan."

The interviewer, a seasoned host with a friendly demeanor, turned to Sei with a curious expression. "Minatozaki Sei, it's a pleasure to have you here. Now, I understand that you have quite a remarkable background. Can you tell us a bit about your journey prior to becoming an idol?"

Sei nodded, his face donning a melancholic smile as he recalled the path that led him to this moment. "Ne. Well, I actually started out as a football player back in Japan. It was my passion, my dream to play professionally. But life had different plans, I guess."

Sana's heart clenched at Sei's words, a pang of guilt washing over her. She had always admired her brother's dedication to football, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she had somehow missed the signs of his shifting aspirations.

"During a championship match, I sustained an injury that changed everything," Sei continued, his expression turning solemn. "It was a devastating blow, both physically and emotionally. I was given a choice, wait for it to heal out, and play again next time, or push it through. At that time, perhaps the former would've been the better option, but I just couldn't let it end like that... I pushed through, we won, and well... in the end, the injury made it so that I could never play football again."

The other members of Divinity listened intently, their eyes filled with empathy and understanding. They had heard bits and pieces of Sei's story before, but hearing it directly from him added a new layer of depth to their bond as a group.

"When I thought that my story had ended, a new page was added" Sei added, a glimmer of determination shining in his eyes. "During my recovery, I received a message from the company, saying how they saw the little tiktok vids of me doing dance challenges, or the covers of songs that I uploaded online, that they were impressed, and that if I would be interested in becoming an idol, at that time I thought, why the hell not, I had nothing to lose after all, so after recovering, I made my way here, and we, here we are."

Sana watched her brother with a mixture of pride and sorrow. She couldn't deny the courage he had shown in the face of these challenges , but she couldn't help but wonder if things could have been different if she had been with him during that period.

The interviewer shifted gears, directing a question to the entire group. "Now, Divinity, as a new group in the industry, what do you hope to bring to the table? What sets you apart from other idol groups?"

Jaehyun, the leader of Divinity, spoke up. "We believe that each member of our group brings something unique to the table. Whether it's our diverse backgrounds, our individual talents, or our shared passion for music, we're united by a common goal: to create music that resonates with people on a deeper level."

The other members nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting a sense of unity and purpose. Sana and the rest of Twice couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for the bond that had formed between them, despite their different paths and backgrounds.

As the interview continued, the questions became more personal, delving into each member's background. Sana's heart raced as she listened intently, her mind filled with a whirlwind of emotions.

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