Chapter 19: Japan

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"Hello?" Sei's voice rang out as he picked up the call.

"Wah, have you forgotten how to speak Japanese already?" Bachi-chan's teasing voice spoke from the phone.

Sei chuckled as he shook his head at Bachi's sillyness. "I'll be there soon, if you're free we can meet up with everyone?"

"Honto?!" Came Bachi's excited voice.

A small smile made it's way onto Sei's face "Hai, Suzy will be coming with me, as well as some of our co actors."

"Uuuu! I'm so jealous you get to act with Suzy!" Sei could only shake his head at Bachi's sillyness. "I'll go and tell everyonw, see ya soon!"

The call finally ended, Sei tucked his phone back into his pocket, a smile playing on his lips as he does it.


As the days passed and the excitement for their upcoming trip to Japan continued to build, Sei found himself consumed by a whirlwind of preparations. Between rehearsals, script readings, and packing for the journey, time seemed to slip through his fingers like grains of sand.

On the eve of their departure, Sei found himself standing in front of his open suitcase, staring at the jumble of clothes and personal items scattered haphazardly within. With a sigh, he began the arduous task of sorting through his belongings, trying to decide what to bring and what to leave behind.

"Sei-ah, do you need help with packing?" Jaehyun's voice broke through his thoughts as he entered the room, a concerned expression on his face.

Sei looked up from his suitcase, grateful for the offer of assistance. "Ne, hyung. I don't know where to start, I think I should pack less as it's only a 5 day trip, but..."

Jaehyun nodded sympathetically, crossing the room to join Sei by the suitcase. Together, they began to organize his belongings, folding clothes neatly and arranging them in the limited space of the suitcase.

As they worked, Jaehyun began to reminisce about his own experiences traveling to different countries with his family before he became an idol.

"Do you miss them, hyung?" Sei asked "Your mom and dad."

"Mmm, sometimes." He pondered out aloud as he continued to help Sei fold the rest of his things. "I'm used to it anyways, I've been independent for quite awhile so it's fine with me."

"And what about your girlfriend...?" A wry smile formed on Sei's face as he looked at Jaehyun.

"Yah..." He swatted back playfully. "In all honesty, it's bit tiring trying to hide it from the media, but we make do. I'm just grateful she's still sticking around, knowing how hard it is to 'date' me now."

"Waah..." Sei's eyes shine brightly as he stared at Jaehyun. "That's why you're our leader, you're really good at doing 'leader' things..."

"'Leader things'?" Jaehyun let out a small chuckle. "Honestly, you're more talented than me, Sei-ah... I'm happy I got to know you better during our trainee days."

A small smile made it's way back onto Sei's face. "Ani, without everybody's help, I'd just be lost at what I'm doing. Besides, you were the very first who approached me during practices."

"Ah, I remember that." Jaehyun chuckles at the memory. "You were sitting alone at the corner after dance practice, Minho and Wei were too scared to approach you because you were, 'Minatozaki Sana's little brother'."

"You know..." Sei plopped on the ground and stared at the ceiling, thoughts swirling in his mind. "I once hated that title..."

At this, a look of curiosity formed on Jaehyun's face, prompting Sei to continue. "It felt like I had no identity of my own, I'd be just the little brother of a famous idol, and then I discovered football. I...I wanted to become the very best there, and make a name for myself, but well, things happen I guess."

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