Today I Live - Narrative Poem / Prose Poetry

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Dear readers,

Below is a narrative poem "Today I Live", which is about embracing life's darkness and challenges. Even though it may sometimes feel easier to give up, or to get ourselves stuck in the past, there is today. And today is to live, to embrace life's challenges and appreciate the celebration of life.

Above, I have provided a visual / audio storytelling medium for you to try for a more immersive experience - no AI; I have created this so it is more accessible, and hopefully, allows you a deeper experience to think about the meaning of the poem.

I would hugely appreciate if you could also show your support for my work by subscribing to the youtube channel and liking and commenting on the video (does not cost anything).

Thank you so much!



Below is the poem. Please note some parts may be unsuitable for younger readers. Discretion is advised.***



Yesterday, I almost died, but today I will live.

Yesterday, I was numb.

I did not feel the ocean air,

Nor paused to savour its taste of sweet mercy.

I stood by the ocean's edge beneath a blanket of stars,

Each a shuriken blade, a keeper of the past holding me frozen.

I hear them beckon: Memento Mori,

Memento mori...

As I walked 'neath the lonely moon,

pulling in the pebbled shores,

Salt-laden zephyrs kissed my toes,

chilling my bones to their core.

Each lapping wave felt like a cracking carapace,

yet I remained numb to their touch.

I did not stop to appreciate what I had outside my door.

For how many have the ocean at their feet?

Yesterday, I did not look outside my window,

Did not let the light inside.

Because it was easier to simply not feel.

I awaken each day, though I am bruised in a slumber.

From my kitchen pane, eyes down, down to the ground.

Shoulders heavy, pouring coffee in thick dredges,

burnt toast, the alarm a silent ringer—

yet I did not even hear it.

I am numb to danger. I take my toast and sit.

Stare without a care for tomorrow.

Bite after bite, blackened, charred—

"Today I Live" | Narrative Visual PoemWhere stories live. Discover now