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"Haha you didn't know about this place?" Airon dragged me behind a school building.

I am so amazed that I am now wandering around. This looks like a flower farm, colorful groups of flower. Then in the middle is a shelter, I went there and here I can see more amazing view. "Woah, if only I know this place exist from the very first time I stepped in this school, I would've been here all the time."

Airon followed me and sat at the clean long chair, I sat beside him. "Silly, this flowers only bloom around cold season. This is not here yet when you transfered."

"Ehh? How did you know about this place?"

"I know the caretaker of this garden. He said that this day, all flowers will bloom all together. We're late to see that tho."

"Heh?" I smiled warmly at him. "So, why did you take me here?"

He stretches his arm and puts it around my shoulder, I hugged him. "I just want you to relax, after all that happened to you babe."

"Yea, I feel relax and ..." I'm looking at the flowers and leaning my head on his chest. Yum, I can feel his abs in my hand that is on his tummy, yummy hehehe. "I want to stay here all day. Perfect weather, not sunny, not rainy, just windy hehe."

"Okay." He simply said.

I looked up to him. "What?"

"Let's stay here all day so you can rest." He said while smiling at me.

"Haha we have classes."

"I can skip one just to be with you." He hugged me, we're facing the garden. "I miss you so much baby."

I gasp and my tears fell out. "Yea, let's skip classes today."

"You don't have to cry-"

"But I miss you so much! It's been so long since we had alone time."

He smiled and wiped my tears on my cheeks. "Shh. Okay. I'll just talk to the caretaker to lock the gate so no one will see us. Can you wait for a minute?"

"Of course. Thank you Omi." I smiled at him. Then he got up and left to I don't know where. "Hays, finally. Peace." I closed my eyes and breath the air. Airon did not take long to comeback. He's carrying, "Guitar? And foods?"

"I'm sure you miss playing this, I got it from the music room." He handed me the guitar. "And foods for my baby."

"Aaaah my heart is melting hahaha thank you!" I kissed his cheeks but he grabbed my face and gave me a peck on the lips and I blushed hehe.

"Haha I like it when you're blushing."

"Hmmp! You just startled me." I took his hand and pulled him to sit beside me. I gave him the guitar. "Here."

He look confused. "Why?"

"You. Play it for me."

He sighed. "Since you requested, I have no choice."

"Huh? I'm just kidding hehe I know you can't play-"

He suddenly puts his fingers on the strings and started playing it. I got susprised and froze at how beautiful he is. "Y-You know h-how to play-"

He just smiled at me and continues playing then he started humming, and singing slowly while looking deep into my eyes. I felt my heart racing and falling more deeply at his unexpected voice. 'Oh my god, he can sing beautifully and I didn't even know about that? Unfair, he didn't tell me!'

"I found the love, for me~"

His smiles, the one that is rare, the one he only shows to me, the one that captured my heart the first time I saw it.

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