This is Tartarus this is bromance this is boredom

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Hahahahahhaha. Underwear. I be so immature. I really don't know how she got that. Maybe it fell out of Annabeths book bag? GIVE ME IDEAAASSSSS. Annabeth's thing will be in the next chapter. Let us.....BEGIIIIIIIN

Percy POV

I feel like I'm in Tartarus again. I can feel my life slipping away. I'm to beautiful to die. I am. Don't judge me. "Mom, am I going to die?" I told my mom. I really want to know. She pursed her lips. "I don't know Perce, but don't think about it, k". "Yeah,...Ok" I said, still unsure about her answer. "Hi, Percy" A female voice said. 'Hey, Sarah" I said. Yes, I can call her Sarah. "You ready" she said. "Yes, I'm ready to throw up. So excited" I said, sarcasm practically dripping from my voice.

She rolled her eyes. "Just come with me". I got up, and my legs wobbled. "Can I do it in here today?" I asked. "Of, course, Just let me get the stuff" she said. "Well, honey, I have to go, my story can't finish itself" my mom said. She was writing the second book in the series she was writing. "Bye mom" I said.

"I'm back" Sarah said. "Yay" I said sarcastically. She just ignored me and put the needle in my arm. As the medicine rolled in, it sent a cold liquidy feeling throughout my body. Then I threw up. Good thing I always have a bucket.

After 15 minutes, it was done. I felt terrible. "Well, do you need anything before I go" Sarah asked

"How about a cure"

"Well, anything else"

"A blue cure"


"Nothing" I said holding back a laugh. She looks hilarious when she is angry. 'Wait, how is your daughter". She closed her eyes. "S-she...died last night" she said. "Oh, I'm...sorry". "Oh, its ok, you say it as if its your fault" she said walking out. But I could tell it wasn't ok. "Knock, Knock" a familiar voice said. Frank and Hazel walked in grinning. "Hi you guys, how are you" I said, I did miss them. I saw that Hazel had a cut on her head, that was stitched up, and Franks arm was in a cast. 'Are you guys ok" I asked concerned

"Your asking if we're ok" Hazel said. "Yes, I am" I said. Frank rolled his eyes "And you wonder why all your nicknames insult your intelligence" Frank said. "English please" I said with a smirk. "Gods Percy, don't make us regret coming here" Hazel told me. "Did you guys see Annabeth and the others at their apartment yet. Annabeth told me she'll be staying there" I asked them. "We saw everyone, Annabeth got in a fight at school and got detention , because some weirdo had her underwear, and Annabeth went minataur on her" Frank said, trying not to laugh, but failed. "Ah, thats my Annabeth". "Well, we have to go because the school wants to 'interview' us. They must've know that we know you" Frank said. "Bye guys" I said. "Bye Perce" They said together.

That night, Grover, Thalia, Nico, and Annabeth came to spend the night with me.


"Yes, Nico"

"You have no hair" he said. "I know that Nico". "Good". Idiot. Thalia and Annabeth rolled there eyes in perfect sync. "So the 1st Great Prophecy group back together, huh" Grover said. "I think it was me you, and Annabeth actually" I said. "Shut up" Nico and Thalia said together. "Grover, how was camp while I was gone, Annabeth refuses to tell me" I asked. "Well, Annabeth isolated herself from everybody, and there were new campers every night. Also Annabeth almost killed anyone who mentioned you" he said. I kissed Annabeth's cheek, "Oh, yes, that is my Annabeth" I said chuckling.

"I wanna play truth or dare" Thalia said randomly. "Um, ok, but I am bedridden genius" I told her. "Who cares, I go first, Annabeth, truth or dare" Thalia asked. "Um, Dare" she said. "I dare you.. to kiss Nico" She said smirking. I actually wanted to see that. She looked at me, and I nodded. Nico was blushing ferociously. "And it has to be on the lips" Thalia said laughing with me. Annabeth rolled her eyes, and kissed him. Nico was so red, he looked like a cherry, with his pale skin. "Ok, my turn, Percy, truth or dare" she asked me. "Um, truth, since I CAN'T MOVE" She smiled. "Did you have feelings for Rachel, ever" she said. I blushed. "To be honest yes, but the only reason I never asked her out, was because I had bigger feelings for you" I said. She blushed, and kissed me. "Alright my turn, Thalia, Truth or dare".


"Aww, c'mon Thalia" Grover said. "No, no, its fine" I said. "If you weren't a hunter, and Luke wasn't dead, would you have dated him" I asked. She smiled sadly and said "Yes, I would have, because he said he would do the same. I got help from Nico". Thalia looked down, and seemed as if she were about to cry. Now I felt bad. "Ok, well, instead of this game lets watch a movie" Annabeth said changing the subject.

We decided to watch "Big Hero 6" It was actually a good movie, though, WHY KILL THE BEST CHARACTER, A NEW ONE ISN'T THE SAME THING. WAS IT MADE BY HIS BROTHER, NO I DON'T THINK SO. Breath Percy. Ok, Ok, Phew. Ahhhh. "Well, I'm going to sleep, because I fell like crap, Goodnight America" I said, and fell into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning, only Grover was there. Annabeth went to school, Nico to camp, and Thalia to the hunters. 'Hey, Grover" I said. "Hmmm" was his response. "How Camp been lately". That woke him. "Well, everybody is worried sick about you". Me. "Me, why. Some of them don't even know me" I said. "Well, not personally, but they all know the savior of Olympus, multiple times" he said. Wow. I'M KNOWN. "Well, I have to get back to camp, see you....soon I guess" He said. "Yeah, see you soon" I told him as he left. Now I am completely alone.

After 3 hours, boredom completely overtook my brain. "I'm going to die of boredom, wow" I muttered to myself. "Well, I can fix that" somebody said. "Leo, aren't you supposed to be at school" I said. "Are you my mother" He said. "Whatever why are you here' I asked him. "Well, I got suspended, because in class, I accidentally set my desk on fire" I laughed. "Gods Leo, you are more of an idiot than I am" I said. "Says the guy who set the SCHOOL on fire, and doesn't have fire powers" he pointed out with a smirk.

"Touchè" I told him, narrowing my eyes. "Why did you come here" I asked. "Because, you were bored". "How do you know". "Because, me, you, and Thalia are exactly the same. I put myself in your position, and I imagined myself dying of boredom". "Wow, you actually do have a brain" I said surprised. "Shut up" he growled. I laughed. "Thanks Leo, you literally just made my day" I said. "No problem, its what I do" he said smiling.

See that, THATS how you do Lercy Bromance. Lercy, ah, my OTP. (After Percabeth, duh). Over 100 reads overnight. That for me, IS AMAZING. THANK YOU READERS OF WATTPAAAAD. ALSO WHO CAN GUESS THE NUMBER OF TIMES I SAID ANNABETH IN THIS CHAPTER, AND AUTHORS NOTE.

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