4|professor and gossip girls

Start from the beginning

Actually—I did see her that morning. 

Not completely but it must have been Mrs. Choi's daughter on the backyard porch of their house. 

She just ran away as soon as I turned around. It was quite weird, maybe she was shy and didn't want to interact. That's better for me to be honest, the less people interact with me, the more I would be at peace. 

Speaking of peace, that's something that I had been craving for a long time and I knew I would only get it after knowing the truth—one dark truth. 

Or should I say, the biggest lie of my life? 

Every question points towards one person, Kim Bo-ra.  

Living my life surrounded by questions and puzzles, hounded by those faint memories and that one face. Seeing her over and over in my every dream not knowing how she was related to me or was it just my delusion. What was my truth? Who am I? Who is she? Why only her? 

Maybe all those questions that had haunted me throughout my life were somehow pointed towards her and maybe she was the answers to all my questions as well. Kim Bo-ra, who are you? 

I had been looking for you, been searching every possible information about you and finding ways to get to you, and now that you're here right in front of me why am I holding back myself? Now that you're walking towards me why am I not asking those damn questions to you? It should have been easier and I would have known everything about me. 

"Professor Jeon!" She called me once and I stopped to wait for her to reach next to me. The principal of SNU, Kim Bo-ra. 

"Good morning, ma'am" she's here, speaking to me right now. 

"I hope you are having a great time here as well. I'm really glad that you accepted the offer to join SNU. Students will get a lot to learn from you" 

"Thank you so much for this offer and I hope I'll deliver my best to the students. This is a great university with great professors and of course a great principal" 

She smiled a little, flattered with my words and all I could think about was the face of her I see in my every dream, a younger version of her with doe eyes, those caramel brown ones which looked at me like she was losing everything. 

She was an elegant woman in her early forties, eyes had that same spark and the corners were covered with light wrinkles. She was married to Kim Ji Han, owner of Kim industries. 

SNU was her legacy, her maternal family had been running this university for a long time and being the only heir of the Seo family, she inherited this university.

"Definitely. I'm the best. And one more thing professor Jeon, though these Henley shirts suit you well and you look great in them but you get mixed with the students and it gets tough for us older professors here to find you. I'm pretty sure you'll do a lot better in button downs as well" she added a little laugh after finishing her sentence and her little request, one thing was sure she was good with her words. 

"Of course, ma'am. Henleys are my second favourite after all" she chuckled again. I had a hint after seeing other professors coming in formals that I would be called out soon. 

I preferred wearing my clothes like this as I used to do in Harvard, I didn't face any issues there. 

Nevertheless, button downs were not a problem to me as well. 

She left after asking a few more questions and I felt a strong need for caffeine. Searching for a quiet table in the cafeteria I got settled after placing the order. Having a coffee in the college cafeteria was not a good idea though. I still haven't set up my coffee maker in my office yet. 

Dear, Professor Jeon | jjk (18+)Where stories live. Discover now