~part two~

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real life~ YouTube video

"Hey, girlies" Alina said before the clip cut to her intro

The intro was a clip of her walking through the city as Valerie by tv girl played in the background. small doodles of hearts and stars were put over the video as it cut back to her vlog 

"So, um. I kind of ghosted you guys for a bit." Alina said awkwardly. "I'm sorry about that. it's been so long-" she paused and reached for her phone to check the date. "I want to see how long exactly." she scrolled through her phone until she opened YouTube and checked the date of her most recent video and compared it to the current date, "so today is September 8th and I last posted on YouTube June 12th, so obviously it's been a long time. I didn't just leave YouTube" so you know."

"I kind of just left social media for a bit." She started to pull hair out of its ponytail and brushed her hair. " If you don't have other social medias beside YouTube then you didn't know but I haven't posted on any platforms because I wanted to spend my summer with my friends, I know I made a small post on my birthday, but I think that was it. So, on July 17th I celebrated my fifteenth birthday. I didn't vlog or post anything other than a small mention on Instagram, and that was because I had a Quinceanera. I wanted to keep everything private and have a break from everything so yeah. if you were wondering that's what I've been up to."  

                                                                      *CUT SCENE*

"Now, it's actually time for the video." the girl said setting her camera down at her vanity and turning on the lights. "My plans for today I believe consists of going with Mason to get boba and just chilling at his house. So, I'm going to do my makeup and I'll leave."

                                                                      *CUT SCENE*  

The girl slipped on a black headband to get her hair out of her face and started to apply concealer "Oh, wait. I should turn down my music so you can hear me talk" she quickly got up and walked over to her speaker that was playing Cherry waves by Deftones and turned the volume down.

                                                                          *CUT SCENE*

 "GUYS, MY EYELINER EXPLODED AND ITS IN MY FUCKING EYE." The girl screamed with panic filling her voice.

                                                                        *CUT SCENE*

The girl quietly sat in front of the camera as she sniffled and held a wet towel up to her eye. "So, it's a no makeup day I guess."

                                                                     *CUT SCENE*

"Okay, so, I've had a successful recovery and now I need to pick out an outfit." She said placing the camera on her shelf it could see her as she searched her closet. " I think I'm going to wear this pair of jeans I thrifted and this dark red shirt with a shit ton of jewelry and red converse."

                                                                       *CUT SCENE*

The clip showed the girl walking down the street with one wired headphone in and the other dangling below. " Okay, guys. I'm right outside but I'm obviously not going to show you, fucking stalkers." she paused and stared dead at the camera. "I'm just kidding but I'll record again when I have Mason."

                                                                    *CUT SCENE*

In the scene Alina was standing in a doorway looking at someone off-screen. "Mason put your fucking shoes on, dude." she said still staring at him, sitting on the floor as he struggled to put his black converse on. "Shut up, Alvarez!" The boy shouted. "I think he doesn't know how to tie his shoes." Alina quietly whispered into the camera. 

"I heard that!"

                                                                *CUT SCENE*

"Hey, bitches." Mason said walking through a field of grass and holding the camera at an unnecessarily high angle. "It's Alina here. and I just wanted to say that you should follow Mason because he's super cool and the best friend I could ever wish for." Alina jumped on his back and grabbed the camera away from him in a swift movement and resumed her vlog. "Someone tell Mason he seems girly pop when he does that."

"Does what?"

"When you pop out your hip like that and talk all sassy."

"Girl, what?"


                                                                       *CUT SCENE*

"Mason here, y'all" Mason said quietly, not wanting to cause a disturbance in the boba shop. "I swear to god Alina was just cursing me out and hitting me but now she's politely ordering the boba." Alina walked up next to the boy, holding her change in hand. "Okay, the boba will be ready in like, five minutes." she smiled brightly.

"You should have let me pay, Lina."




"How about I pay you back by playing Minecraft with you later at my house?"

"Works for me."

                                                        *CUT SCENE*                         

"Okay, we have acquired the boba and now we are walking back to Mason's house."

"Please don't leave me for my sister again."

"No promises."

"Fine, then we can't play Minecraft together."


                                                   *CUT SCENE*

"Honey, I'm home!" Mason filmed Alina from behind as she entered his house. 

"My baby!" Brooke shouted running up to Alina and hugging her, "I missed you dearly, My love." 

"Didn't you see each other yesterday?" Mason said slipping off one of his shoes. "I'm allowed to miss my wife, mason." Brooke quipped.

"Mason, what the fuck is going on with your socks." Alina started to laugh and zoom in on his socks." 

"Is that twilight sparkles." Brooke laughed and pushed her brother. 

"Don't blame me," Mason shouted. "Alina is the one who got me addicted!"

As soon as Mason spoke Brooke paused and turned to Alina. "You watch My little pony?"


                                                              *CUT SCENE*

"Hey, my babies." Alina said in a tired voice. she as in a room that was mostly dark with the only light source being a screen in the distance. "So, i got too lazy to film the rest of the day so to sum it up; we played Minecraft for an hour and a half or maybe two hours...i can't remember and now were watching 10 things i hate about you." She held the camera up to show Mason who was laying with his head across her lap as she used her free hand to play with his hair. "Alright, bye."

                                                            *CUT SCENE*

Les by Childish Gambino starts playing while the screen shows photos from the day.

I know you ~ M.T.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang