Why, Why, WHY?!

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   I wake up at five thirty in the morning. Surprising, because I'm jet-lagged and never a morning person. Unsurprisingly, because I am more than reasonably excited to ski. Getting out of bed, I see that Ashley and Merry are still sleeping across the hall (they took the other bedroom, so I'm left alone. It's better because I don't have to listen to them and I get more space.) I walk to the bathroom, and start brushing my teeth and putting on some of the clothes I laid out yesterday.  It starts to feel so much like routine - maybe if I call out, I'll be talking to my dad instead of some annoying kids. 

   After I'm in most of my layers, I try to remember what time the teachers said that we'd have breakfast. Wait - we are getting breakfast, right? Mr. Tross didn't mention that yesterday. I pull out the paper in my bag that goes into the finer details of this trip: Breakfast will be served at 7:30 AM every morning in the hotel breakfast area. Lunch will be eaten in ski/snowboard lessons.  Wait, then what do I eat? I search the paper for a mention of what the kids who aren't in lessons doing for lunch, and I come up empty. I guess I'll just eat in the lodge somewhere. 

   Pretty soon, I realize I'm bored. And hungry. There isn't much to do - the resort opens at 8. Normally I'm not faced with this problem, because my family is always late or in a rush not to be late. We're only ever early to the slopes when we have lessons, friends with us that wil make us go fast, and my dad becomes especially determined. 

   To solve my problems, I start finding and putting on the rest of my layers. When I run out of layers, my gear. This is accomplished more quickly than I expected - I was hoping it would take a while. And now I'll  end up overheating. Great. I decide to step out onto the small balcony. I'll just sit out there, take a break. On second thought, I reach into my bag and grab White Fang. Maybe I'll lose track of time and hunger if I distract myself with a book. I my steps are clunky in my ski boots as I walk to the patio. I open the door, then shut it. I take a moment, then decide to start at the beginning. While sitting on a slightly uncomfortable chair, I start to read. 

   I read all the way to White Fang being given up for alcohol. This part always makes me sad, and it's a bit worse now that I actually know the history. I stop reading for a minute, and just stand up and look. The sun is rising, making the sky a mix of blue and purple and pink while casting a sparkly glow on the snow that covers everything. All the buildings in front of me are all brown, faked to look like they're made out of stone. The effect is supposed to be nostalgic, making you feel like you're in an old, European ski town. After being here before, I'm a bit sick of how hard this place tries - and fails - to mimic that. But it does always look nice at first glance. It's been a good season so far - the snow actually fell in December, and it's not still storming. We came at the right time. 

I hear voices from the inside of the apartment. If Merry and Ashley have woken up, then it's probably a good idea to go inside and check the time. My stomach growls, reminding me I still haven't eaten. I open the door, and am greeted by the girls discussing what they're going to wear. I check a clock which shows it's around 7:25. Wow, that was longer than I normally take to read a book. I walk as quietly as possible past the open bedroom door, hoping to make it to breakfast as fast as I can. Predictably, that's not what happens. "Sarika, when did you change? We didn't even hear you!" Merry calls out. "You guys were asleep." I reply in a monotone. "Can you show us what we should wear? Since you're already done." Ashley says. Warily, I move closer to them and their suitcases. This doesn't feel right - I'm not the one whose supposed to give advice on clothes, no matter what kind. "Well, it's going to be pretty sunny today, so maybe just wear two layers? If you get cold easily, three." I direct. But Merry says, "Ok, but like, what should we wear?" as though I didn't understand the question. Ashley, on the other hand, is already pulling clothes from her suitcase. Oh my god. I reach into her suitcase, which has her name printed on it in blue cursive letters. "Well, maybe this shirt. And these pants. Then wear the puffy ski jacket and pants over it. Same for you, Ashely." I explain, while grabbing more clothes from her suitcase out. "Nice talking to you guys. I'm gonna head to breakfast. See you."  I walk out, grab my skis, and check if the pockets of my jacket have everything I'll need. Then I leave the room, heading down  the elevator. 

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