Chapter 2: Mobile Corpse

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It seems like most religions have at least a couple of significant locations to it, where divine reality-bending events usually occur. Resurrections, covenants, births, deaths, firsts, lasts, etcetera. For Talon's new religion, Freedom, the first, and perhaps only significant location, at least for now, was the city in front of his eyes. Emberfall, not far south from Silverbrook, was close enough to him that he could make out most of the major details, yet far enough away for the view of the skyline to be grand and majestic. It would be an understatement to state that the feelings he felt after traveling by foot through the night and arriving upon this "outsider city" he only previously heard about were simply magical.

Talon was never exactly known as the most "man with a plan" person out there. Sure, he was no extremity in either direction, but he, like most, was comfortable with flying by the seat of his pants when it suited him. In this case, he didn't have a detailed itinerary in mind when crafting his journey. It was as simple as, Where should I go? Anywhere but here. After all, he was in a place where nothing he wanted to get away from was seemingly present anywhere. The world, and his religion, was indeed his oyster. But, he did need to survive. "Might as well find a place to stay for the night," he mouthed to himself as he continued moving onward.

It wasn't like Silverbrook was this completely empty barren wasteland or anything, sure it wasn't stupidly crowded or anything, but you could pretty much always count on there being some folk about. But this was Emberfall. When the region surrounding Silverbrook opened up as it closed down, this is where people flocked. It wasn't exactly a rainbow of colors, all the buildings had peach-colored walls and golden roofs, creating more of a homogenous, unary atmosphere, but it was still a welcoming one. There was no strict theocracy here, the demographics were more of a simple representation of who and who was out there. A much-needed departure from tradition and elusivity, according to Talon.

With a large mixture of people residing and traveling in Emberfall, it's no surprise that some would appear to be in better shape than others. Talon only had to walk a few blocks before encountering an old man sitting alone on the ground with a small arsenal of thin clothing and a blanket. He wore only a thin white shirt that frankly looked too large for his body, a thin pair of short pants, a pair of sandals, and he was holding a ragged yellow blanket in his arms. He seemed to have everything in the galaxy going against him, but there were no tears or frowns as far as Talon could see. Generosity took over.

"Um, hey man. Are you...okay," Talon asked gently. The man immediately raised his head and looked at him.

"Well, the day certainly is more than 'okay'! What beautiful sunshine that has been gifted upon us all today." The man had an unusually profound smile on his face.

"Yes, but I see you're lying down on the hard pavement. I can't help but wonder if you need help." Talon's concern did not prepare him for any response other than what he expected.

"Yeah, my house burned down. I've always lived alone. Probably about time it bit the dust. But yeah, I'm living out here now. Probably gonna scavenge for food in a bit." The man didn't seem upset in the slightest. Talon began reaching into his pocket.

"Well, I mean, I've got some stuff for you, if you need to-"

"Oh, no thank you. Your generosity is appreciated, but it pales in comparison to what Elionor has given me."

Talon was silent. The man continued.

"He has given me life, and he has given me a city where I can scavenge for food. Suffering is a part of our existence, but I'm always grateful to Elionor for what I have. And I have hope on my side, too. Someday I know all will improve to perfection, even if beyond this life. May He bless you, kind soul!" With those words, Talon simply nodded his head and walked away.

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