Chapter 1: Releasing the Grasp

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"The grace of Elionor shall enlighten us on this day, for all the world's wonders and secrets are created by Him, with a drop of His paint a blank canvas is turned into all that was, all that is, and all that will be. The power of Elionor shall bless us on this day, for we are His people, His children, His servants and His friends, bound together by our sacred mission to protect His land and to spread His word. We shall never rest, for neither did He, the greatest of all artists, king of kings, God of Gods, when He gave us the greatest gifts of all."

This was the third time within the past hour that Talon Crest's father, Father Silas Crest, priest of the Silverbrook Holy Church of Celestial Luminism, recited those words. They were followed by a chorus of "Praise be to the almighty Elionor, strike down the devil Malachaiel for us each day!" The words echoed within the beautifully painted walls and the intensely crafted architecture. A kaleidoscope of sound would surround the interior of this fabulous building several times a day when the townspeople of Silverbrook would enter the church building and perform their church service, which often included reciting prayers, listening to passages from The Radiant Codex, the holiest of books, and participating in chantings such as this one, where it seemed like everyone was joining in. Everyone except Talon.

If there's one overarching statement that could be accurately made about Celestial Luminism, it's that it was much like the other religions. Out of the several thousands of religions that existed in this land, Celestial Luminism had very little unique to offer. There were church gatherings, rituals, and holy artifacts and landmarks just like in any other religion. Yes, its central god (Elionor) and its central devilish counterpart (Malachaiel) have unique names and stories, and some of the more nitpicky morals were unique as well, but otherwise, just about every other aspect of this religion was just like that of others.

Including the tendency for its followers to become fiercely loyal to the faith. That's the one thing Talon secretly hated most about the local religion, although there were several more. He was angry enough about the church's refusal to progress into modern society or its often bigoted and preferential morals or especially its history of hierarchical abuse, but above all he absolutely hated it when a member of the church would go absolutely bonkers over the smallest "insult" to the religion. Sometimes things got violent. More than a few lives would be taken. And the worst part was that it was all condoned by both the religion itself and, thus, Silverbrook's theocratic administration.

Talon's fiery train of thought came to a gradual halt as the church service faded away until it transformed into a vibrant social gathering. The rituals were over, the songs, the chantings, the prayers, the readings. Now came the final stage of a day at the church, which was reminiscent of a much more casual party-like get-together. Talon didn't say anything at these socialization sessions for a long time. He was never the talkative type, and to be honest he wanted as little communication with these religious fanatic types as possible. As with all social gatherings, this one eventually came to a natural end and more and more people merrily strolled out the church doors.

"Is everything alright, my son? I can't help but worry about you," Father Silas quietly said, walking towards Talon, his normal speaking voice a significant contrast from his loud preaching.

"I'm alright. Is there anything particular that worries you?" Talon gave this exact response to this exact question several times before.

"Well, I've said this before, but you don't seem to be all that interested in our church. I don't see you as one of our active members."

"I prefer to worship in my own personal, solitary way. Is there a problem with that?"

"I don't know...." Father Silas said in a low voice, even quieter than before. "Other people might be this 'solitary' behavior of yours."

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