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The euphoria of his win followed James out to the bleachers where he greeted me on the sidelines after his game.

The mid-December, icy chill had me in a sweatshirt and still shivering, my face no doubt as red as the school banner across the top of the bleachers to my back.

"Hey!" James called as he approached, throwing his jersey over his shoulder on top of the duffel bag strap.

I rubbed my hands together to warm them as he slowed to a stop in front of me. "Hey! Great game! Congratulations!"

He didn't dance around the impulsive thoughts as he usually did-an after effect of the win, I'd excuse- and wrapped me in his warm embrace. I could feel his heart racing against me, and after a second of hesitation I gave into my own desire and burrowed my face against the warmth of his sweater.

"Thanks." he eventually whispers, keeping his fingers intertwined with mine as we headed for the lot. "Did you enjoy yourself?"

I made a gesture toward my cold face with my free hand, "Outside of freezing, it was great. Reminded me of my childhood, watching the high school football games with my dad."

He chuckled, "Feeling a bit nostalgic tonight then, I take it?"

"Definitely." I flashed a quick smile, then asked, "Where's Chris?"

I hadn't seen him on the field, but in his defense, I hadn't been watching much outside of James, if I were being honest.

"He's actually heading to your apartment." James said it with a laugh. "He has plans that may or may not involve you needing to be stolen for the night."

"Ugh." I groaned, slapping a hand against my face to rid the image of my best friend and Chris from my mind." "I could have lived the rest of my life without that mental image."

James grinned, "You're welcome. I had to live with it, so now you do too."

I nudged him with my elbow, shaking my head in amusement. It wasn't until we'd reached his Camero that he leaned over the trunk and raised a brow, "You free to go to dinner tonight?"

Surprised, it took me a few minutes to process the question, "Are you asking me out on a date?"

"Depends on your answer."

"My parents have Danni for the night." I reassured. "I told them the game may run a little late. They didn't have an issue. Though, my mom is still waiting to meet you, James."

He grimaced at the thought of meeting my parents, "It's not personal. I just. . I've got some trauma with parental figures."

"I know. She gets that."

He diverted the subject back to the original question, "So, is that a yes?"

"Yes, James. I'll go to dinner with you."

It's not until I'm secured in the car and he shuts the door and walks around the car to open his door that he starts speaking again.

"It's a good thing you said yes, because I have a reservation for Mariano's at nine and we have about forty-five minutes to hit my apartment, get ready, then head over there."

I gawked at him the entire ride back to his apartment, but he didn't give me any time to respond. He helped me from the passenger side and we hurried up to his apartment.

"I don't even have clothes here, James. How—"

The words quickly died on the tip of my tongue when I found a white bag draped over the back of the recliner with my name in Lindsey's messy handwriting on a sticky note.

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