Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Feeling betrayed by my older brother, I decided to make my own way home through the forest. As I ventured deeper into the forest, excitement mingled with thread of guilt. I have never walked this way alone , I know the forest is alive, and it can be dangerous.

I follow the winding path that meanders deeper into the forest, lined with a rich tapestry of fallen leaves and pine needles. Towering trees line the trail, their branches forming a verdant celling overhead, Golden sunlight filters through leaves, casting patterns of light and shadow upon the forest floor below.Specks of dust dance in the sunbeams, it beautiful and sometimes out of a fairytale.

Time stretched endlessly as I wandered aimlessly, each step leading me deeper into the unknown.The path twists and turns, and the sunlight dims and begins to cast shifting shadows that obscured familiar landmarks.

I suddenly realised , I am lost.

Panic gripped my heart. Every rustle of leaves a whisper of unseen dangers.  With each passing moment, the forest seemed to close in around me, suffocating me with its silent embrace. Alone and scared, I turn and re trace my steps, struggle to find my way back, and I come across a circular clearing in the forest.

Heart pounding, I froze, as in the treeline across from me, i saw a monstrous grey timber wolf, towers above his pack.

Its body is wrapped in a sleek, dark spectral grey fur that blends in with the forest shadows. Gleaming eyes, like ice, reflect feral intelligence.
Scarred and battle-worn, his presence instilled fear. Razor-sharp teeth, blood-stained, speak of a thirst for blood.

His howl chills my bones and plants my feet on the ground. I am unable able to move until its ears twitched, and then his huge head snaps towards me. Its massive form moved with predatory grace. Powerful legs propelled him forward with explosive force, each stride covering great distances in a blur of motion.

The sudden movement fueling my frantic flight. Fear fueled me as I raced through the dense forest, branches slashing at my skin, lungs burning with exertion. Every heartbeat echoed like a drumbeat of terror, urging me to push harder to escape

I could hear his sleek body weaved through the underbrush, closing the distance with terrifying speed. His paws created rhythmic echo as they hit the ground .

Agonizing pain shot through every fibre of my being as the wolfs jaws clamped down on me. Sharp teeth pierced my flesh, sending waves of excruciating torment coursing through my body. I cried out in agony, his grip unyielding as I struggled in vain. 

The forest fell silent. All I could hear was the pounding of my heart and the triumphant growl of the monster. Overwhelmed by pain and fear, darkness closed in around me like a suffocating blanket. My vision blurred, the world spinning into oblivion as my senses dulled. With a final, feeble gasp, I succumbed to unconsciousness. At that moment, I knew my fate was sealed.

Threshold of Enchantment: The Veiled Passage Between RealmsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora