Chapter 28

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"It's truly amusing, you really think the boy is still alive!" Felix Faust mocked, his body hidden behind the large frame of his demon. "You see, I killed him myself as soon as I got the order."

The words hit Kara like a raging flame dragon, causing her to freeze in place as she tried to process the information. In truth, Kara hadn't been very close to Red Arrow, but he was working with her. She had spoken with him, given him equipment, even lead him in the Prof. Morrow raid. In a way, he had been her responsibility.

Kara knew that continuing to use him as a mole against the Light was a huge risk but, in the end, it hadn't been his failure that caused his death. Damn it all.

Kara noticed a red haze starting to fill her vision and had to stop herself from moving. She wanted nothing more than to tear into the damn Sorcerer, but she knew that, if she gave in, she'd probably slaughter the whole base, and that wasn't who she wanted to become.

Taking a breath, she forced herself to think. Accelerating her thoughts until the world around her seemed to be moving slowly.

Once again, Kara was thankful for her armor, her enemies couldn't see the conflict on her face as she desperately tried to think about the situation. She was angry, no, she was beyond angry. Kara wanted nothing more than to rip Faust's head off his shoulder and stomp on it, but she knew that acting harshly would only cause problems.

Should she kill them all? She definitely wanted to, but then what? Rao damn it all, Kara didn't have the training for this kind of thing, her accelerated thoughts helped, but even then, it couldn't solve everything.

"Faust, what's the meaning of this?" Talia frowned, her hand still holding the remote control. "Deal with the intruder already."

Kara glanced at the woman and activated every sensor on her armor, she also used her x-ray vision to look inside the remote. She detected at least another five controls working on the same frequency amongst Talia's followers, as well as a deadman switch that would trigger the explosives if Talia was killed.

She was probably fast enough to disable them all anyway, but there was nothing stopping someone from triggering them from outside the room, Kara detected at least two cameras on the cave already.

Her armor could probably block the signal, but could she take the risk? Did she ever care? If she wasn't gonna use the Pit, she couldn't care less if it was destroyed.

Kara assumed the Pit was a Lazarus Pit, used to resurrect Ra's every time the old bastard was killed but, could she trust it with Red Arrow? Kara wasn't an expert on the Lazarus Pit but, from what she remembered, every time it was used on a hero, things didn't turn out well.

From what she remembers, the Lazarus Pit had been used twice to resurrect two different Robins and, both times, it had caused them to go crazy. Kara had to wonder if Ra's al Ghul had always been so crazy, or was he such a warped person because of the Pit's influence?

Using the display on her armor, Kara ordered her drones to reconfigure themselves and waited. She decided that she was willing to let her enemies talk as long as it gave her time to think and plan. It would also give her enemies time to think, but Kara had a huge advantage there. She was convinced that she'd get far more from whatever time was brought, even if it was incredibly hard to hold back her rage.

"In a moment. I believe I have to deal with you first, my dear." Faust said, tapping a finger against his chin in thought. "After all, the intruder isn't threatening my goal right now. You are."

"What's the meaning of this? Your master should have been clear on your orders, Sorcerer, obey them!" Talia said, her voice hard, Kara saw the woman's eyes subtly glancing all around the room, trying to find a way out of this situation.

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