Graduation ceremony

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Athena POV

"It's a beautiful day for a graduation ceremony". My mother told me while hugging me tightly.

She is much more excited about this ceremony than I am. I don't like being the center of attention, especially when it is in front of the whole school and a crowd that we have to walk in front of.

"Yes it is but do I really need to walk mom?" Begging again to not make me.

"Yes! You have worked so hard and we will cherish this forever. Plus, I need pictures baby". Showing me her camera that she takes everywhere with her.

"Okay mom, let's go before we're late". I tell her rushing out the door.

Once we step outside I see Tara rushing out of her house too. She is my best friend and neighbor. We grew up together. She always has my back and I have hers. We're a lot alike but, she is much more outgoing than I am.

"Wow Thea you look hot!" She yelled over to me making me blush.

I just wore a light pink silk dress with my gown over it. Tara wore a black dress that made her curves look amazing.

"You look beautiful Tara, like always". Grabbing her hand we started walking to the limo while our parents were talking.

Of course our parents rented a limo for the occasion, typical of them to go all out.

"Are you excited for your vacation to Hawaii together?" Taras mom, Brie asked us.

"Yes! We can't wait to have a getaway and let loose!" Tara screeched out making my ear drums pound. She was always so peppy but I love her. She makes everyone around her happy.

"I am glad we can all go together, it will be so much fun". I smiled at her.

"What do you guys want to do when we go?"

"I want to swim with the dolphins!" Tara jumped taking my arm with her.

"Calm down Tara you're going to make the driver wreck the car". I told her laughing at her excitement.

"Oh shush you will love the dolphins too". She said sticking her tongue out at me.

The car came to a halt and we stepped out. Everyone was standing around all dressed up while the whole area was decorated for the graduates.

"Come on let's go get in our seats!" Tara grabbed my hand and started running.

"Hey! Slow down before I fall!" I yelled at her barely keeping up with these heels on.

She just giggled at me and kept on going but slowed down a bit.

We made it to our reserved seats and waited for the ceremony to begin.

"Of course our parents got first row". Tara pointed at them while laughing.

"They are going to embarrass us, oh gosh!" Covering my face, I know this is going to be a nightmare.

Once I turn back around what I see instantly makes me freeze.

Standing up next to our parents is Tara's older brother Luke. I haven't seen him in 2 years since he went to college. He barely comes home.  We used to be really good friends but he started changing and became somewhat mean and distant.

I used to have the biggest crush on him but I know he would never like me like that. I have never even had my first kiss let alone a boyfriend.

"Luke is home!" Tara started yelling his name and waving making everyone look over at us like we were crazy.

Luke turned his head around towards us and his eyes went directly to me. He looked me up and down, stopping at my eyes. His cold gaze making me shiver and frozen in place.

He has changed so much. He is muscular and clearly has tattoos all over. He looks scary but at the same time inviting.

He sees me looking him over and smirks at me. I quickly look away, feeling my face redden. I make sure to sit down before I pass out.

I quickly grabbed Tara's arm pulling her down to the seat next to mine.

"What's wrong Thea?". She questioned seeing my face.

"What? Nothing, just everyone's looking at us. Let's get this over with and get out of here". I told her ready to leave already.

"We got this Thea, take a breath." She told me while squeezing my hand. She knows I get panic attacks, especially when there's a ton of people around.

"Good evening everyone! Let's start our ceremony off with the national anthem" I hear the principal loudly in front of us on the microphone telling us it's time to start.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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