Monster and the willow 3/3

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The rest of us come together to the spot where the monster was last seen and Stella blasted a sun ray at the monster but it only ended up killing a fish. "Oops.."

"Where did that thing take Musa.." I said slightly panicked "calm down, we will save her." Tecna said confidently "but how, water isn't our element.."

Flora snapped her fingers and we all looked towards her hoping she had a plan "..we can make air bubbles! Like the water nymphs do." Tecna smiled "that could work. Is everyone ready?" Everyone nodded and waved their hands in the air to form individual bubbles around us.

"Now for the final touch locks luminous"  our bubbles hardened and we all dived into the sea.

"Can you see anything?" I asked curiously and floes points to a underwater cave "let's go, this might be our chance to get Musa back."

The monsters mouth was opened slightly and Musa was unconscious. The monster seemed to be waking up and without thinking I dived into its mouth. And it was a good thing I did, the monster closed it's mouth seconds afterwards.

I unlocked my bubble and quickly grabbed onto Musa before remaking and locking my bubble again. I closed my eyes to concentrate on one thing getting us out of here.

I opened my eyes again and saw we were out. "W-what?" Musa said confused as she was still in my arms. "Musa! You're alright!" I said happily and she gave me a weak smile but immediately frowned as the monster roared at us; it x aused for the debris to come down at us.

"We've got to get out of here!" Stella said worryingly and we all swim up, once we we're out of the water the bubble popped.

As once as we land on the island Stella sighed in exhaustion from the events. "That was too close for comfort.."

"Where are we?"  Flora said as she looked around. "Maybe it's the island?" I said and Tecna nodded "if that's the case we should definitely keep our eyes open."

Stella yawned "why the monsters gone, right? There's nothing to be afraid of." Tecna sighed at Stella's ignorance words. "The monster isn't gone Stella. He's just retreated back." We began to walk deeper into the island.

"Have you seen these trees before Flora?" I asked curiously but felt myself growing weak by the second.  Flora frowned and stared at the tree in slight tiredness. "They look like red willows.." she yawned

Stella yawned again "funny how my yawning is contagious.." Tecna looked at Flora "they seem to be planned in a specific manner." Flora nodded "that's typical of these trees. They grow in a spiral shape around their leader."

Musa yawned "these trees have a leader?" Stella yawned "what a beautiful place to take a nap."  Tecna frowned "it's very quiet. Do you hear the birds." I shook my head "no.." Tecna continued to look suspicious "exactly. Isn't that strange."

"Yeah, it does seem strange.." Musa said before she yawned "what a wonderful smell.." Musa said dreamingly and Tecna smelled the air once more and she grew more suspicious.

"I better analyze this.." Tecna summoned a virtual computer. " can't be this substance is sleeping gas, girls, girls—" tecna froze as she saw them falling asleep.

"Musa?! Don't breath in the air..!" Tecna shook Musa but she was deep asleep. She quickly activated her face shield and saw the other three resting nearby. "Flora, Y/n, Stella..oh no"

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