Tested 2/3

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We found ourselves still at the park even as the sun was starting to set.

"You rode a dragon, seriously?" I said amazed and he nodded "I fell off a few times but I eventually got the hang of it. What about you, how do you think you're gonna do on that test of yours tomorrow" I chuckled before going completely silent.

"..I'll do fine, hopefully..hey, Varian" he looked at me curiously. I didn't say anything as I stared at him, this was one of the few times he'd ever looked confused. He looked absolutely adorable but he was always cute—wait, no, no, no. We're just friends.

"Uh..you said your birthday was last week? Why didn't you tell anyone, I mean it's completely your business and I shouldn't pry but I—" he cut me off. "I never really celebrated my birthday with my family. It became a sort of useless day.." I was surprised by his explanation and we stopped walking momentarily.

He clenched his fist and looked towards the ground. "We only celebrated my birthday when I was six. After that it became almost a hassle to even mention the day to my parents."
"Queen Samara, shall we prepare a birthday party for young Varian. His birthday is next week." A maid asked and the Queen only sighed. "We're too busy to prepare such thing." Queen Samara said not even batting an eye as she spoke out. A young varian stood outside the door, he was hiding and heard everything. Varian felt himself tear up and ran off.

"..I understand your majesty but the Prince hasn't had a celebration since he first came here two years ago." the queen raised an eyebrow and glared at the maid. "I didn't ask for parental assistance; I ask for you to do your job not to focus on our daily lives." The maid immediately went quiet and nodded.
I hugged him and he snapped out of his thoughts. He looked down at me shocked "..y/n?" I kept hugging him and he hugged me back.

"Varian..you never deserved any of that especially at such a young age." I said and looked up at him; he made eye contact with me but doesn't say anything.

I continued to talk. "I don't know anything about your life before we met but..I—what I'm trying to say is that you have people in your life now that will celebrate with you no matter what occasion it is; it doesn't even have to be a celebration, it can be a simple hang out like this!" Varian held onto my waist as we kept hugging.

He teared up but quickly tried to hide it by resting his face on my shoulder. I don't say anything and the two of us continued to hug as Varian was silently trying to hold back tears.
The very next day I was in the bathroom trying to do my hair, maybe put it into a cute bun but I ended up getting distracted as my mind drifted off to Varian—or rather his present.

I already had three gifts in mind but what if he didn't like those, what if he doesn't like pig, snowflakes, or even dinosaurs.

"Y/n, are you almost done, we'll be late for the test today!" Flora called out to me from outside the bathroom. I quickly froze and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair wasn't done yet and it would take too long to do it manually.

"Just a second!" I replied and closed my eyes, I just hoped all those magic lessons will pay off. I snapped my fingers. I hesitated but looked at my hair, it was in a cute low bun with a swoop at the side.

I sighed in relief that I didn't mess up my hair in any sort of way. I quickly got out of the bathroom and grabbed my backpack but it's weight quickly took my down.

"What the stars..why is it so heavy now" I said and tried to pull it up again; this time I succeeded but my arms were hurting.

Flora who was waiting for me near our rooms door looked at me concerned. "You alright, Y/n?" I quickly nodded. "Yeah, yeah, it's probably the potions weighting me down.." I reassured her and she looked at the bag in confusion.


I nodded "yeah to help for the test today!" She understood and smiled. "Well I'm happy you're prepared, Y/n"

"Took you long enough" Stella joked as me and Flora came to the living room where the rest of the girls were waiting for us.

"Sorry I got distracted.." I said embarrassed and Musa laughed a bit. "Well at least you apologized unlike somebody." She eyed stella and stella rolled her eyes. "Very funny Musa" stella said sarcastically.
"I'm so nervous.." Tecna said and Musa nodded. "I just hope we're not first." Musa said and Stella smirked "I think going first will be better, you'll just get it done and over with. Don't you agree y/n?—y/n" she looked at me in disbelief as she saw me scrolling through my phone on Wishes.

"What are you doing?" She asked curiously as she leaned towards me. "Uh..just gift shopping!" I said and she raised an eyebrow "gift shopping, for who?" She asked and I grow silent.

"Now which one of you girls would like to go first" Professor palladium said after he finished working out the simulation.

Everyone grew nervous and no one spoke up. Musa looked over at Stella. "I thought you said you wanted to get this over with?" Musa teased Stella and Stella quickly shook her head "I changed my mind." I laughed at Stellas response and she glared at me.

"As expected. I'll pick the volunteer." Professor palladium said with a smile and everyone froze. My heart froze as he looked around the class, i try to calm myself down but my nerves shot up when he suddenly called my name.

"Y/n, which test did you chose?" Professor palladium said and I would have begged for the ground to swallow me at this point as everyone stared at me.

"Uh—the second one"  Flora lightly elbowed my shoulder "good choice, Y/n" she whispered to me and I only nervously nodded.

"Come on then, you can choose the environment. What will you like?" Professor palladium said calmly to ease my nerves. "Uh..maybe a desolate area?" I said and he nodded before typing.

"There's this fictional planet called Domino. Not much is known about this fictional planet but it's story ranges. However this fictional planet is the saddest most miserable place in the magical dimension." Professor palladium said and I immediately nodded. "Yes, that will do!" I yelled out and everyone froze at my sudden burst of energy.

I grew embarrassed again as everyone stared at me. "Sorry—uh, domino will do.." Professor palladium smiled a bit. "Well then, here it is. As soon as you enter the simulation room Domino will appear around you." I still had my backpack on and my grip tightened on it. 

Professor palladium thought Domino was a legend? But how. No one seems to remember the planet even existed besides me, Darwin, and our nanny. How did he know about Domino even if he believes it's a legend.


I snapped out of my thoughts as Professor palladium called out to me. He was standing next to the simulations entrance door. "Whenever your ready." He said calmly and I nodded. "Uh—just to be sure I brought some potions with me is that okay?" I asked quickly and he nodded. "Of course, you can take whatever you want." He said and then he opened the door.

"There you go. The test will last thirty minutes. I'll be in the computer room controlling everything. Remember do your best." Professor palladium said and the girls immediately shouted out some good lucks to me.

"Good luck!"  Flora said

"You got this!" Musa said shortly after with a thumbs up.

"You'll do amazing!" Stella gave me a bright smile.

"Figure it out" Tecna said confidently in my abilities and Stella raised an eyebrow. "What kind of encouragement is that." Tecna rolled her eyes and got defensive. "The most logical kind."

I smiled a bit at them "thanks girls.." I said before stepping out of the room.

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