Our new beginning

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I opened my eyes but quickly closed them seconds later because of the blinding lights. "Hmm?" I let out a quick and tired hum as I kept opening my eyes again until they adjusted to the lights.

"Mom made breakfast" I opened my eyes only to be met by familiar green eyes.


Darwin is my twin brother he was a few feet taller than me and we have similar features beside our eyes. I had my mothers amber eyes and he inherited our fathers signature green eyes.

"Kids, dinners ready!" our fathers voice boomed from downstairs, I got up from bed and we walked downstairs. "Ah, Darwin you were actually able to wake her up" our father laughed, and our mother hit his arm playfully.

Our father was drinking some coffee as he went through his piles of work. "Honey what did I say about work at the dinner table?" Dad immediately placed the paperwork on the floor and smiled at mom.

"Sorry honey" mom chuckled and placed a hand on his shoulder, I smiled at them but my smile faltered when the clouds turned grey and it began to thunder outside. "Oh my.." my mom smiled, her smile became wide as she transformed into an old lady dressed in a black cloak.

The lady laughed and a second lady appeared behind her laughing at me. "Y/n!" Darwin called out for me, I turned and saw him running towards me only for the ground to open up and swallow him whole.

"DARWIN!" I yelled ready to dive after him but the ground went back to normal. I began to punch the floor begging for it to open up for me but nothing; the ladies began to circle me, laughing at my despair as I continued to hit the floor.


My eyes shot open as I sat up "Huh?" Darwin looked at me concerned as he sat on my bed. "You're crying again, did you have another nightmare?" I slowly nodded and he let out a sigh "I know you miss them but don't cry we will get our parents back" he said determined, and I could help but smile at my brothers words.

"I forgot to tell you our acceptance letters came" my brother said causally; I look at him dumfounded at his casually response to the letters coming in. "Really-this isn't a prank right?" he whistled and our robotic kitty named blaze bursted inside.

Blaze was a small baby kitten, he had white fur along with Icy blue eyes.

As he approached us I noticed he had two envelope's in his mouth, my brother placed his hand to his level and Blaze put the letter's in his hand. Darwin handed me an envelope and began to open his envelope.

"Did you get accepted?" I asked nervously even though it was obvious to both of us that he was gonna get accepted due to his genius brain and combat skills. He handed me the paper and I quickly scanned it before I saw a green check mark on it. "You got in!" I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"It's only natural I would get in, but thank you." I rolled my eyes at his cockiness but began to open my letter. He quickly scooted closer to me to get a closer look at my letter.

"Dear Y/n we are happy to inform that you have been accepted to alfea!" Darwin read out loud in an excited tone. "I knew you could do it" I smiled at him and Blaze meowed as he jumped on my lap.

"Where's Miss Monica, I'm sure she would wanna hear the good news." Darwin shrugged "she's probably still asleep, you know Miss Monica is a deep sleeper."

Monica is an old lady who would constantly watch us when we were younger. She still watches over us to this day and has promised she will continue to watch us until we can save our planet.

"I can't wait to go to Alfea" I smiled looking at my letter "yeah it almost like a refresh for us both." Darwin said as he petted Blaze who was currently moving himself closer to Darwin so he would get more pets.

I laid my head on his shoulder and looked back at our letters again "yeah it's our new beginning.."

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