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No one's POV:
    After a long day doing paperwork with Ben, Tatiana decides to head back to her dorm room. As she walks into her dorm room she looks at the time. "It's only 3 o'clock?" She looks shocked. "No wonder Ben looked at me weird when I said I'm going to go eat dinner and get ready for bed!" Tatiana thinks.

     She sits on her bed and gets her sketch book out. She continues sketching a portrait of her parents and siblings for family day, when her roommate, Maddison {The mad hatter's daughter}, comes in from her date with Tatiana's brother, Tyson. "How was it?" Tati asks. "He's amazing! Always the charmer! How was your day?" Maddison asks. "Tiring. We made our first Proclamation" Tati replies as their friend, Ally, Alice in the wonderland's daughter comes in. "Ooh..what's the first Proclamation?!" Ally squeals. "Uhm..to let 5 kids off the Isle..." Maddison frowns, "What? Why would you do that?" Ally also frowns, "You're supposed to stick up for us and disagree with all of Ben's dumb ideas!" Tatiana sighs. "That's the thing you guys...it wasn't Ben's idea at first. It was mine."

    Ally and Maddie just look at her in shock before one of Tatiana's brothers, Thomas, comes in with Chad on his tail. "WHY IN THE WORLD DID YOU LET BEN GO ON WITH HIS STUPID ID-" Thomas yells before getting cut off by Ally, "It was her idea." Tatiana continues sketching her family, looking disappointed at her friends and brother's reaction, "I thought it was a good idea!" Chad scoffs, "How would that be a good idea? Their villans!" Maddie sighs, "We shouldn't judge them by who their parents are, maybe we should get to know them?" Ally smiles, "That's a gre-" She squeaks as she gets cut off by Chad, "That's the 2nd worst idea I've heard today!"

    They start arguing until they hear a knock on the door. "Come in" Maddie says. The door opens, revealing Jane and Lonnie. Jane squeaks, "Tati! Why are you guys letting villains come?!" Lonnie growls, "Jane! I said let's get to know them! I can't believe that half the school is judging them because of their parents! I mean, look at me and Tatiana! We're nothing like our parents!" Tatiana gasps. "Rude!"

    Everyone starts laughing. Jane sighs, "They're still creepy to me, but I'll just try ignoring them." Lonnie groans, "Fine..." Lonnie and Jane leave. Ally and Maddie take Tati out to get ice cream, while Thomas takes Chad to go study for Chemistry. Half the school, including Audrey, Chad, and most of Tatiana's siblings, are upset about their first Proclamation but don't complain since they need a King and Queen who sees the good in everything.

Word count-463

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