The golden yellow and brown molly stepped between the two new cats who were glaring at each other before they started to fight. "I'm Finch," she told Tetra and Feathers. "Pheasant and I live here because of what happened in the city, it used to be our home until a few days ago. Have you heard what happened?" The small cat asked the other two cats.

Feathers' eyes widened. "Wait, what happened?" He asked, now very concerned about what happened.

"The place is a mess! A cat named Lightning has taken over and if cats refused to join him they were killed!" Finch exclaimed in horror. "A group of three cats were kidnapped by Lightning! It was a mother and her two daughters, and they couldn't escape!" She finished informing the two other cats.

"Any cats who have escaped are being hunted down by Lightning and his cats. Monsoon and Hurricane are after me and Finch," Pheasant added with a small shake of his head in sadness.

"What's wrong?" Feathers asked the larger tom cat. He expected the worst, he was pretty sure he was going to say something like one of their littermates being killed. He was one hundred percent right.

Finch looked at Feathers with sad light green eyes, "Our brother, Fox, was killed by Monsoon and Hurricane. He died saving me and Pheasant, we were being chased and he ran off in the other direction where they followed him and we knew he was killed when there was a large screech followed by meows of victory from the other two cats that were chasing us," Finch finished explaining before stroking her brother's back with her tail.

Tetra looked at both of them. "Me and my friends are going to California soon so we can end Lightning's rule over the streets and save the rest of the cats to give them peace. We need some more skilled paws to help, what do you say?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.

Pheasant and Finch looked at each other and whispered a few things before the golden and brown cat spoke up. "We're in."

"Great! Follow us!" Feathers exclaimed trotting back to the yard that they were living in.

When the group of cats arrived Silver was there looking at Finch and Pheasant with interest. She had gotten back to where they lived and at her paws were two dead crows.

"This is Silver," Tetra explained to the two cats behind him. "She is the one who originally started our small group of cats. When we go to battle later against Lightning, she will heal and take care of cats that are wounded."

Finch and Pheasant nodded at what Tetra had said about the silver cat with narrowed green eyes.

"Wait. If we are all going to battle we need a plan. Do you already have a plan?" Pheasant asked, his amber eyes narrowed in concentration, he slightly resembled Silver now.

"We sure do! I'm glad that you asked!" Feathers chirped with a smile before continuing to speak, "We plan to find a group of cats that are friendly and have been in the city for a while. We then will seek out a cat who is good with their surroundings and that would help us make up a plan for how to approach Lightning. Before we do that though, we'll gather a large group of cats and teach them how to fight. After we figure out the approach we'll follow through and try to end Lightning's rule over the city with words rather than combat. If he disagrees then we will have to rely on fighting. If we lose then we will all meet up in a spot and discuss a new plan. Is that a good idea?" The blue-gray tabby asked Finch and Pheasant.

"Yes, it's a great plan! I also wanted to ask if I could help out Silver. With so many cats that will be in this idea, there will be a lot of injuries if a battle happens. I don't think Silver could take care of that many cats, so I just really want to help," Finch explained to Silver, Feathers, and Tetra.

"This is not me or Tetra's call. Silver, what do you think?" Feathers asked the female cat, his tail flicking around quickly as he anxiously waited for an answer.

Silver thought for only a few moments before she smiled and let out a small rumbling purr. "Finch, I think you'd be a great assistant. You will help me heal the injured cats, and together, I think we will save a lot of lives," she spoke before walking over to Finch and licking her head.

The golden cat jumped around excitedly, "Thank you so much! This is amazing! I'm going to learn so much from you and make a difference and save lives!"

The young cat was only a bit younger than Feathers but was so excited about Silver saying yes that she looked like a kitten who just opened their eyes.

"Pheasant, you look like a strong cat." Tetra started off to the oddly colored cat. "Would you like to train with me and Feathers in battle tactics every day so that you can be one of the cats in the front lines helping to fight for our rightful freedom?" The black cat's eyes were very large as he hoped he would say yes.

Pheasant thought for a while before nodding with the slightest smile, "I would love to," he decided. He padded over to Tetra and laughed a bit when the black cat looked up at him with his jaws parted.

"You're so much bigger than me. I never realized how much muscle you have." Tetra said to him with his jaw dropped.

Even though Pheasant and Finch were siblings, Pheasant was born in a much earlier litter, so he was way older than Finch and he was actually the oldest cat there, kind of like how Tetra and Starling used to be.

"So, what are we waiting for? Are we training or not?" Feathers asked all of them with a lot of enthusiasm in his higher voice.

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