the fall

21 1 11

An:First chapter yay :D

Also I want people to guess who gave illusion the wound because it will be relevant later

Illusions pov:

I was falling

I could feel several branches hit against my body.

My body hurt and pounded like someone had set me on fire and then doused me in gasoline.

I groaned as my body fell ontop of something soft.

I don't remember what happened to me.

It was all fuzzy to me.

All I could remember was a fuzzy face and it saying stay safe and stay out of trouble.

I held my head in my clawed hands.

"Where am I?"I questioned myself as I wobbly stood up.

I held the red jacket that was in my arms.

I heard groaning and looked behind me to see a figure in white and gold with a gold mask.

He was laying on his stomach groaning in pain.

I hissed Slightly and backed up.

He slowly stood up and we stared at eachother.

"What in the titan"He yelled pointing at me as he held a staff.

I growled.

"who are you"He growled holding some sort of staff contraption.

I started at whoever this was with harsh but curious eyes.

"Why do you ask"I growled watching him for Slight movements.

He sniffed the air.

"Is that you, you smell like something died in your hair before being doused in rotten food"he said snarkilly.

I growled angrily.

"Hey!"I snarled"you don't smell great yourself Goldy!"

I felt a sharp pain through my side.

Adrenaline was probably wearing off by now.

I looked down to my side and there was a large green slash.

It oozed dark red blood, staining the blue shirt I was wearing.

I groaned and fell down to my knees holding my side.

"That looked like it hurt,are you ok?"He asked,he seemed to be genuinely worried.

I couldn't tell if he was faking and mocking me of being genuine.

I growled as he neared and I swiped at him.

"Calm down Darius will not like it if I come back with a ripped uniform again"He said grumpily.

My side hurt like hell,I gripped it as my eyes filled with tears.

It was letting this stranger in a strange place help me or die bleeding out In this Forrest.

I whimpered and collapsed on the floor.

The stranger stepped back slightly and seemed like he didn't know what to do.

I looked at him as the green slash hurt and throbbed,like something serrated was clawing at it over and over again.

All I could say before passing out was

"Help me"

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