Two weeks

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It was two weeks ago. Two weeks ago those two lines showed clearly. Much clearer then the first test he's taken. They were both so excited. Finally it was happening to them. They weren't planning on telling people right now but wait to eight weeks to be on a he little safer side. Sirius is not the best at keeping secrets. For Remus it felt like he had watched him trying to talk to James alone. Lets just say he had stopped that.

"Mhm" Sirius mumbles to some answers the other person on the phone was talking about. Remus walks up to the bed sitting down at his feet. Sirius followed him with his eyes.

"Don't say" Remus gesturers. Sirius looked annoyed and looses the eye contact.

"Alright James got to go Remus is trying to talk to me i guess?" After hearing James responds he hangs up the phone.

"Can't you trust me?" He looks back into his eyes.

"Sirius of course I trust you it's just that this is a big secret" Remus strokes his finger against Sirius leg.

"I haven't told him yet"

"I haven't told anyone either" Remus had. He wasn't planning on telling but last night when Lily called asking how it was it just slipped out.

"Good" Remus gives him a little smile.

"Have you eaten breakfast yet?"

"Yeah sorry if you wanted to join"

"I didn't. I really didn't I still feel so sick" Remus scotches over so he gets closer to Sirius.

"Poor thing" he says sarcastically. Sirius smiles in a sarcastic way back.

"Well I need to get to work but I'll be home at around five since we've got that meeting for the new class thing"

"So I won't see you for" he stops talking and try's to do the math. As he pulls up his finger to start counting Remus speaks up.

"Nine and a half"

"I was getting there." Sirius looked annoyed.

"I could come over for lunch"

"I don't wan to eat it just makes me sick" Sirius cover his face with his hand.

"Your tired?" He looks up yawning and nodding yes. Not getting enough food took a lot more energy.

"Well I'll se you in nine and a half hours" Sirius bumps his shoulder as Remus stand up.

"See you" he walks of. As Sirius hears the door close he picks up his phone again. Regulus had left a message for him. He wrote something about calling him back. To be serious he just scanned the message to get to the point. He calls him and Regulus answer in an instant.

"Hi" He hears Regulus voice.

"Hello, how are you?"

"I'm alright no one is sick so I guess that's a win." He goes quiet for a while before asking "are you feeling better?" Sirius wasn't. Not at all.

"Mhm" he mumbles to get out of the topic.

"Are you sure?" Regulus asked.

"Yeah don't worry about me. How's the kids?"

"Their doing alright Leo has a school sort of play for daycare and he's so excited and it's so cute and Astrid bla bla bla" Sirius loved his nephews and niece but this was the like the only thing happening to anyone. Well except him and Remus.

"So could you come?" Regulus asks. Sirius snaps back into reality.

"When did you say it was again?"

"In two weeks. That's the first of June"

"I think we could make it"

"Can you check? I can't really tell Leo maybe he just hears yes because James can't do anything wrong"

"Wait are you mad at me or James?"

"It's just that I'm always bad cop. James is this 'cool' dad who's just fun"

"I don't know if James can possibly be angry or 'bad' cop to anyone"

"Oh yeah he can"

"What when?"

"So when I was in labor with Sammy I had this awful nurse. So when she commented about the age thing he liked snapped."

"Wait why haven't I heard this part before?"

"Don't tell James I told you."

"So that why" Since they have had their problems before Sirius and Regulus tried to spend more time together. Since they were both home all the time. Sirius working from home and Regulus being a stay at home dad they both had quit a bit of free time. This time they tried to bond with each other.

"They sort of like kicked him out. So Sammy saw James for the first time like maybe an hour  after being born. Well after my pain meds started dosing off and I could say that I wasn't like getting mistreated at home"

"Are you kidding? That's hilariously bad"

"Yeah I guess that could be why he doesn't like being 'bad' cop"

"I don't like you calling James bad it sounds like you mean like sexy bad"

"Who said I didn't?" Sirius could practically see Regulus smirking thru the screen.

"You seriously scare me." Regulus giggled.

"What are you doing for lunch?"

"Nothing special" Sirius said.

"Wanna go out and get lunch together?"

"I don't know if-"

"I'll pay please I'm just alone in this house with Astrid and she's literally driving me insane"

"Alright sure"

Author here
I am now realizing I've already written a similar chapter but you just got to live with that 😘. So schools ending soon meaning I have like a million tests. I try to release a new chapter weekly anyways. If anyone has anything they wanna hear happen please comment I'd love some ideas

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