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"You're an idiot" the young H/C haired girl spoke as he watches the white haired boy attempt to jump off from the roof of his manor.

"Just you watch, I'm not going to hit the ground! I'm Satoru Gojo damn it!" the eleven year old boy yelled as he stepped back to gain momentum before jumping.

Sensing the boys lack of cursed energy to actually activate infinity, the young girl sighed as she watches the boy fall to the ground with a loud thud.

"Argh!" the boy yelled as pain coursed through his body. "Y/N! Y/N! Help mee!!"

Just a few months ago, the boy looked at her like she was some insect when she first arrived at the Gojo estate. But after a few months of roping her into his shenanigans, he began to slowly warm up to her, enjoying her nonchalant yet somewhat caring personality towards him.

Letting out another sigh, the girl approached him and examined his body. "Lady Kanna said that you should stop acting reckless, it's unbecoming for an heir like you." she said as she bent down and touched his knee, examining his soul.

Slowly, Satoru's body began to feel lighter as the ache and pain gradually faded away.

"I don't get it, is it Reverse Cursed Technique?" the boy asks, not fully understanding the girls ability.

"No, it's just Soul Sight, I'm just reforming your soul to get rid of your injuries." the girl responds as she looked over him making sure there's no scars left.

The boy raises his brow, condufed "I thought you were only able to see through people's souls. Even my Six Eyes get confused."

"I can see, feel and manipulate ones soul."

The boy hummed at the girls answer. "So you're pretty strong after all. Is that why the higher ups want you to protect me? But you look so damn weak. Just because you have loads of cursed energy doesn't mean your frail body can handle a fight." The boy scoffs.

Y/N clicks her tongue "I can take you on a fight, thank you very much. I was trained."

"Oh yeah?"


"Bring it."

After a handful of spars, Satoru lies flat on the floor panting and gasping for air. "I demand another round!" he whines, getting up as he stomped his feet. This brat.

"You've lost, accept it" the girl states, even if she held a stoic expression but deep down, she felt smug about every victory.

"You must've cheated! You said no cursed technique! You must've moved my soul or something!" the boy couldn't believe his defeat. He's the strongest after all, no one could beat him.

The girls movements were fast and her blows were heavy, Satoru simply couldn't keep up. Most of all, he never learns whenever she does this technique where she appears behind him to pin him down. It always catches him off guard and it infuriated him.

Who the hell trained this girl?

"The Zen'in's must've trained you with an iron fist. Lord Naobito must've trained you personally." the boy spat, still salty in his defeat.

"I wasn't trained by him. To them, I'm insignificant, and why would a woman like me be accepted to fight with them? The Zen'in's are scum after all. Their stupid beliefs." Satoru stayed silent, understanding the girl's sentiment. He did try to get along with Naoya once, but his personality just irked him.

"Then who trained you?"

The girl looked at the boy, a bitter smile slowly plastering on her face. "Just some monkey."

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