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The two spent the day roaming the amusement park as they dominated the games with a little bit of using their cursed techniques.

Suguru later learned that Y/N's not much for extreme rides as he witnessed the girl's face turn ghostly pale when they rode the roller coaster. Little does he know it wasn't the ride she feared, it was a memory with a certain white haired boy that resulted with their seat belts getting loose.

At end the day, the pair opted to ride the ferris wheel.

Just perfect, Suguru thought.

It would be one of those cheesy moments where something would be said or done when they reached the top. Suguru's heart was pounding as the operator seated them in a carriage as it started to move.

They were silent as the girl stared in awe with the view. Suguru's lips formed a smile as he watches the girl's eyes sparkle.

"Humans are so weak, aren't they?" the girl spoke, catching the boy off guard. This wasn't the type of conversation he had hoped for.

"Right, and it's up to us, the strong to help them" Suguru responded. The girl looked at him, conflicted at his thoughts.

The girl pursed her lips as she looked down before she spoke. "Why is it that we bare that responsibility? Just because we're given with these... Abilities... Why should it be our burden to bare protecting them?"

"That's a dangerous thought Y/N. We were given this gift for a reason-"

"Is it really a gift?"

The boy stared at her, not knowing how to respond. They're a jujutsu sorcerer, it's their job to protect the weak, this is what they signed up for, at least he did.

Suguru sat up as he formulated his thoughts "There's a reason for everything, why were given this... Why we were chosen to be strong, why we have to protect the weak. To have this strength comes with responsibility, and that just so happens that we protect the normal civilians."

The girl leans for ward, her body language firm as she looked at him with stern eyes "But what if there's no reason? What if... W-what if the world is just unfair that we're the unlucky ones that have this shitty burden?"

Suguru pauses, Y/N's right, in some capacity, they were thrusted this responsibility. At the end of the day, they're just kids. High schoolers. They were too young to fully understand nor see the gravity of their situation. No child should be responsible for the lives of hunderes... Thousands... Millions even.

"What reason would it be if it's something I didn't choose?" the girl says, clenching her hands as her knuckles turned white. That's when Suguru remembered, the binding vow.

At a stupidly young age, Y/N was subjected to such a cruel fate. Suguru's eyes softened as he placed his hand on top of hers.

"I... You told me you've spent your life... Being told that you're supposed to protect Satoru Gojo." He spoke as he looked up to meet her eyes. Her beautiful eyes that reflected the sunset of the amusement park. "You probably felt alone, to walk down a path you're forced into. I guess.. I should've looked at things in your perspective too." The boy smiled, showing her his sincerity.

"Y/N..." he held the girls hand. "If you'd let me, I want to be the one to protect you. You don't have to walk this path alone, I'll stand next to you, to fight with you, to laugh with you, to cry with you."

The girl looked at him wide eyed as she took in his words "... Why?"

Suguru chuckled, feeling stupid and vulnerable that he's spilling his heart out to a girl, but it doesn't matter. Perhaps there's still value to what he believes in, to have power, you should protect the weak. But to be a prisoner of fate, maybe it's okay to let go.

"Y/N... You alone are my reason."

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