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"It's okay Y/N, really..." Suguru says with a pleading voice as he apologetically looked at the girl.

After the whole ordeal, Suguru invited the girl in his room as they now sat face to face across each other, Y/N still not making eye contact with him.

"Satoru fools around like this all the time, I'm used to it." That was a lie, any other person, he'd be okay with brushing it off as a prank, but the fact that it was Y/N that saw him made him want to dig a hole and burry himself in it.

"S-sorry" the girl stutters as she apologized again, her head slowly turning more off his direction. Suguru couldn't help but chuckle, though he too was deeply embarrassed, he couldn't help but admire the view infront of him. He just finds her too adorable.

Standing up, Suguru walks over and grabs her a cold glass of water. "You need to cool off, your face is all red." his words just cased the girl to get more embarrassed, but he can't help but tease her.

Now that he thinks about it, he's surprised she's having this kind of reaction. Being a girl with zero social skills, he didn't expect her to bat an eye if she ever saw a naked man, but nevertheless, he's enjoying himself right now.

"Your room is at the third floor between Nanami's and Haibara's. I'm sure you could tell which one it is since both their doors have mats outside." Suguru chuckles as he tries to shift the subject.

The girl let's put a sigh and nods. "Right... Thank you... Sorry about this." she sheepishly says, still not making eye contact.

Before she could leave, Suguru grabbed her wrist. The girls looks around to finally meet his eyes with a confused stare. "Let's hang out, the two of us, tomorrow." he says with a smile creeping on his face.

Blinking, the girl tilts her head. Hang out? She only hung out with Satoru before, and it usually ends bad, looks like she has to prepare herself tomorrow. "Alright." the girl simply replied, her face shifting back to her stoic expression before turning to leave.

Suguru lies on his bed as he covers his eyes with his arm. Part of him wants to kill Satoru but part of him is thankful he got to see different sides of her today.

Tossing and turning on his bed he couldn't help but feel excited for tomorrow's schedule.

"... It's a date..." he mutters to himself as he tired to sleep. Wishing the night would end faster.

On the floor directly above his was Y/N's room. "Hang out he says..." as she pondered, she prepared her weapons for tomorrow's event.

"I wonder what type of activities Suguru enjoys doing. Hopefully not as chaotic as Satoru's." she sighs as she finally lays on her bed.

Tossing and turning she couldn't get the image out of her head. A topless Suguru...

The girl suddenly jolted up her bed, "Get it together Y/N... You literally used to have baths with Satoru." she says as her face starts burning up.

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